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Chapter 658: The Technological Explosion of Geometric Civilization

Researcher Ita proudly showcased his research achievements to the assembled geometric beings, displaying a giant owl beast confined within an energy shield.

This creature was a native amphibious lifeform from their home planet, known for its tasty meat, and was thus cultivated on many planets. The leaders present were naturally familiar with it.

However, this owl beast was different now. Its entire body was a vibrant blue, and its form rippled like water waves.

Ita extended a limb from his body, lightly tapping the void, causing a light screen to appear. It displayed various data on this energy-transformed owl beast, which could only be described as astoundingly high.

“We found that after energy transformation, the owl beast exhibited extraordinary physical capabilities. Its intelligence significantly improved, retaining complete memory and cognitive abilities. It can even be trained to use electromagnetic waves to transmit information and possesses a unique ability to control elements within a certain range…”

As he spoke, Ita used simple commands to have the owl beast, confined within the energy shield, demonstrate its abilities to the leaders.

In fact, this experiment had succeeded earlier. However, to secure more funding, Ita delayed reporting it and spent fifty atomic hours conducting basic training.

“From any perspective, the life level of energy beings surpasses that of carbon-based beings. This is a feasible path of evolution!” Ita declared passionately.

The geometric leaders present were thrilled. If Ita had not hidden anything in the data, this energy transformation could be perfect, allowing seamless conversion between energy and material states.

This energy called magic was like the fundamental particles of the universe!

“Can you tell me its lifespan?” a ring-shaped leader asked urgently.

“Conservatively estimated, over ten thousand years!” Ita responded confidently.

Ten thousand years... Ita’s answer stunned the geometric beings in the conference hall. Lifespan is a challenge for every living being.

Despite entering the interstellar era and extending their lifespans through physical modifications, geometric beings generally lived between five hundred and a thousand years, depending on their technology. But no one would complain about living longer, especially those in power.

“Have you conducted population experiments? What’s the success rate? Are there any other side effects?” another ring leader asked eagerly, his lifespan nearing its end, making him the most passionate about energy transformation, wanting to start immediately.

Ita immediately replied that the success rate was around seventy percent, but with further improvements, he was confident of raising it to one hundred percent!

This statement threw the geometric beings into a near-frenzied state!

Hundreds of years ago, geometric civilization attempted similar energy transformation technology, encountering numerous problems, with a dismal success rate, leading to its temporary abandonment. Ita’s swift success was due to recently declassified research materials.

Moreover, there was more good news. Researchers in ecological and weapons research also reported breakthroughs in magic energy studies.

First was the magic energy derivation project, the most crucial and resource-intensive. They established "ranches" on over thirty experimental life planets, with everything proceeding smoothly. However, due to lacking dimension manipulation technology like the Magic Empire, results would take years.

Fortunately, the simultaneous industrialized breeding of magic energy creatures had made breakthroughs, now enabling large-scale breeding, slaughtering, and magic energy extraction, significantly speeding up the acquisition of this special energy.

Finally, weapon development.

Since magic energy could influence dimensions, it could be used to develop and improve artificial black hole technology, greatly reducing the difficulty of creating collapse cores, making these advanced weapons common and even developing more powerful dimensional weapons!

Many revolutionary technologies based on magic energy were still nascent but already showed immense potential.

Amid calls for increased research funding and immediate human experiments, some leaders sensed something amiss. The Magic Empire handed over magic energy too easily, without any attempts to stop or interfere with the experiments, which was peculiar.

From previous encounters, it was clear that this was not a civilization that revered "absolute peace" or "absolute goodwill."

However, these few objections were insignificant. Faced with speculative concerns versus tangible technological advancements, the choice was obvious.

If progress were hindered by worries, there would be no need for scientific development.

Hundreds of light years away, Lynn observed the conference through the energy-transformed owl beast’s perspective.

He had to admit, the situation was better than he expected. In just over a year, geometric civilization had mastered crucial magic energy derivation and carbon-based life energy transformation technologies, and their methods were much harsher.

The planetary ranches focused on survival of the fittest, relying on species reproduction and natural selection to determine life and death, allowing the creatures to live complete lives.

Moreover, fourth-tier intelligence did not form sentient ghosts after death but fragmented consciousness, which would naturally dissipate. They converted this part of the energy.

Lynn also acknowledged the efficiency of this industrialized breeding, reminiscent of industrial farms from his past life, where animals were confined to small cages, fed, fattened, and slaughtered.

He was equally interested in geometric civilization’s development of artificial black hole technology.

If this could be mass-produced, it would make it easier to deal with the gods of the main world. Open a portal and unleash hundreds of artificial black holes, tearing most gods and their divine domains apart.

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