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Chapter 310: A Sense of Helplessness

That photo of a peace sign and the peculiar honey, accompanied by a comment, left Machi and the others quite speechless.

Throughout their journey, they constantly worried that Luo might find himself in over his head in perilous situations. However, judging from this photo and the tone of the message, it seemed that Luo was quite content.

Machi bit her lip lightly, a familiar aged voice suddenly resonated beside her ear.

"It's the honey of the little wasp, quite rare. I didn't expect it to be found on Devil Island too," Linne recognized the special honey at a glance and then extended her hand towards Machi, saying lightly, "Give me the phone."

Machi obediently handed the phone to Linne, who swiped through the screen again, carefully memorizing the intelligence Luo had sent.

Age slows down memory, but her mind was sharp enough to retain this information.

After reviewing the intelligence, Linne handed the phone back to Machi and said, "Find a place to rest. We'll continue on our journey in the morning."

Without waiting for anyone's reaction, she headed towards a giant rock lying across the grassland nearby.

The initial plan was to travel through the night and meet up with Luo as soon as possible. However, the pictures and messages sent by Luo made her change her mind.

"That brat!" Linne cursed softly, realizing that Luo still had the leisure to harvest honey, and her worries were perhaps unfounded.

As long as they used the stench from the *Pilos Flower* without harming the queen bee, they could easily collect the honey from the hive, surrounded by vigilant soldier bees.

However, while collecting the honey was not too difficult, finding the *Pilos Flower* was the real challenge.

If it weren't for Luo's detailed report on the enemy, Linne might have underestimated the enemy's strength. How else could Luo afford the leisure to harvest honey?

If Linne knew that Luo was using the little wasp to create an opportunity for attack, and that collecting honey was just incidental, she would have changed her opinion.

Machi pocketed the phone and followed her.

"Let's go." Uvogin patted Buhara, and then caught up with Machi alongside Nobunaga.

"Uh." Buhara wiped his drool and also followed.

The photo Luo sent had dampened their spirits by half; after all, the fact that he was still harvesting honey indicated that the situation was not as dire as they feared.

In reality, the situation Luo faced was indeed severe. If members of the Zodiacs were to take his place, each one of them would fail, Ging included.

If not for using the *White Smoke Script* to gradually understand the information in the forest, Luo would not have been able to control the terrain, and without that advantage, it would be difficult to inflict damage on the enemy, which was tightly organized like a barrel.

In other words, the margin for error between the two parties was not equal; a single mistake by Luo could lead to a complete collapse, whereas Dove's team could make several mistakes and still retain their advantages.

This unequal margin for error, coupled with a prolonged deadlock, was actually very disadvantageous for Luo, even if the current Ging were to take his place, he couldn't perform as excellently as Luo.

Because only a handful of people understand Devil Island.

Linne had stepped foot on Devil Island once or twice, but her stays were short, and her understanding of the island was quite limited.

Yet, even with her limited knowledge, Linne could still, by drawing upon her vast experience, lead Machi and the others to avoid one danger after another.

The reinforcements who had traveled thousands of miles had set aside their worries about Luo and were now looking for a place to rest.


In the cave, Luo set his phone aside and tasted the little wasp honey. It was slightly thick, soft on the palate, sweet but not cloying, and did not stick to the teeth; its flavor was akin to maltose, but without a trace of artificiality.

After a few sips of honey, his nen ability data fluctuated slightly, only increasing by the smallest value—better than nothing.

"Seeing as I've gone through so much trouble protecting Sanbica, let me taste it too!" Watching Luo and Sanbica continuously indulging in the honey without pause, Black Cat worried that they wouldn't leave any for him.

Upon hearing this, Luo paused, contemplating whether to reward Black Cat.

Besides causing a ruckus in the prison once, Black Cat had indeed been of much help afterward, perhaps deserving some reward.

"You! You're actually considering it!" Black Cat nearly choked on his own blood. To create a hidden refuge for Sanbica, he had swallowed a lot of sand and stones, and he had been constantly finding food

 for Sanbica during this time.

No merit, but there was hard work!

Luo glanced at Black Cat lightly, then sliced a piece of the honey cluster with his index finger and tossed it over.

Black Cat instantly turned from anger to joy, pouncing on the flying piece of honey and swallowing it, savoring it deliciously.

In no time, he had devoured the delectable honey, after which Luo and Sanbica lay down to sleep, leaving Black Cat to keep watch outside.

Before dawn, Luo briefed Sanbica on the current situation and then left the cave to continue confronting the enemy.

Sanbica merely said "Be careful," watching Luo depart.

Given her current predicament, she was a burden, so Luo could not simply take her away from Devil Island; first, he had to eliminate the threat from the prison.

A feeling of helplessness grew within her, even if she wanted to do something, she could only think about it.

"I... I'm really weak, unable to do anything."

Sanbica bit her lip in frustration, silently clenching her fists.

In a corner, Black Cat sneered lightly and said, "Those abnormal beasts are tough nuts to crack, and there are plenty of them. Frontal combat would even stump the old lady, let alone you. Just stay hidden here, that's the biggest help you can offer that damn kid."

With that, he transformed into black smoke and drifted towards the vent.

The "old lady" he referred to was obviously Biscuit, and his words were clear—the enemy was formidable, even Biscuit might struggle to perform well, let alone you.

Sanbica looked in the direction where Black Cat had disappeared. Despite his brusque tone, she felt that Black Cat was trying to comfort her.


Linne and her group had just arrived on the island, and reaching Luo's location would take at least two days of walking.

In an effort to weaken the Seiren Squad as much as possible, Luo was unwilling to wait for Linne and her team to arrive. As dawn was about to break, he proactively sought out trouble with the Seiren Squad.

Luo was like a mudfish containing deadly poison; the Seiren Squad concentrated their forces to deal with him, but he kept slipping through their fingers. What was most frustrating was that they couldn't catch him, and each attempt cost them several vital forces.

One thing Dove couldn't understand:

Why did this vast forest seem like Luo's backyard?

If it weren't for this forest, Dove would have sent all his forces in a single wave and would have finished Luo off long ago. But Luo always managed to use the various creatures in the forest to his advantage.

Today, the net they had finally managed to form was again broken by Luo using a bunch of moving tree roots, and they lost two more manufactured soldiers.

Faced with this outcome, Dove was first bewildered, then consumed by uncontrollable rage.

He gathered all his soldiers together, then rode a scale lizard back to the prison to fetch something.

He no longer wanted to waste any more energy and time, even if it meant using up a precious item in storage.

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