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Chapter 655: The God of Physics, Harof?

On Planet 1732, amidst a vast plain isolated from the rest of the world, thirty-five enormous and peculiar interstellar warships were docked at a temporary base. This was the ecological research institute established by the Council on this planet, modeled after the biological and genetic research facilities of the Geometric Civilization on Planet 1700.

During their decade-long stay there, Victorio and his team did more than just enhance their abilities; they also studied and deciphered the ecological technology of the Geometric Civilization. For instance, they reverse-engineered atomic-level detectors and miniature bio-modification machines from the samples they obtained, with hundreds of alchemy masters working for years to create replicas. These became their greatest assets in the independent completion of this planetary transformation.

Seeing the ecological balance of the world nearing completion, Harof knew the time had come. "Have we checked all our arrangements?" Harof, mindful of his promotion, asked with utmost caution.

"We've tested everything; there shouldn't be any issues," Victorio replied with cautious anticipation. In the past six months, they had not only deployed biological groups across the planet using interstellar warships but also established three hundred and sixty magical power stations, evenly distributed throughout the planet.

Harof nodded and stood at the center of the alchemical formation. Utilizing the magic web, he began to communicate with the dispersed power stations, then expanded his domain. Massive magical energy surged from each power station, targeting the entire world.

The Council's power had long surpassed what it once was. With the precedent set by Lynn, Harof didn't need to conquer territory bit by bit. He could immediately bring the whole planet under his control and attempt to ascend to mid-tier divinity.

However, this process was lengthy. Converting a planet weighing over 40 trillion tons into a divine domain would take several years.

"It seems that soon, we'll have another god among us," Aoge remarked enviously. Ascending with an entire mid-tier divine domain was a privilege not everyone could enjoy.

"It's us," Lynn corrected him, then curiously asked about the ascension methods of the gods in the main world.

After a moment's hesitation, Aoge began to explain. As a newly risen god, Aoge had limited knowledge of the main world's history, knowing only that it was once an unremarkable plane in the endless void. A group of seekers, masters of destiny, emerged, learning and controlling magic—they were the first gods, followed by the war of the gods. Since the division of divine duties, no new gods had been born for thousands of years.

Lynn nodded, noting the similarities between the development of the main world and Eternal Star. Both involved mastering magic, studying it, monopolizing faith, and engaging in divine wars. Without interference from aliens or coveting from the main world, Eternal Star might have developed into a grand scene of divine rulers expanding across the galaxy.

"What kind of god does he intend to become? Flame, calamity, sky, order, necromancy?" Aoge asked curiously. Thunder and space were unlikely choices, as a nascent god wielding such powerful rules would easily suffer backlash.

"Probably physics," Lynn replied briefly. He had crammed a lot of physics knowledge into the divine core he was crafting, but whether it could coalesce into a divine duty was uncertain.

Aoge furrowed his brows, pondering what exactly physics entailed. "Physics means mastering the inherent principles of things," Lynn explained.

"That sounds a bit like the duty of knowledge," Aoge mused, raising an eyebrow. It seemed strange to entrust such an important divine duty to someone else, without worrying about this new god competing for faith after gaining strength.

"We don't need faith, nor do we need followers," Lynn clarified, seeing Aoge's confusion.

"Without followers and sufficient faith, how can you become a god?" Aoge questioned incredulously.

"Who said there's only one way to become a god?" Lynn replied with a smile. "In the grand cosmos, we're considered a type of higher-dimensional being."

Aoge understood the significant differences between worlds, but absorbing this information took him ten minutes. The implications were immense—the Wizard Council ruled vast star regions and mastered an alternative path to godhood. Given enough time, Aoge couldn't imagine how many gods these wizards could produce.

However, time was crucial. If the main world broke through the black hole's blockade first, no amount of potential would matter. "Did you apply some temporal-spatial magic to this plane?" Aoge asked seriously.

"Yes, ten seconds here equals one second in the grand cosmos," Lynn replied casually. Since he had brought Aoge in, this information couldn't be concealed.

The tenfold time difference startled Aoge. Including the sevenfold difference between the grand cosmos and the main world, that amounted to seventyfold. Aoge suddenly understood why their intelligence on the wizards never matched reality. With such a time discrepancy, anything could happen.

At this moment, Lynn was sensing Harof's ascension progress. Seeing that Harof didn't need his help, he continued constructing divine spells in his mind. For mortals, a few years was long, but for gods, it was a blink of an eye. With nothing to do temporarily, Lynn could only pass the time this way, ensuring the God of Life and Creation didn't run off to disrupt Victorio and the others' research.

Aoge, seeing Lynn's inactivity, dared not act rashly and looked up at the sky. Harof's divine domain had already expanded here. As a higher-dimensional being, he could naturally see the fragmented Harof gradually being pieced together—a process that would take about eight years.

So envious... Aoge thought. In the main world, both divine ascension and divine duty consolidation required perfect protection, or a more powerful god might seize the divine duty and extinguish the divine soul.

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