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Chapter 660: The God of Optics and the Revolution of the Eternal Star

"Very good, it seems everything is proceeding smoothly!"

In the vast cosmos, within the Eternal Star, Lynn withdrew his gaze from hundreds of light-years away, a smile curling at the corners of his mouth.

Years of planning, successive deceptions, and even the risk of handing over his magic power, had finally borne fruit!

In fact, Lynn considered the threat posed by the Geometric Civilization to be no less than that of the main world, perhaps even greater. Their vast dominion spanned millions of star systems. Defeating such a colossal entity head-on was beyond their capability.

Lynn knew that once the wizards' lies were exposed, they would face an even tougher, unavoidable war. The Geometric Civilization’s abundant resources, advanced technology, and terrifying production capacity could crush them.

Lynn believed that if the Geometric Civilization fully engaged with the main world, they could gain a significant advantage. In small-scale battles, the gods of the main world might hold the upper hand, but the Geometric Civilization could leverage their expansive territory to buy time.

If the researchers of the Geometric Civilization could decode the nature of magic, they could turn the tide, showcasing the greatest advantage of a technological civilization.

Of course, their weaknesses were equally apparent: individual strength was pitifully low, even with deep genetic modifications, they couldn’t resist the power of the Magic Web on a soul level.

Because of this, Lynn targeted the leaders of the Geometric Civilization—the Disc Council!

Attacking from the top, like a snake swallowing an elephant, was a crazy yet feasible plan. Although the Geometric Civilization was a powerful sixth-level civilization with a formal council system, the truth was that their leaders were not elected.

From the information extracted from the minds of the Geometric people he killed, Lynn learned that each Geometric being’s role was predetermined at production—soldier, captain, researcher, or leader. Only by achieving enough merit could they ascend to a higher rank.

Additionally, the long lifespans of the Geometric beings further solidified this hierarchical structure. The Disc Leaders wielded near-absolute power in their respective star regions.

Controlling them meant controlling the entire Geometric Civilization!

Upon learning that the Geometric Civilization sought to achieve energy ascension and become a higher-dimensional civilization, Lynn went along with the flow, setting up his plan.

Researcher Ita’s success in improving the energy ascension method was thanks to Lynn’s help, which greatly increased the success rate.

However, all those who ascended through this method were false legends. Without systematic magical training, any council member could easily defeat dozens of them.

Next, they needed controlled 【Gerter】 to widely promote the benefits of becoming an energy lifeform and continue optimizing experiments to ease the concerns of more aging Disc Leaders.

This process would take time.

While Lynn was contemplating how to turn the massive threat of the Geometric Civilization into an asset, the Eternal Star was advancing to a new stage.

First, they established a true spaceport in the planet’s orbit. Ship repairs no longer required planetary docking. A massive energy extractor orbiting the star could continuously collect excess stellar energy to power the ships, showing signs of an interstellar civilization.

These technologies were undoubtedly copied from the Geometric Civilization. Now, with control over a Disc Leader, Lynn could have 【Gerter】 package and deliver all their basic technologies.

Moreover, taking advantage of the impact of Aila’s fall, the council completely eradicated the remnants of the church and empire, eliminating the Moon God’s followers from the kingdom. The basic education they had been implementing was also highly effective, with over a million apprentices graduating each year, joining the kingdom’s construction boom.

Magic power stations were being established across the land, and the next step was to make wizards of everyone. With the council’s current resources, this grand ambition was achievable. Some members even proposed emulating the Geometric Civilization’s energy ascension so everyone could become legendary.

However, Lynn knew the kingdom’s citizens weren’t mentally prepared for such a drastic change. The turmoil of the past two decades had already taken a significant psychological toll, making it hard for them to accept such reforms quickly.

Lynn had long prepared for this, planning to use time to bridge the gap.

Once 【Gerter】 transmitted the technology and they obtained more Element Seven, Lynn would venture deeper into the Quantum Sea, increasing the time flow difference to over thirty times, using fifty years to complete the transformation!

As Lynn was planning, a visitor stepped into the highest level of the tower. It was Harof!

"It seems Speaker Aurora has completed the ascension? That's faster than I expected!" Lynn’s face immediately showed a slight smile.

He had sensed something yesterday, as there was a disturbance in the divine core, though he couldn’t be completely sure.

"What’s the divine position?" Lynn asked curiously.

"It’s light! Or you could call it the God of Optics!" Harof answered.

Lynn nodded. It was indeed a good divine position, releasing power in the form of light, similar to the domain of mechanics, and holding great potential.

After all, photons are gauge bosons, fundamental particles in the Standard Model, and most energy releases appear as light.

"Now Aurora is assisting the God of Life and Creation in helping Speaker Victorio ascend, so I have some free time." Harof raised an eyebrow and then took out a glowing triangular box, speaking again. "This was sent by Aoge. He said it could open a passage to the main world, but there’s only one chance!"

Lynn carefully accepted the triangular box, sensing it. He immediately understood that, as Harof said, it was limited in energy, providing only one opportunity for a god to pass through with some power.

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