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Chapter 646: The Battle of Gods at the Edge of the Black Hole!

Not only Lynn received the quantum communication; Harold, Victorio, and others became aware of this critical intelligence at the same moment.

None of them had expected Lynn's concerns to materialize so swiftly!

"Should we try to involve the Geometric Civilization?" Aurora suggested.

Although the council's power had greatly increased compared to before, and Lynn had once again achieved a breakthrough, the idea of single-handedly confronting the gods of the main world was still fanciful. The only chance of victory was to bring the Geometric Civilization into the fray.

However, that would require a proper reason, like an internal rebellion within the empire, to seek their help.

"No, it's best not to let the Geometric Civilization get involved," Lynn shook his head, rejecting Aurora's proposal.

They had just proposed a deal to exchange magic for the seventh element, which had already aroused suspicion. Now, mentioning troubles within the Magic Empire and needing the help of a 'lower' civilization to overcome difficulties could easily arouse their bad intentions.

"The situation might not be as bad as it seems. From the reports, the black hole hasn't disappeared; this could just be a trial or a probing attack," Lynn reassured.

Previously, the wizards monitoring the black hole had reported several anomalies with the space gates—under the influence of the black hole, the space gates continually shrank, but there were also instances when they suddenly expanded, spewing strange materials from within.

Lynn speculated that the gods of the main world were experimenting with how to destroy or break through the gravitational pull of the black hole. This time, the messages received were more urgent, clearly not a usual situation, making it essential to see for themselves!

After some deliberation, it was decided that Raphael would stay behind to interact with the Geometric Civilization for the upcoming material exchanges, while the rest would use the wormhole to rush to support...

The distance was vast, about fifty light-years away, and even at twice the speed of light, it would take twenty-five years!

Fortunately, they had placed a detector on the battlefield last time, which could be used as coordinates to open the wormhole, taking less than ten minutes altogether. However, traveling from the detector's location to just outside the Schwarzschild radius of the black hole took a full day and night.

Dozens of council warships had already gathered there, forming a semicircle around it.

However, calling it a surround was somewhat amusing, as under the vast scope of the black hole, the warships appeared as tiny as floating specks of dust.

"How's the situation?" Lynn stepped into the makeshift command center, cutting straight to the chase without any nonsense.

It had been nearly thirty hours since they received the intelligence, and the fact that the fleet stationed here hadn't been completely wiped out was beyond Lynn's expectations.

"This... is hard to say," the Grand Wizard hesitated before recounting the entire situation.

After swallowing six gods and dozens of antimatter-fueled galaxy-level warships, the visible range of the black hole had expanded several times, even reaching the space gates and enveloping them.

Due to the black hole's strong gravitational pull, not even light could escape, making it impossible to see inside from the exterior. However, this did not mean they had no means to obtain information.

According to Lynn's theory of dimensions, they could directly observe changes in the gravitational waves of the black hole to speculate what was happening inside.

The black hole was like a large sphere placed on a stretchable fabric, causing a deep depression in the surrounding space-time.

The space gate, positioned at the already depressed edge of the stretchable fabric, appeared even more prominently depressed due to the presence of a smaller sphere in that area.

Moreover, the two gravitational sources also interacted with each other. For instance, they observed that the energy sustaining the space gate was continuously being sucked into the black hole, and its size was gradually shrinking.

Previous reports had been triggered by sudden detections of increased gravitational pull at the space gate, suspecting that the gods on the other side were meddling.

However, the situation now was even stranger; a third source of gravity had appeared inside the range of the black hole's event horizon and was slowly moving towards the outer edge of the black hole's event horizon.

"This object isn't moving fast; we detected it several hours after the incident. Based on its speed, it should leave the radius of the black hole's event horizon in about a day..." the Grand Wizard reported.

Lynn pondered for a moment and immediately guessed that it must be some deity overstepping bounds.

A deity fully exerting themselves would generate extremely powerful space-time forces, enough to cause significant ripples at the edge.

It was unclear which gods had arrived.

The most crucial thing was that the battle could not last too long, nor should the scene become too intense, as it might attract the attention of the Geometric Civilization.


Elsewhere, the God of Life

 and Creation, bearing a heavy responsibility, was drifting at the edge of the black hole's event horizon.

Here, it was pitch black, even deeper than the boundless void. Time and space seemed to lose their significance here, and there was no concept of up, down, left, or right. However, moving in the opposite direction of the gravitational vortex was always correct.

Upon entering this realm, the God of Life and Creation had underestimated the strength of the black hole's gravity and almost got sucked in. Fortunately, the chief artifact given by Moragras played a crucial role at the critical moment, forming an anti-gravity field around him, greatly reducing the impact of the black hole's gravitational vortex, thereby avoiding a disastrous defeat before achieving anything.

It was unclear how long he had flown, perhaps a day, a week, or half a month, but finally, a light appeared ahead... It was light captured from the outside world by the black hole.

This meant he was about to leave this accursed place.

Yet, the God of Life and Creation did not feel relieved because he knew this was the most dangerous time.

Several hours later, the God of Life and Creation completely left the covering range of the black hole's event horizon. What appeared before him was a dazzling sea of light... formed by the material absorbed and heated by the black -- the light ring stood a figure, under the enormous halo, the silhouette seemed very blurry yet emitted a strong oppressive aura.

Lynn was somewhat surprised that the only deity who had entered the great cosmos was one of his former defeated subordinates, but he also understood that since the opponent dared to enter this universe, he must have something to rely on, probably not easy to deal with. He immediately raised the clumped seventh element in his hand and coldly spoke out.

"Low dimension... expand!"

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