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Chapter 654: We Aim to Mass-Produce Gods

In the vast universe, within galaxy number 1732, after a friendly conversation with Aoge, Lynn brought him to a planet in this galaxy.

"Is this the plane?" Aoge looked down at the barren continent beneath his feet. The land was desolate, without a trace of life. One could faintly see the dried-up riverbeds on the undulating terrain, indicating that there might have been a great river tens of thousands of years ago.

In terms of area, it seemed to be a medium-sized plane.

"That's right, this is the place!" Lynn nodded. Planet 1732 was the most barren among the three planets compensated by the Geometric Civilization, known as the 'Life Star.' It couldn't even be called a life star since there wasn't even any microbial life here.

Fortunately, this planet was well-positioned, neither too close nor too far from the star. According to Lynn's speculation, it used to have an atmosphere, oceans, and even vegetation. Perhaps some catastrophe led to the complete ecological imbalance, turning it into a dead star.

Transforming this place was evidently more challenging than planet 1700, but Lynn was not planning to rely on the Geometric Civilization again, which would likely raise their suspicion. Aoge's arrival perfectly solved this dilemma.

"So, can it be done?" Lynn asked.

"It's a bit troublesome, but not impossible..." Aoge didn't respond directly but took a step forward, unleashing his powerful divine power of life and creation.

The next moment, a brilliant light blossomed on this dark, lifeless planet!

The loose and fragmented surface soil was completely decomposed and disappeared without a trace under the light. As the light passed, the sunken basins turned into vast oceans!

Mountains rose on the ground, and the vast deserts turned into lush oases. Wide rivers flowed through forests and oases... Wherever the light touched, everything became fertile land!

What a magical power... No matter how many times he saw it, Lynn was always amazed by the wonders of magic. The Divinity of Life and Creation was even more useful than he had anticipated.

Lynn, whose strength had significantly improved, could naturally see at a glance that the mountains, seas, and oases under his feet were not mere illusions of divine power but actual material transformations.

In an instant, Aoge had turned soil into water, basins into mountains, and deserts into oases!

As expected of the God of Life and Creation...

Of course, there was nothing unscientific about this. The essence of all things was the same, and the transformation of elements was just a matter of differing numbers of protons and neutrons.

For a god capable of deep manipulation of the microscopic realm, even controlling strong and weak nuclear forces, material transformation was not a big deal.

However, completing such a large-scale transformation in a short time consumed an immense amount of divine power.

Aoge had transformed only about one-tenth of the area before stopping, somewhat awkwardly, to rest. After a while, he resumed his work in another area...

After three consecutive months, the initial transformation of the planet was finally complete, and Aoge was exhausted.

Clearly, he had overestimated his own power. Outside the divine domain, transforming a barren planet without external help was undoubtedly a strenuous task for Aoge.

But Aoge knew very well that now was the time to prove his value, so he spared no effort. In just over three months, he completed the initial planetary transformation, almost exhausting his divine power.

Without the support of a divine domain and followers, it would take a long time to recover.

"Next is the evolution of life..." Aoge turned to look at Lynn.

Transforming a plane was just the basic part of constructing a divine domain. The subsequent task of building an ecosystem was also very arduous and time-consuming.

A simpler method was migration, bringing species from other planes into the new world and letting them slowly reproduce and increase their population.

Some gods who were not skilled at divine domain construction usually chose this method, though it took millennia.

Aoge naturally had his own methods to greatly shorten this period. However, he was more curious about how Lynn would fulfill his bold claim to complete it in a few months.

"It's almost time!" Lynn nodded and looked up at the sky.

A crack suddenly appeared out of thin air and quickly expanded. From the deep portal, thirty-five ships, each several kilometers in diameter, slowly emerged and flew toward different parts of the planet.

While Aoge was busy transforming the planet, the council had not been idle. Thanks to the ecological circle technology from the Geometric Civilization, they had long researched a planetary transformation plan.

Each ship carried biological groups evolved from planet 1700. These organisms had strong natural adaptability and could quickly survive and reproduce as long as they were placed in a suitable environment.

At the same time, Lynn revealed their secret weapon!

With the three thousand tons of Element Seven obtained from the Geometric Civilization, its use became much more liberal.

Low-dimensional expansion quickly began, enveloping the entire planet in an invisible membrane, slowly "submerging" it into the Quantum Sea.

Aoge keenly sensed the changes in the external environment. The light from the star had completely vanished from this planet.

Was it some kind of space-time manipulation spell? Aoge wondered. During the last war, gods of thunder, fire, space, and others had fallen here. Their divinities and divine positions might have been obtained by the other side, so gaining the corresponding divine positions was not surprising.

While Aoge speculated, he turned his attention to the biological groups delivered by the ships across the world. He soon noticed the peculiarities of these creatures.

They possessed considerable intelligence and reproduced and iterated very quickly, often taking only three to four months from birth to death.

In less than two years, they expanded from small groups occupying the corners of the planet to the entire hills and plains, with their population multiplying hundreds of times.

Aoge raised an eyebrow. This was not a good thing. Rapidly expanding biological groups would quickly deplete all the resources in the area and then rapidly decline.

Fast iteration also meant that ecological imbalance could easily occur, such as an excessive or insufficient number of predators, causing a chain reaction that would disrupt the original stable ecosystem.

But to Aoge's surprise, dozens of modified species released by the council maintained an almost extreme ecological balance.

"It's starting!"

While Aoge was still in shock, Lynn's voice suddenly rang out.

What was starting... Aoge was initially confused, but then he seemed to sense something, and his expression became solemn.

The ceremony of becoming a god was about to begin!

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