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Chapter 647: My Name is Aoge, Master of Life, God of Creation!

"Unfold... in the lower dimensions!"

The moment Lynn Maxwell's words fell, the seventh element gathered in his palm expanded millions of times instantly, enveloping everything around him!

Previous uses of "Unfold in the Lower Dimensions" took place inside planets, where gravitational and magnetic fields formed a shield, but this time it was different—it was in the vastness of space, protected only by a thin layer of the seventh element, beyond which lay the vast Quantum Sea.

Choosing this battlefield was naturally to avoid the surveillance of the Geometric Civilization. The God of Life and Creation stared at Lynn in front of him, somewhat surprised. During their last battle, he could feel Lynn's power converging towards his own, both wielding moderate divine strength. However, now the oppressive feeling was far stronger than most deities he had encountered, almost on par with the great deity Harliere.

Yet, he was prepared. At the same moment Lynn unfolded the seventh element, the God of Life and Creation also brought out the Chief God Moragras's given divine artifact.

It was... an eye! As large as a human head, it shimmered in dark gold, blood-red veins sprawling around the pupil, presenting a gruesome and terrifying sight.

Rather than calling it a divine artifact, it seemed more like a part of Chief God Moragras's body!

Even separated by a universe, their connection had grown incredibly weak.

"My name is Aoge, master of life, the god of creation!"

In the vacuum of space where no sound could travel, Aoge's words seemed to pierce through the distance, resonating directly in Lynn's mind!

Under the power of life and creation, the human-sized eye began to rapidly expand, quickly surpassing a hundred meters in diameter. Strands of pristine white feathers drifted down from the void, eventually coalescing into a massive pair of wings!

Hidden under the white feathers was a mass composed of countless eyes.

Aoge was indeed invoking the power of this divine artifact with his godly power of creation! As Lynn shifted the battlefield to the Quantum Sea, the white wings suddenly spread wide, unleashing tens of thousands of terrifying beams of annihilation light, covering nearly the entire space enveloped by the seventh element, leaving no possibility of evasion.

Even Lynn couldn't help but shudder at the thought of being struck by these lights, aware of the potential fatal threat they posed.

In a split second, a massive number of barely visible elementary particles, influenced by a certain force, aligned in front of Lynn, forming a protective layer barely a millimeter in diameter.

What stood before him was a neutron shield! Neutrons, among the hardest materials in the universe, with a strength billions of times that of steel, were firmly locked together by the strong nuclear force, forming a wall in front of him.

Most crucially, its nearly perfect smooth surface effectively reflected the light back.

But these beams of annihilation were not just simple electromagnetic waves. Even such a formidable wall crumbled layer by layer in the face of hundreds of thousands of these beams, the neutrons unable to withstand the immense energy and disintegrating into even more microscopic quarks...

Moreover, those beams aimed at other directions created a massive hole in the seventh element's protective shield, immediately unleashing a torrential quantum tide!

This was one of the most fundamental forces in the universe, capable of erasing a legend from this world in an instant.

Even gods could scarcely stand against such power for long...

Thankfully, the hundreds of thousands of beams of annihilation light were not all directed at Lynn; after passing through the neutron shield, their energy was reduced to less than one percent of its original strength, posing much less of a threat.

"What terrifying power..." Lynn muttered, his expression extremely solemn.

This referred to both the quantum tide and the beams of annihilation light, certainly not something a god of moderate power could manage, most likely originating from the chief god himself!

After the first barrage of annihilation light, the mass did not pause for a moment, pushing against the quantum tide as it rushed towards Lynn. Its size expanded further, the span of its wings even surpassing a kilometer in diameter, reaching speeds close to that of light.

In the three-dimensional space of the universe, this was the speed limit, but in higher dimensions, it was hardly notable.

Just as the mass was about to reach him, Lynn's body flickered, vanishing from his spot as the rushing wings pierced through, reappearing tens of thousands of kilometers away.

This was "Dimensional Leap," a technique copied from the main ship of the Geometric beings, allowing city-sized warships to teleport. The downside was significant energy loss, distance limitations, and imprecise positioning.

Lynn's mastery and understanding of dimensions surpassed that of the Geometric Civilization, thus he could freely control the teleportation's destination. However, even so, frequent use was not possible.

Before performing

 a "Dimensional Leap," it took a second to confirm a safe coordinate—in a divine battle where movements were measured in milliseconds and traveled at the speed of light, even a second's exposure could be lethal.

However, using it for the first time naturally caught the God of Life and Creation off guard. Though he sensed the temporal fluctuations, Lynn had already reached behind him, less than a thousand kilometers away, before he could intervene.

After the first round of combat, Lynn realized that the strange mass was likely related to the chief god, not something he could easily handle. So, it made more sense to first deal with its controller!

Aoge clearly sensed Lynn's intent to kill, fully aware he stood no chance alone. Without any hesitation or thought of resistance, his body split open, dividing into hundreds of pieces that fled in all directions.

At that moment, Lynn had already activated the particles within the Quantum Sea. A light brighter than solar flares lit up in the void of high-dimensional space, obliterating nearly ninety-nine percent of the split bodies.

However, the remaining ten or so pieces split again, diving deeper into the Quantum Sea!

The God of Life and Creation might not excel in combat, but his survival ability was among the strongest. Until his divine power was completely exhausted, he was undoubtedly one of the hardest deities to kill!

Lynn had no chance for a second pursuit because, in less than a tenth of a second, the mass composed of countless eyes had already charged at him again!

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