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Chapter 314: Humanoid Bandage

In their quest for survival, the creatures surged towards the mountain peak in waves. Every second, some fell onto the slope due to the jostling or tumbled off the cliff into the vast green smoke below.

Cries of anguish, roars, and shouts of fury echoed midway up the mountain, each filled with different emotions.

Those who emerged from this environment were exceptional. Yet, at the mountain's summit stood a gatekeeper—strictly speaking, two of them.

Whenever a creature approached the peak, Luo would either drive it back or kill it. The black cat would assist actively whenever its conditions for action were met, ensuring no target marked by it escaped.

Though the number of black pages increased, Luo felt considerably less pressure with the black cat's help.

After about an hour, only Luo, Sanbica, and the black cat remained on the mountain. The creatures that had rushed towards the peak lay halfway up, their corpses strewn everywhere, exuding an air of despair.

After dealing with the trouble, Luo exhaled slightly and looked around. The forest below was faintly visible through the dense green smoke, creating a blinding sight.

"Luo, could you bring up one of those corpses?" Sanbica asked, looking at the many bodies on the slope.

"This green smoke may not be a virus. Are you sure?" Luo knew what Sanbica intended.

"No," Sanbica shook her head, uncertain of the nature of the green smoke.

After a pause, Luo said, "If you're not sure, don't take the risk."

Sanbica looked at him seriously, "Aren't you here?"

Luo was momentarily taken aback but quickly understood Sanbica's meaning.

He knew Sanbica's nen ability, and she understood his. She believed that even if the green smoke wasn't a virus, he could extract it.

After a moment of silence, Luo agreed to Sanbica's plan. He looked at the black cat and said, "Bring up a corpse."

The black cat promptly flew to the mountainside.

Luo watched the black cat fly down. He agreed to Sanbica's risk because he believed the green smoke was a biochemical weapon used by the enemy.

If it was a biochemical weapon, no individual strength could withstand it.

This was the enemy's trump card, and there was no telling how many more they had. It was an opportunity for Sanbica to analyze the green smoke for future reference.

"The poor man's rose..."

Luo's gaze shifted from the black cat to the corpses on the slope, involuntarily thinking of the weapon that had claimed the Ant King's life.

"What?" Sanbica caught Luo's faint muttering.


Luo shook his head slightly, looking towards the forest shrouded in green smoke. If they were the only survivors in the forest, how many living beings had died?

Sanbica followed Luo's gaze towards the forest below, remaining silent.

On the mountainside, the black cat selected an ordinary forest wolf. Judging by the green blood, it had died from the gas.

He grabbed the wolf and soon returned to the summit.

Luo opened his domain to shield himself, isolating all harmful substances.

He remained tense, ready to intervene if Sanbica showed any sign of trouble.

Sanbica calmly removed her gloves, revealing her veined hand, and reached for the green blood on the wolf's corpse.

As she touched the blood, her nen ability activated, beginning the analysis.

"It's a virus. I can handle it," Sanbica looked up at Luo.


Luo nodded slightly but remained on standby.

Half an hour later, Sanbica deactivated her ability.

"How is it?" Luo asked.

"We need to test it to be sure," Sanbica replied.

Luo glanced down, seeing only corpses and no living creatures, realizing there were no test subjects.

Unfortunately, the black cat wasn't a living being and couldn't be a guinea pig.

He glanced at the black cat, which immediately showed a wary expression, feeling like everyone wanted to harm it after Luo's glance.

Since the black cat wasn't an option, Luo considered volunteering himself.

Just then, Sanbica pointed to the green blood from the wolf's corpse, "We can use this."

"No live subjects?" Luo was puzzled.

Sanbica shook her head, "No need."

She covered the blood again with her hand, nen energy flowing into it. Within a minute or two, the green blood turned dark red.

The change in the blood's color seemed to indicate the virus was eliminated.

Sanbica stood up, her right hand covered in blood.

Luo glanced at the dark red blood and used his ability to remove the blood from Sanbica's hand.

"Luo, can your domain withstand this virus?" Sanbica asked, looking at her hand and then at Luo.

"It can," Luo replied.

"Then we can leave now. The virus no longer affects me," Sanbica said.

Luo's eyes brightened. Without needing to protect Sanbica with nen, their chances of safely exiting the forest increased.

"Let's rest here first and leave once our nen is restored," Luo suggested.

"Okay," Sanbica nodded.

They spent the night at the summit. At dawn, they descended the mountain, entering the green smoke.

The smoke was like a morning mist, covering every inch of the forest, turning it into a ghostly domain.

In the silence, devoid of any life, the sight of dead creatures and withered trees was desolate.

The once vibrant forest had indeed become a ghost domain.

Seeing the results of the biochemical weapon, Luo felt a heavy heart. It was his first encounter with such a situation, leaving him with complex emotions.

They headed straight for the forest's edge.

As they walked further, the number of corpses increased.

Traveling non-stop until evening, they came across a clearing leveled by a bomb, noticing something strange.

The green smoke, thick throughout the forest, was faint in the clearing, barely noticeable.

Luo and Sanbica exchanged puzzled looks.

Suddenly, a white figure floated out of a collapsed hole, landing gently in the clearing. At the same time, the green smoke nearby seemed to be drawn to the white figure.

The white figure was a humanoid bandage, hollow inside.

"What is that?" Luo and Sanbica tensed.

The humanoid bandage had no nen aura.

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