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Chapter 653: Cooperation and Becoming the Chief God

"Are you sure?"

Lynn's proposal left Aoge in disbelief. It was the first time he'd heard of too many dimensions making it difficult to spare manpower for divine domain transformation.

If an empty, suitable dimension for development were discovered in the main world, it might trigger a divine war over it!

But fifteen-to-one might be too little.

Aoge's face showed hesitation. Transforming an empty, barren dimension into a paradise of life was no small feat.

More importantly, Aoge was worried that after hundreds of years of hard work, someone might suddenly turn their back on him, making all his efforts in vain.

"You only need to handle the transformation of the stars themselves. We can provide comprehensive biological modification technology. The main world and the great universe have about a sevenfold time flow difference. The council can also use dimensional power to speed up the process. It won't take long—just a few months to transform a divine domain!" Lynn said confidently. He knew exactly what Aoge was worried about.

Aoge hesitated for a while. He didn't believe that these wizards could surpass him, the God of Life and Creation, in the modification of living beings. He was also deeply skeptical about Lynn's claim of transforming a dimension in a few months. But he said nothing in the end, seeing it as a chance to test the other party's capabilities.

If it went as Lynn said, he would only need a few years to obtain a divine domain with no risk. There was no better deal.

Leaving the main world had greatly reduced his power. If the Chief God noticed his betrayal, his divine domain might be seized, and his followers killed.

If he could establish a new divine domain in the great universe, it would be an additional safeguard.

Moreover, the undeveloped dimensions in the great universe were so plentiful that there was no need to compete for them, only a lack of manpower to develop them. He had a chance to advance further, perhaps even become a Chief God.

"Of course, our cooperation has one precondition!" Lynn interrupted Aoge's thoughts.

"What condition?" Aoge paused.

"I don't trust you, gods from another world!" Lynn said bluntly. "Aila, who wanted to cooperate with us last time, made an extremely foolish decision to open a space-time gate between the two worlds. You saw the consequences..."

That Aila, the new Moon God, wasn't she one of yours?

Aoge was puzzled. According to the main world's gods, Aila's defection in the last war was likely a ruse.

After all, when the great deity Harliere led five gods into the great universe, they were ambushed. These wizards had clearly planned it in advance.

But Aoge didn't dare refute Lynn's words, only explaining, "The main divine weapon has been destroyed now. Opening the space-time passage again would require a sacrifice of life. I wouldn't do something so foolish."

"I said I don't trust you. Unless we completely eliminate this possibility, our cooperation can't continue..." Lynn said forcefully. "I need to place a safeguard on your divine core!"

Aoge's face turned dark. The divine core was a god's most important thing. Adding a safeguard essentially meant placing a restriction.

This was usually done only after a god's total defeat in a divine war, symbolizing submission and future subjugation. A single thought from the other party could kill him.

"It seems you've chosen another path!" Lynn didn't wait for Aoge to think of a countermeasure. Seeing that he didn't respond immediately, he raised his hand. The previously expanded electromagnetic barrier began to contract, and the surrounding space visibly warped.

"Please wait. Maybe we can talk further, like making an unbreakable vow together..." Lynn's unpredictable temper and sudden shifts made Aoge very uncomfortable. He didn't understand why they were chatting nicely one second and on the verge of a life-or-death situation the next.

"You have ten seconds to decide your fate!" Lynn's right hand clenched lightly, and a large amount of antimatter elements appeared from the void, neatly arranged under the magnetic field's restraint.

Feeling the threat from all directions and the increasingly shrinking electromagnetic 'cage,' Aoge's face changed repeatedly. He had no doubt that if he said no, Lynn would immediately kill him.

But Aoge was still unwilling. After all, one of his reasons for leaving the main world was to escape the control of the Chief Gods. Now, it was too late for regrets. His life was in Lynn's hands.

Ten seconds passed quickly. Just as Lynn was about to act in the final second, Aoge finally spoke, "The previous agreement must change. For every ten planets transformed, I want one as my divine domain!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the antimatter elements gathered around disappeared. Lynn lowered his hand and nodded lightly, "Agreed!"

Lynn's quick agreement made Aoge wonder if he'd asked for too little. But having already spoken, he couldn't take it back. With a dark expression, he handed over his divine core.

Lynn took the divine core and examined it carefully.

It was a fist-sized, glowing strange substance, constantly transforming between fire and water, both sources of life. Inside, one could vaguely see various shadows of different creatures, perhaps past creations of this God of Life and Creation.

Though not the first time he'd seen a divine core, Lynn was still very interested.

The main world's gods' ascension methods were different from theirs, so Lynn had always been curious about how their divine cores were condensed. Unfortunately, despite many gods dying by his hand, only the divine core of the God of Lies was truly obtained. Due to circumstances then, he didn't have time to study it and had to destroy it.

Aoge watched anxiously as Lynn played with his divine core, his resentful gaze almost piercing through.

Lynn didn't want to go too far. He gave up on the research idea for now, added a visible restriction, and secretly made some adjustments using the power of lies as insurance before returning the divine core.

Aoge immediately hid his divine core, then adjusted his mindset and straightforwardly said, "According to your statement, this star region and the main world have several times the time flow difference. I think the three Chief Gods won't come here soon. We can start the dimension transformation work now..."

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