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Chapter 315: Void

Bandages were hastily wrapped into the shape of a human figure, with nothing inside, making it look like an invisible man wrapped in bandages.

The bandaged figure stood quietly by the cave entrance, while artificial green smoke drifted towards it from nearby.

Luo watched in astonishment. Typically, in this world, any strange creatures or scenes would be related to Nen, even if it was just grudges that had intensified after death.

However, he could not detect any traces of Nen or grudges on the bandaged figure.

If it was neither Nen nor grudges, then what was this bandaged figure? Could it be an unknown organism immune to viruses?

As this thought arose, Luo immediately dismissed it.

No matter how he looked at it, it was just a bundle of bandages wrapped around air, with nothing biological about it.

It was too strange, beyond the comprehension of Luo and Sanbica.

"Luo," Sanbica approached Luo and whispered, "should we avoid it?"

Luo, hearing this, hummed softly, nodded after a brief thought, and said, "Yes, let's go around."

Directly touching the bandaged figure might provide answers through the White Smoke font, but it was too dangerous to do so without information.

Luo did not want to take risks in such a situation, especially since he had seen the thousands of corpses in the underground space.

What was the connection between that scene and this bandaged figure? When he was there a few days ago, he had not seen the bandaged figure.

Moreover, this bandaged figure was absorbing the green smoke permeating the forest. The smoke visibly entered it but seemed to be digested and disappeared quickly.

Everything was so unknown and eerie.

Luo and Sanbica exchanged a glance and then quietly retreated, stepping lightly.

However, as they took their first step back, the bandaged figure,

with its back to them, suddenly turned to face them.

The way it turned was extremely bizarre, like a towel being wrung, twisting two full circles before suddenly unwinding to complete the turn.

In that instant, Luo and Sanbica's nerves tensed up. They didn't recklessly turn and run but kept their eyes fixed on the bandaged figure.

Looking at it head-on, it indeed lacked any characteristics of a living being. It was simply a human shape constructed by bandages wrapped around it.

They couldn't sense any gaze, but Luo knew the bandaged figure was watching them.

The standoff lasted less than a second before the bandaged figure suddenly swelled from a thin figure to a plump one.

There was no sound, no aura, no substantial display, yet Luo and Sanbica felt an immediate sense of danger.

Luo swiftly raised his hand, gathering his Nen, and conjured a Qi Circle Slash, flinging it toward the bandaged figure a hundred meters away.

The Qi Circle Slash, like a flying disc, sliced through the air and traveled the hundred meters distance, cutting the swollen bandaged figure in half.

Bandages scattered like a goddess scattering flowers.

It was so simple that it made Luo feel astonished.

The bandages, slowly drifting to the ground, suddenly reassembled into the swollen human shape.

Luo frowned and summoned the book of God's Hand. The black cover seemed to have dimmed slightly, with the white veins of light faintly glowing.

Luo didn't have time to notice the changes in the book. He willed it to open to the latest page.


The Qi Circle Slash, imbued with the power of God's Hand, hit directly, but the page showed no name, indicating that this bandaged figure was very likely not a living entity.

"Sanbica, step back."

Luo dismissed the book, keeping his eyes on the bandaged figure.

Sanbica obediently retreated. Her combat abilities were not high, so to avoid being a burden, she stayed outside the combat zone.


At this moment, a black cat emerged from the tattoo on Luo's wrist, floating in mid-air in the form of a house cat.

"No Nen, no grudges, and I don't feel any threat," the black cat said authoritatively.

Luo glanced at it and said, "You came out just in time. Deal with it."

With almost no information, Luo didn't want to touch the bandaged figure directly. The black cat could test it out.

The black cat pouted and floated toward the bandaged figure. A few seconds later, it was close, and its claws emitted black light, striking the bandaged figure.

Instantly, the bandages turned into butterfly-like fragments, slowly drifting to the ground.

After a frenzied attack, the black cat floated in the air, puzzled by the scattered bandage fragments.

There was only the sensation of touching bandages, nothing else. This bizarre unknown entity was truly fragile.

The black cat had just made this assessment when the fragmented bandages reformed into their original shape in a blink of an eye, reminiscent of how Luo used God's Hand to restore torn objects.

"Tsk tsk."

The black cat looked at the reformed bandaged figure and slashed at it again, but the bandages reformed instantly. This happened five or six times with the same result.

Unwilling to give up, the black cat persisted, tearing the bandages thirty times before giving up.

"This is really spooky."

The black cat turned and shrugged at Luo, who was a hundred meters away.

Luo saw everything clearly. Without Nen as a reference, he didn't know if the black cat's actions had any effect on the bandaged figure.

Judging by its swelling shape, it seemed unharmed.

Just as Luo pondered his next move, the bandaged figure finally launched its first attack. It suddenly extended its hands and grabbed the black cat.

"An entity without Nen trying to catch me?"

The black cat sneered, ready to turn into black smoke and slip away. But when it tried, it found it couldn't transform.


The black cat exclaimed in surprise, wondering how this bandaged figure, devoid of Nen, could capture it and fix its form.

At that moment, a dense, ghastly green smoke spewed from the bandaged figure's hands, forming an egg-like oval, enveloping the black cat.

The sudden appearance of the green smoke, with its high concentration, quickly obscured the black cat from view.

A moment later, the black cat's voice called out from within the green smoke, "I can't break free, help me."

The green smoke, seemingly akin to the poisonous gas in the forest, couldn't harm the black cat.

Luo watched the bandaged figure spewing green smoke from its hands, gaining some understanding. He then charged forward, swiftly approaching the bandaged figure and slicing off its arms.

With the bandages severed, the black cat broke free, floating aside with a puzzled look at the bandaged figure.

After rescuing the black cat, Luo quickly sheathed his knife and gathered his Nen, delivering a punch to the bandaged figure.

A shockwave echoed through the air as the bandaged figure was sent flying, disintegrating mid-air.

However, Luo knew it would take less than three seconds for the bandaged figure to reform.

The reason Luo approached and punched the bandaged figure was not just to save the black cat but to see if the White Smoke font could identify it.

This judgment came after seeing the bandaged figure attack the black cat with green smoke. If it was green smoke, Luo had the God's Domain and need not worry.

Upon touching it, the White Smoke font provided an eerily concise message.

[Invisible Disaster, Non-living Entity, Void, Origin: Dark Continent.]

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