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Chapter 649: Aoge's Sincerity and the Betrayal of a God

Aoge had already obtained the Chief God's artifact first, but this did not stop Lynn from continuing his actions. The electrons wandering within the Quantum Sea were mobilized.

A few short exchanges had already allowed him to test the limits of the polymer's strength. Although powerful, it was not unbeatable! The powerful electromagnetic field that spread throughout the area caused the God of Life and Creation to lose his earlier composure, and he quickly spoke up again.

"Everything has a reason; please forgive my previous rudeness. This is my sincerity!"

As he spoke, the God of Life and Creation opened his right hand, holding a blood pupil that had become shattered and fragmented, not waiting for Lynn to ask before Aoge took the initiative to explain.

"This artifact belongs to Chief God Moragras and contains His will. I cannot perform any egregious acts before destroying it, or I might be monitored or even killed!"

Aoge's words were half true. Naturally, Chief God Moragras wouldn’t directly mention surveillance, but he indeed suspected that the other party had tampered with the artifact, which is why he hadn’t revealed his true intentions upon their first meeting, as he could have been killed by the artifact meant to protect him!

However, Lynn, indifferent, seemed as if he hadn't heard the words of the God of Life and Creation. Within seconds, a more robust electromagnetic cage had already formed, trapping the other within.

Lynn's indifferent attitude made Aoge's expression turn ugly. He gritted his teeth and continued, "I possess a vast amount of intelligence about the main world. The three Chief Gods have now joined forces. Without my help, it won't be long before they invade this world again. Your powers alone are not enough to confront them…"

Aoge spoke very quickly, but the electromagnetic cage continued to shrink, compressing to a diameter of just ten meters.

Seeing that Lynn utterly disregarded him, Aoge was somewhat shocked and angry, hesitating for a while whether to resist. Ultimately, he held back because he knew he stood no chance.

Lynn had no intention of killing him. After restricting his opponent's movements, he began to seal and strip the nearby space, enclosing Aoge and the area within a ten-meter radius into a four-dimensional bottle.

Seeing that the God of Life and Creation did not resist throughout, Lynn finally believed that the supposed Chief God's artifact must have been destroyed.

However, Lynn still had no intention of conversing with Aoge and decided to leave him hanging for a while longer to think over his words.

He had more pressing matters to attend to.

Lynn looked around, the protective shield formed by the seventh element on the outside was severely damaged, with a gap created by the annihilating light becoming even more massive under the impact of the quantum tide, unavoidably affecting it.

When Lynn returned to the macrocosm and took back all of the seventh element, he found its mass had reduced by a third—a considerable loss.

Seeing Lynn return, Harof and others who had been anxiously waiting outside heaved a sigh of relief. Lynn had moved the battlefield to the Quantum Sea, and they had been unable to intervene, nor did they know exactly how the battle had gone.

"It looks like the battle went smoothly? Surely the main world didn't just send this one deity over?" Victorio relaxed a bit as Lynn didn't seem injured.

"It should be just this one for now!" Lynn nodded, pondering for a moment before recounting his battle and exchange with Aoge.

"A rebellious god?" Harof and the others frowned.

This seemed somewhat strange to them, especially since this god still held an artifact given by the Chief God, presumably with a specific mission.

"Could it be that these gods are trying to feign a defection?" Anthony speculated.

These gods’ followers and divine realms are all in the main world, so suddenly claiming to betray is highly unbelievable.

Thus, it's very likely a trap set by the opposition to gain their trust by destroying a so-called Chief God's artifact.

"It might be a feigned defection, but we can't completely rule out the possibility of goodwill…" Aurora cautioned.

With so many gods in the main world, conflicts over faith, divinity, and territory are inevitable, so they are not united.

Moreover, they had shown the power to contend with the main world in the previous battle; it's normal for some opportunists to emerge.

"Let's leave him hanging for a while, then ask him later." Lynn didn't want to argue about this issue for too long. Afterwards, he asked Harof and the others if the Geometric Civilization had made any moves during this time.

"Two minutes ago, they indeed sent a communication asking if anything had happened on our side," Harof explained.

Dozens of fleets had been assembled around a black hole for several days, and with the technology of the Geometric Civilization, it was naturally

 impossible not to be aware. In fact, they had been closely monitoring the situation here, likely wanting to see how they would handle the black hole appearing within 0.1 light-years of the star system.

"What should we answer now?" Harof asked, having just discussed using the black hole experiment as an excuse, and then no matter how the other side inquired, they would say it was a secret experiment and inconvenient to disclose.

"That's fine," Lynn nodded in agreement.

The less said, the fewer mistakes; let the rest be left to the other party's imagination.

To prevent gods from sneaking into this universe through spacetime wormholes again, the dozens of fleets did not withdraw after the threat was eliminated but continued patrolling nearby.

In addition, Lynn also stationed a magical avatar permanently to prevent any sudden incidents.

As for the Geometric Civilization, just as they had thought, upon hearing that the Magic Empire was conducting experiments near the black hole, they abandoned overt inquiries and instead increased their secret surveillance.

The compensation of one thousand three hundred tons of the seventh element was also delivered within a week, showing that the previously mentioned limited production was merely empty talk.

Lynn, as promised, handed a ten-kilogram block of magic power to Moni and allowed him to briefly open a wormhole on the planet to directly send the material to his home star.

On the other hand, the researchers of the Geometric Civilization, having prepared for the initial experiments, cut the block, less than a centimeter in diameter, into thousands of pieces and eagerly began their preliminary research.

They had seen the information Moni sent back; if the material wasn't right in front of them, no one would believe that such a miraculous and even somewhat illogical energy source could actually exist…

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