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Chapter 656: The Council's Second Star God!

In the boundless Quantum Sea, time had no exact meaning. It could have been three years, five years, or even ten years. Lynn, deep in thought and contemplation on divine arts improvement, once again opened his eyes.

Before him stretched a vast green forest. Towering trees reached for the sky, their canopies forming a dense cover above. A winding stream flowed below, and strange creatures, with pointed ears resembling fairies, floated freely through the air.

Not far away, a grand hunt was unfolding. A dozen agile beasts were chasing down a group of monkeys through the forest. In the rushing stream, nimble fish twisted their bodies, leaping out of the water to escape the predators' grasp.

In just eight or nine years, the once barren and lifeless planet 1732 had transformed into a vibrant, thriving world.

Lynn and Aoge hovered above the forest, conspicuous yet unnoticed by any creature, like ethereal shadows. Occasionally, a few fairy-like beings flew by, even passing through their bodies in playful pursuit.

"So fast!" Aoge, despite being prepared, couldn't hide his amazement at the rapid transformation of the planet in just a few years.

During these years, Aoge hadn't been idle either. Under Lynn's watchful eye, he couldn't do much but took the opportunity to restore his severely depleted divine power.

They had awakened together because the ascension ceremony was nearing completion, at the critical moment of consolidating the divine office!

In the sky, Harof's shattered, twisted body finally merged completely, signifying that he had successfully overcome the most difficult hurdle without being overwhelmed by the infinite details of the quantum and higher-dimensional realms.

At that moment, every living being on the planet felt a shudder from the depths of their hearts and looked up at the sky.

In the azure sky, intense elemental forces swirled like a vortex. In the blossoming light and shadows, strange scenes were faintly visible.

Spheres of various sizes fell from the sky, a lever stood on a balance, constantly moving up and down...

Lynn immediately recognized them as free fall, lever principle, resistance, and friction... Finally, even the motion of galaxies could be seen.

These were undoubtedly classic physical laws.

In that instant, Lynn keenly sensed some changes in the Arcane Core, feeling as if he had lost something but gained another part of new power.

Inside the divine core, the laws of mechanics glowed faintly, becoming extremely active.

As Lynn pondered, the celestial phenomena gradually faded, and the terrifying pressure enveloping the entire planet slowly dissipated.

"Let's go!" Lynn sensed Harof's descent, but the location wasn't here.

Aoge, equally intrigued, nodded and followed Lynn to the site of the ascension ceremony. Harof's figure was materializing in the center of the alchemical array, his expression filled with excitement.

The realms of legendary and star god were entirely different. Now, with his eyes, he could see the truth of the world!

"Congratulations, Chairman Harof!"

Anthony and others watched Harof with immense envy. Crossing this threshold was like a leap from earth to sky. They wondered if they could be so fortunate in the future.

Lynn also stepped forward to congratulate Harof and then inquired about the details of this ascension, especially regarding the divine office, whether it was as they had expected to obtain the divine office of physics.

"No, I am now only the God of Mechanics..." Harof shook his head regretfully.

Only a branch of physics?

Lynn raised an eyebrow, realizing that obtaining the divine office wasn't as simple as he had imagined.

Aoge, however, was not surprised. According to Lynn's explanation of the so-called divine office of physics, it was too vast, enough to support a chief god position!

How could a newly ascended god possibly manage such a powerful divine office?

"Getting the divine office of mechanics is already quite good!" Lynn comforted him. Mechanics covered a wide range, from the motion of elements to the operation of celestial bodies, all within the realm of mechanics.

Relying on this divine office, ascending to great divine power in the future shouldn't be a problem.

Harof quickly adjusted his mindset, understanding his limited ability. During the condensation of the divine core of mechanics, he almost lost control several times.

Moreover, in these eight years, although he broke through to the divine realm by relying on the magic web, magical power stations laid out across various regions, and the death of intelligent beings on this planet, he was still a weak god for now. He needed to fully familiarize himself with the divine office, control the entire planet, and integrate the divine domain deeply into the core to ascend further.

In addition, among the council members on planet 1732, two had completed minor breakthroughs, becoming nine-ring legendary wizards, specifically Aurora and Victorio.

Now, of the three star systems nominally owned by the council, only one life star remained.

"Next, it's my turn, right?" Aurora couldn't wait to say. She had completed her ascension before Victorio, so according to the previously set rules, the last life star should be hers.

Victorio opened his mouth but finally sighed. He had been the first to ascend to an eight-ring legendary wizard, but Harof and Aurora had surpassed him in the ninth ring ascension.

The rules were already set, and Victorio couldn't go back on his word. He consoled himself that there were still many planets in the three star systems, though their orbital positions were less favorable and couldn't naturally give birth to life. However, they could still be used as divine domains, albeit requiring a bit more maintenance.

"Chairman Harof, the next ascension ceremony will be hosted by you and Aoge."

Lynn took out a cluster of Element No. 7 and handed it to Harof. He didn't intend to spend all his time here.

Unfolding Element No. 7 into lower dimensions was something any god could do, especially since mechanics involved dimensions and space-time. Moving it within the Quantum Sea shouldn't be a problem.

"I think you've had enough time to recover, right, Lord Aoge?" Lynn turned with a smile.

Aoge's expression turned strange as he realized that the past eight years had been deliberately left as a rest period for him...

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