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Chapter 322: Aerial Battle

The white waves surged like a blooming trumpet flower, first rushing towards the sky, then falling heavily, accompanied by a thunderous roar, raising a large spray of water.

The lake water seemed to boil, surging towards the distant shore, raising a high white line.

The splashed lake water quickly calmed down because a huge flesh ball was floating motionless on the lake surface.

Thin mist floated above the lake, and the void beneath the massive flesh ball was nowhere to be seen.

No time to think about how the gigantic flesh ball was floating, Luo's gaze fell on the flying scaled lizard in the sky, his eyes turning cold.

The huge flesh ball didn't matter, nor did it matter if the void beneath it was eradicated. Since the artificial beasts were almost all dead, the only remaining person was that man in the white coat.

"Chairman, my aura membrane isn't strong. If it's not necessary, don't use 'Ren' recklessly when I'm far away. I fear the aura membrane might shatter."

Luo, staring at the scaled lizard flying towards the shore, bent his knees and half-squatted on the ground.

The scaled lizard was about 150 to 200 meters high. As long as the timing and trajectory were right, and with a decent speed, there should be a chance to take it down.

Netero, watching Luo's crouched position and his gaze fixed on the flying beast, vaguely guessed what Luo intended to do. Though surprised, he still asked, "You want to shoot down that little lizard?"

The scaled lizard, as a flying beast, was not impressive in size, but to humans, it was already quite large. Yet in Netero's eyes, it was still just a small lizard.

Just an artificial beast, to Netero, was merely an ant that could be crushed with ease. But he couldn't deny that if the lizard didn't come down, he really had no way to deal with it.

"I have no assurance, but I can try."

Luo said, lifting his right hand. The True Master materialized from the flame tattoo, gripped in his palm.

Nen energy floated over his body, gathering instantly under his feet. Without giving Netero a chance to respond, Luo kicked off with explosive nen energy, his body shooting towards the sky like a barracuda.

Netero initially wanted to suggest something, but Luo's swift action left him no opportunity.

However, he was quite interested in what Luo would do next. As for the remaining threats in the lake, he would take them one step at a time.

In the sky, Dove held the Surprise Box, his expression so gloomy it seemed water could drip from it.

A complete failure.

All the remaining soldiers and teammates had been killed by some strange thing that appeared out of nowhere.

No matter how strong the attack, it had no effect on that bizarre thing. Not only that, but it could control biological weapons and use them at will.

If he hadn't had this last flying soldier, he would likely have become one of the many corpses on the shore.

Dove glanced down at the immobile giant flesh ball in the lake, a monster he had created using the Surprise Box, using all the prisoners and guards in the prison, including the untreated corpses.

He planned to use this monster to deal with the void and then leave Devil Island for other plans. As long as he had the Surprise Box, there was always a chance.


On the way to the shore, Dove suddenly noticed Luo and Netero below, his expression turning cold.


He stared at Netero with gritted teeth. In the next moment, his face changed as he saw Luo rocketing towards him.

First, he was startled, then filled with murderous intent.

"Seeking death!"

On the ground, Dove might not be able to deal with Luo, but in the air, with the scaled lizard, he had an absolute advantage.

As Luo's upward momentum waned, he condensed nen spheres under his feet, using them as support points to propel himself, repeatedly stepping in the air, flying straight towards the scaled lizard.

"My maneuverability in the air isn't as good as that flying beast. There's only one chance. As long as the distance is close enough, I can shoot it down!"

In Luo's plan, it was impossible to accurately touch the flying lizard because his aerial trajectory was straight while the lizard could adjust its direction to avoid him.

So, to shoot down the lizard, he could only close the distance and then attack with a sword imbued with emission-type nen.

As Luo kept ascending, the distance between them quickly closed.

Dove drove the scaled lizard to stop abruptly, then stopped flapping its wings, dropping straight down.

Seeing the lizard's response, Luo frowned. This way, the distance between him and the lizard would only increase.

One falling vertically, one rising diagonally, their paths formed a right-angled triangle.

Dove fell vertically while Luo ascended diagonally.

In the air, Dove with the scaled lizard had an absolute advantage. But he didn't take the initiative to attack Luo; he wanted to wait until Luo's momentum waned and then use his aerial advantage to slowly kill Luo.

Dove's strategy was correct, creating distance first, causing Luo to miss the highest accuracy attack opportunity.

Originally, Dove was above and Luo below, but now, their positions were reversed.

Passing the lizard, Luo stopped stepping in the air, standing straight, letting himself fall towards the ground.

Dove, waiting for a chance, watched Luo falling, his eyes cold with killing intent. He drove the lizard back to avoid Luo's falling point, then looked for an opportunity to attack from above.

The point where they intersected changed again as the lizard moved.

Luo, looking down at the retreating lizard, remained calm and collected.

Suddenly, a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

He gripped his sword tightly, leaning forward, like a shrimp, his eyes like blades, aiming at the lizard below.

Only one chance for a strike!

The whistling wind disturbed his ears, but Luo remained calm, silently calculating the timing.

"Black Cat."

Luo whispered, swapping the sword to his left hand, then flicked his left hand down, summoning Black Cat from the flame tattoo on his backhand, placing it below him.

Black Cat, confused, looked up and saw a pair of feet!


Black Cat cursed, then Luo stomped on it, shooting it like a cannonball towards the ground.

Using Black Cat as a leverage point, Luo's shrimp-like stance straightened instantly, shooting towards Dove like an arrow.

Dove, not expecting Luo to change direction this way, couldn't control the lizard to evade in time.

Luo approached, slashing down with his sword, the blade cutting through Dove's shoulder, passing through his body, and slicing into the lizard's back.

One slash, two parts!

Dove's eyes filled with horror, his upper body sliding off, carried by the wind, drifting down.

Next, the lizard's body split, struggling madly as it fell towards the ground with Dove's lower half.

Luo sheathed his sword, gathering resistance under his feet to slow his descent, coldly watching Dove and the lizard fall.

This slash had already sealed Dove's fate. The remaining flesh ball and void were no longer his concern.

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