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Chapter 652: In this star river alone, there are three hundred billion stars like this one!

Aoge's words did not frighten Lynn. He knew that relying solely on a black hole could not forever keep the gods of the main world at bay. Therefore, during this time, they had also been actively preparing for battle.

Immediately, Lynn asked the most critical question.

"And what can you do for us?"

Aoge's expression turned serious. He understood that the most crucial moment had arrived, and status was always determined by value!

"I can serve as a bridge between you wizards and the gods of the main world. I imagine you wouldn't want to face hundreds of gods at once, would you?" Aoge said after some deliberation.

He was well aware of what the Wizard Council wanted.

From their voluntary withdrawal from the otherworld to the subsequent black hole blocking the space-time channel, it was clear that these wizards were not as strong in direct combat as the main world, or else they would have started a war long ago. So, forming alliances became their primary task!

Of course, all of this was premised on the Magic Empire demonstrating enough power in the upcoming confrontation, or else no amount of rhetoric would matter.

Lynn nodded. From the beginning, when they faced the threat from the main world, they had considered this plan: drawing one faction to fight another!

At that time, Aila had even sent a crow pretending to be the apostle of the God of Life and Creation, luring the God of Necromancy into a decisive battle with them. They successfully reaped the benefits of the conflict between both sides. Furthermore, they had no chance to meet other neutral or recruitable gods, so this idea was temporarily shelved.

Now, the appearance of the true God of Life and Creation was undoubtedly a new opportunity...

Sensing that Lynn's hostility had significantly decreased, Aoge also breathed a slight sigh of relief and then discussed another very important matter—compensation!

It was impossible to recruit the gods of the main world without offering benefits...

"Why not use the divine domain as an exchange?" Lynn suggested with a smile.

"How many worlds do you control?" Aoge eagerly asked. This was also a major reason for his defection.

According to Chief God Moragras, this region was larger than the main world, enough to birth several new chief gods!

Lynn did not answer directly but pointed to the distance—to that enormous fireball standing in the void of the universe.

"Is this the star of your world?" The God of Life and Creation turned his head to take a look, not too surprised.

The stars in the main world were much larger...

"Correct." Lynn nodded and continued, "There are three hundred billion such stars in this star river alone!"

Three... hundred billion?

Aoge almost doubted if he had misheard, perhaps three thousand stars?

But as a god, a high-dimensional life form, it was impossible for him to make such a low-level mistake.

"In this void, every star point you see is a star, and the number of planets is several times that..." Lynn said nonchalantly.

Aoge was shocked beyond words. Although he had anticipated it, the vastness of the great universe still exceeded his imagination.

While astonished, Aoge did not let this shocking news overwhelm him and quickly asked.

"Are there other gods in these planes?"

"No!" Lynn shook his head, but before Aoge could get excited, he continued, "However, there are rules here. Gods like you would most likely be captured and studied if you leave the council's domain."

Aoge was half-believing. The power of gods was undeniable, and he couldn't help but suspect if the other party was deceiving him.

"See those battleships?" Lynn pointed to a test battleship flying over the moon. "Each battleship possesses power comparable to a weak god, and we have thousands of such battleships!"

Aoge immediately put away his contempt. He had witnessed this during his time in the Moon God's domain.

One battleship against a god might be an exaggeration, but with enough numbers, they would indeed be troublesome.

"So, how much of this vast star domain belongs to the wizards? And what other forces are there?" Aoge suddenly asked.

Lynn, of course, understood that the other party was evaluating the strength of the Wizard Council to decide whether to cooperate or seek another partner. He snapped his fingers.

"About this much!"

As soon as Lynn's voice fell, countless dense points of light appeared in the void. This was a star river shrunk by billions of times but still looked vast. Among them, a palm-sized star domain emitted a blue glow.

This was not the territory under the Magic Empire's control but included the Geometric Civilization's domain.

"It doesn't seem that large..." Aoge raised his eyebrows. The star clusters emitting blue light appeared very small in the vast star river.

"Four thousand seven hundred light-years across. To fly from one end to the other at twice the speed of light would take over two thousand years!" Lynn added, explaining the concepts of light speed and light years to Aoge.

Within this area, there were at least tens of millions of stars. Even if only one percent or even one-thousandth were suitable for transformation and life evolution, it would still be an astonishing number.

Lynn was reminding the other party that the wizards' strength far exceeded expectations. If they offended the council, they would have to fly for thousands of years to escape this star domain...

Is it really... that large? Aoge's expression changed as he once again looked at the vast starry sky with no end in sight. No matter how he expanded his senses, he couldn't detect the boundary.

"Did Chief God Moragras assign you any other tasks?" Lynn questioned again.

"Other than gathering intelligence on the wizards, nothing else." Aoge said, his gaze flickering.

Lynn smiled. "In that case, how about I assign you a task during this period?"

Aoge's face darkened slightly. From his perspective, he had already provided so much intelligence about the main world, which should be enough to prove his loyalty.

"I think the divinity of life and creation should be very suitable for planet transformation..." Lynn said confidently.

Aoge hesitated and nodded, unsure of the other party's intentions.

"In our controlled star domain, there are countless planets of suitable size and position. The council currently lacks enough manpower for their transformation, which is a waste of resources..." Lynn said slowly. "If you're interested, why not take on this task? For every fifteen planets you transform, you can choose one as your own divine domain!"

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