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Chapter 648: The Recurring Life and Creation God

Snow-white feathers continuously fell from the sky, beautiful yet imbued with a dense murderous intent...

Lynn dared not let these seemingly holy feathers come close to his body, nor could he afford any negligence. With a light grip of his palm, a vast amount of divine power was transformed into neutrons and positrons.

A brilliant beam of light then shot out from the palm of his hand, piercing through the massive body of the polymer in an instant.

This was the *Antimatter Sword*! From the moment it was developed, this powerful divine technique had been Lynn’s choice for breaching defenses. Even though his power had increased significantly, he no longer considered it just a last resort but as a viable offensive divine technique.

At the moment the sword handle, made of neutrons with positrons as the blade, penetrated the polymer’s divine body, its power was revealed. The magnetic field that enveloped and contained the energy instantly vanished, and the energy from the annihilation of matter and antimatter began to explode from within...

The massive body of the polymer swelled once more, though this time it was forced. The blood eyes, forcibly stuck together by divine power, burst under the impact of the annihilation energy.

After the slash, nearly a third of the colossal polymer’s body was destroyed, but this severe damage did not significantly affect it; it merely slightly hindered its movements, and the destroyed body part rapidly regenerated.

It seems that destroying the core that served as the foundation of its power was necessary...

Lynn thought to himself. The God of Life and Creation had just shown him that thing; it was an eye the size of a human head, but he didn’t know where it was hidden in the body.

Even knowing, it was not easy to ensure that the strongest force could hit a human head-sized object that was also moving rapidly on a cosmic scale.

He would have to go for a massive attack to destroy it! Lynn quickly made his decision. It seems he had to try that!

Complicated thoughts flashed through his mind, and since he was still in battle, Lynn dared not distract himself too much, once again using a neutron shield to block the incoming beam of destruction.

Then, eight magic incarnations appeared at Lynn’s side, four of whom immediately took action, attempting to bind the polymer's movements with an electromagnetic field.

In the vast high-dimensional space of the Quantum Sea, where electrons were abundant, the divine technique of electromagnetism quickly formed an electromagnetic cage around the polymer.

The other four incarnations also acted at the same time, firing hundreds of neutron cannons, each about one millimeter in diameter, at sub-light speed toward the polymer.

At this moment, the polymer, made up of countless eyes, was trapped within the electromagnetic cage. The invisible magnetic field, like threads, tightly bound it.

But as the damaged body finished regenerating, such bindings became weak. The polymer fiercely spread its wings, and the surrounding space rippled like water waves, breaking the magnetic field in an instant, and the incoming neutron cannons deviated from their path.

The polymer didn’t pause; it sensed a strong danger.

Lynn’s body was also condensing a neutron cluster, even larger than all those neutron cannons combined—thousands of times larger!

Its power was unimaginable!

The polymer naturally wouldn’t just let Lynn cast his spells leisurely. The wings spread again, the surrounding space visibly distorted, and its speed increased several times in an instant, traveling nearly twice the speed of light, covering tens of thousands of kilometers in just 0.02 seconds!

Eight magic incarnations blocked its path, but these incarnations, with only a fraction of the original's strength, could not play much of a role and were instantly turned into corks by the flashing light of destruction.

However, by the time a round of destructive light eliminated these magic incarnations, Lynn had already disappeared from the spot, leaving only a small sphere about ten centimeters in diameter in the endless void.

In the gruesome blood eyes of the polymer, tens of thousands of beams of destructive light lit up again, trying to annihilate it.

Massive amounts of destructive beams hit the target without exception, yet the threat was not mitigated; in fact, the sense of crisis became even stronger!

Because the destructive beams weren’t actually that accurate, many were even shot in other directions to block the entire space, but at this moment, they hit the target, or rather, were sucked into it!

That ten-centimeter sphere had collapsed before the attack arrived, turning into a singularity, frantically absorbing all matter and energy around it.

Clearly, this was a miniature black hole! Since it was not easy to capture a sufficient amount of matter in the Quantum Sea, the mass forming the core of the black hole was directly converted from magic power, consuming nearly half of Lynn’s divine power.

The previously fired neutron cannons were just a cover, meant to make the opponent think his offensive technique was a long-range

 projectile, when in fact, it was to lure the opponent into stepping forward voluntarily!

This tactic undoubtedly succeeded. The polymer soon realized something was wrong, but it was already within the Schwarzschild radius of the miniature black hole, even less than a kilometer from the core!

The holy giant wings were torn apart by the powerful gravitational force, the peripheral stacked blood eyes were forcibly stripped, and even the surrounding quantum tides could not avoid the attraction of the black hole, swirling continuously into the singularity.

One millisecond after the collapse began, Lynn's body appeared 30,000 kilometers away; just before the black hole was completed, he had used *Dimensional Jump* to escape the area.

Watching the polymer being torn and pulled into the black hole, Lynn did not relax his vigilance. He quickly noticed a peculiar material flying out against the quantum tide pouring into the black hole. If not for the very obvious ripples in space-time it caused, it would have been difficult to notice.

"It’s a pity..." Lynn sighed with some regret, though not particularly surprised.

After all, this miniature black hole was just an experimental product, and its mass was very limited, not to mention the opponent had already demonstrated the ability to overcome the attraction of a black hole.

Fortunately, abandoning such a large energy body naturally also involved significant loss. The blood eye that escaped the black hole's capture range had turned exceedingly dim.

Since it wasn’t resolved with one strike, then it's time for another!

Lynn stretched out his hand, a powerful electromagnetic force coalescing in his palm.

"Please stop, great god from another world, I think we should have a proper talk!"

A voice suddenly rang out in Lynn’s mind, the *God of Life and Creation [Aoge]* had already taken hold of that divine artifact...

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