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Chapter 651: Pseudo-Science, True Magic!

"Has it only been a little over a month, and we already have such results?"

Within the Eternal Star, Lynn was monitoring the research work of the Geometric Civilization from a distance spanning hundreds of light-years.

This feeling was somewhat strange, akin to watching a part of his own body being manipulated and studied, especially as a group of fervent Geometric aliens gesticulated wildly at the side.

However, the rapid progress of their research had indeed exceeded Lynn’s expectations. Within just a few days, they had deciphered the basic properties of magical power, and in a mere month, confirmed that the soul was the key factor in deriving magical power, even finding a ‘method’ for its transformation.

As for now, the Geometric Civilization had begun constructing planetary ranches, with the first batch anticipated to transform thirty planets into breeding grounds for magical power. If all went smoothly, an additional seventy planets would follow suit—an act only describable as ostentatiously extravagant!

This was also why Lynn did not use the seventh element to alter the passage of time and slowly accumulate power on a single planet—it was simply too slow!

Now, the Geometric Civilization was essentially working for him, expanding his power.

Of course, while those Geometric aliens conducted their experiments, Lynn was not idle. He deliberately imprinted two concepts in the minds of these researchers.

First, that magical power could be directly manipulated through strong magnetic fields.

Second, that there was a significant loss during the transformation of magical power, with some of it entering the Quantum Sea.

Both of these concepts were fabrications by Lynn, presented in the experiments of the Geometric aliens, attempting to make the other party confirm these as characteristics of magical power.

Creating two false characteristics from scratch was no easy task.

Science, after all, is the integration of stringent logical reasoning and empirical observation, summarized through extensive experimentation. With near-absolute control over this aspect of magical power, Lynn could manipulate the experiments to display the outcomes he desired.

But the technology of the Geometric Civilization was no joke. Their capabilities for precise quantum-level observations meant that such a significant resource would be repeatedly verified. Any observational discrepancy would make the Geometric Civilization wary.

The difficulty in ensuring no flaws over countless experiments and subsequent magical power application developments was immense!

Fortunately, Lynn had his own way—the Spell Slot!

This was the basis for wizards to cast spells conveniently. To some extent, it was also a rule: once conditions were met, one could instantly unleash extremely complex spells!

Lynn had set up a block during the magical power restoration process, ensuring that a portion of the magical power would enter the Quantum Sea. No matter how many experiments the Geometric Civilization conducted, their results would remain unchanged.

The so-called 25% loss was essentially the “tax” he imposed. After all, Lynn could not overtly reclaim the magical power right under the noses of the Geometric Civilization, so he had to retrieve a part of it this way.

Since it was a super-distance transfer through the Quantum Sea, the Geometric Civilization lacked solid evidence to link this situation to him.

As for why only 25%, and not more, that was naturally because moderation was necessary. If the percentage were too high, the Geometric Civilization would undoubtedly investigate how to stop the magical power from entering the Quantum Sea, greatly increasing the chances of being exposed.

"It’s time to meet him." Lynn stood up. Since everything was normal with the Geometric Civilization, it was also time to handle another matter.

With a single step, Lynn reached a desolate area on the moon hundreds of thousands of kilometers away, where he released Aoge, the God of Life and Creation, who had been confined for a month and a half by an electromagnetic barrier.

Despite this, Aoge’s demeanor remained calm, not at all eager. For a god, a month was merely the blink of an eye.

Since Lynn hadn’t directly attacked him before, Aoge understood there was still room for negotiation.

However, someone’s assertive attitude also left the God of Life and Creation feeling quite distressed, making him drop his airs and sincerely say,

"Great deity from a foreign realm, it seems you have thought it through... We have common interests, collaboration is indeed the best strategy…"

Lynn simply responded, cutting him off. "Tell me, how many gods are there in the main world, controlling how many worlds, and what’s the composition of their personnel? How many great deities like Harliere are there? How many chief gods?"

Aoge hesitated for a moment but finally decided to disclose the information as a gesture of allegiance, also worried Lynn might shut him away again if they disagreed.

"There are currently one hundred and seven gods in the main world, including eight great deities and three chief gods."

This number had been higher before, but the recent unsuccessful operation and the fall of the God of Necromancy, Danax, and Diana, the Moon God, had led to the loss of

 eight deities in the main world.

Lynn nodded. This intelligence was similar to what he had seen in the residual memories of the Moon God, Diana. It seemed no new gods had emerged over the last millennium.

"Why then would you betray the main world?" Lynn curiously inquired. With over a hundred gods, that was a tremendously powerful force.

"For personal gain," Aoge answered succinctly, without any attempt to conceal the truth.

As Lynn and others had surmised, the main world was not monolithic but divided into different pantheons, even becoming a mess during several god wars, lacking much cohesion.

This unity was solely due to the chief gods' strength and their desire to conquer new worlds.

However, after the great deity Harliere led five gods into the vast universe and was annihilated, and the chief gods themselves were severely injured in action, many deities began to harbor their own agendas.

In recent months, the inability of the chief gods to destroy the black hole blocking the spacetime gate, despite their combined efforts, had exacerbated this situation.

Some gods had clearly realized that their opponents this time were not powerless natives but a dangerous adversary.

Naturally, Aoge did not wish to be cannon fodder. He was well aware of his lack of backing, otherwise, he would not have been forcibly sent to the domain of the Moon God as a vanguard.

This war might bring benefits, but he was more likely to become a casualty.

Yet, Aoge did not intend to reveal his precarious situation. Instead, he indicated that the three chief gods had now united, and he was merely sent to gather intelligence. It wouldn’t be long before the main world might launch a massive invasion.

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