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Chapter 659: The Serpent Swallows the Elephant - Controlling the Geometric Star System

"The 513th experiment can begin now!"

In the vast cosmos, within galaxy 0600, inside an advanced research lab, over a hundred Geometric Civilization beings were confined within a colossal apparatus. As terrifying energy pulses struck from all directions, their bodies were shattered into a mass of scattered fundamental particles.

Next, thousands of mechanical limbs extended from every corner. Under some mysterious force, these dispersed particles reassembled into long, elegant azure-colored beings. However, some of the apparatuses remained empty, clearly indicating failures during the final reconstitution phase.

Researcher Ita was about to have someone record the data when the laboratory door was violently pushed open.

The one who barged in was the Disc Leader, Gerter. As soon as he entered, he impatiently asked, "What is the current success rate of the experiment?"

"The success rate has risen to about eighty-five percent. Give me more time, at most two years, no, one year, and I am confident I can raise this probability above ninety-five percent!" Researcher Ita declared firmly.

However, Disc Leader Gerter had no intention of granting him that time.

"Eighty-five percent is enough!"

Gerter could not wait any longer. His lifespan had long reached its limit. To prolong his existence, he had undergone over seventy bodily modifications, extending his life by two thousand seven hundred years. His functions had deteriorated to the extreme, leading to side effects such as limb malfunction and mental confusion. According to the brain's calculations, he had only twenty atomic times left.

Therefore, after attending the meeting, he urgently sought out Ita, directly initiating the human experiments and providing all necessary resources.

These experimental subjects were not forcibly captured, as there was no need for coercion or threats. Within his vast domain, there were over two hundred billion Geometric beings. Among them were adventurers and those whose lifespans were ending yet wished to continue living. It was easy to gather a large number of experimental subjects. The only limitation on the scale of the experiments was the finite supply of magic power.

In just a few months, they had tried countless methods, and this was currently the one with the highest success rate!

Gerter knew very well that energy modification technology could not progress significantly in a short time, and he could not wait any longer!

Eighty-five percent was worth the gamble!

"I give you ten more atomic times to prepare. Ensure the completion of this energy modification at any cost!" Gerter commanded decisively.

Around them, the guards protecting the laboratory pointed their weapons at the researchers, making their intentions clear.

At the brink of death, Gerter could no longer care about anything else and could only use this method to push the researchers to their limits.

Ita felt immense pressure, regretting his hasty acceptance of the Disc Leader's sponsorship. But at this point, he could only bite the bullet and direct the other researchers to adjust the data, trying to optimize the plan further.

Ten hours later, Disc Leader Gerter underwent the energy modification as scheduled. He then stepped into the apparatus, and Ita and his team were extremely tense. When they pressed the confirmation button, their hearts were in their throats.

Terrifying energy beams struck from the top of the apparatus, almost instantly engulfing Gerter's body. His flesh disintegrated layer by layer until it completely vanished.

It was an indescribable pain, but for Gerter, it was the hope of life!

Ita and the other researchers stared at the data on the screen, not daring to relax. They all knew that if the experiment failed, they would likely accompany him in death.

Meanwhile, Gerter found himself immersed in an endless sea of consciousness, a strange experience akin to linking thoughts and memories with the brain.

In the consciousness sea, it was a chaotic darkness, with countless tiny lights flickering continuously, representing all of Gerter's memories.

Among them, one light was the brightest, attracting Gerter's attention immediately. But he soon realized something was wrong. The light vaguely reflected a human figure.

"Why are you here?" Gerter exclaimed in horror, recognizing it instantly. It was the Interstellar Governor of the Magic Empire, Lynn!

"No, it should be you who has entered my territory," Lynn retorted with a smile. This place was part of the Magic Web, merely linked to Gerter's consciousness sea and manifested.

Gerter's ethereal form trembled. Upon seeing Lynn, he realized it was a trap!

The other party had easily handed over the magic, agreeing to the trade request, all for this moment!

Gerter panicked, trying to send an electromagnetic signal, but in the Magic Web, the world of consciousness, all his actions were futile.

Lynn did not hesitate. With a snap of his fingers, chains surged from all directions.

Outside, in the research lab, Ita and the others stared at the massive apparatus, yet they still did not see Gerter's body reconstituted, becoming increasingly anxious.

"Could it be... a failure?" A researcher couldn't help but speak.

Ita's heart sank. Fifteen percent probability—it couldn't be that unlucky...

Just as the guards surrounded them, the apparatus finally showed new changes. A circular azure-colored figure appeared inside, taking the shape of Gerter.

"Success! We've succeeded!" Ita exclaimed excitedly, immediately operating the apparatus to open the protective shield.

The other researchers breathed a sigh of relief, letting go of their tense hearts.

"Lord Gerter, how do you feel? Do you need a physical examination, or would you like to rest first?" An assistant immediately approached, asking thoughtfully.

"No, I feel great, fantastic!" The 'Gerter' who walked out of the apparatus was all smiles, directly declining the assistant's suggestion and continuing, "Report this joyous news to the Disc Council immediately and increase our research investment. I dare say this technology will be the foundation of our advancement to higher-dimensional civilization!"

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