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Chapter 645: Even if This is a Poisoned Pie, We Must Eat It!

The negotiations with Moni and the others lasted a full half-month before finally concluding. With the unanimous support of the assembly leaders, they precisely manipulated the Geometric Civilization's desperate desire for magic energy, reaching an agreement to exchange one thousand tons of Element Seven for ten kilograms of magical power.

Yes... just ten kilograms of magical power! Although magic power is a kind of energy, it also has mass, albeit incredibly light, observable only during its transformation.

Because energy is essentially a more micro form of matter, this is why mass and energy can convert into each other—they are fundamentally no different.

For instance, one kilogram of electricity, easily calculated using the mass-energy equation, equates to about twenty-five billion Joules, sufficient to power an interstellar spacecraft for about an hour.

After the negotiation was truly settled, Moni even wondered if he was dreaming, as the interstellar governor actually agreed to the trade of Element Seven for magical power.

Despite the challenging negotiation process, the outcome exceeded their bottom line by a hundredfold, yet Moni was still immensely satisfied.

This meant that he didn't have to risk assassination to smuggle magical power, nor did it risk triggering a war between two civilizations.

With Lynn's permission, Moni hurriedly conveyed this good news back to their home world.

The Disc leaders had no hopes for the transaction's success; they were discussing how to smuggle out the magical power during the next delivery. Suddenly learning that the opposition had agreed to exchange Element Seven for magical power left them speechless with shock.

Moni quickly took the opportunity to take credit, stating that it was his exquisite negotiation skills that persuaded the interstellar governor.

However, this also represented a sad reality. The Magic Empire highly valued magical power as a special kind of energy, but not as much as they imagined, treating it as classified, not top-secret strategic material. Otherwise, a single interstellar governor couldn’t have decided alone.

Moreover, the Magic Empire was indeed very interested in Element Seven, considering the opponent's control over time dilation capabilities. Moni even suspected that their research on Element Seven had reached a very profound level, possibly surpassing the Geometric Civilization!

Such a huge disparity drove the Disc leaders to despair.

At the same time, some of the Geometric citizens doubted this, noting that even if magical power wasn’t a top-secret energy source for the Magic Empire, trading it so readily was still peculiar.

Because if one could harness and utilize this kind of energy, the Geometric Civilization could experience a technological explosion within decades.

From their interactions and understanding, the Magic Empire, although claiming to be a 'high moral' civilization, didn't seem like the truly selfless type willing to assist and share fundamental technologies with lower civilizations.

"Perhaps it's because of Element Seven!" an oval-shaped leader speculated.

"Don't you find it strange? Why would the Magic Empire suddenly appear in that star region, so close to the Geometric Civilization? According to the intelligence we've gathered, the several planets in that star region have not undergone any development..."

So, he suspected that the Magic Empire had only just arrived in that star system, likely because their detectors had reached there, accidentally discovering an exploration fleet that had crashed in the star system, finding remnants of Element Seven inside, and after studying this new element, found it very intriguing, hence emitting a signal to lure them into receiving it, planning to obtain it through war.

However, in that minor war, they used artificial black holes—a technology developed from Element Seven—to overcome the opponent's high-dimensional warfare weapons, making the Magic Empire cautious, and with a nearly humble attitude, completely removing their pretext for initiating a war, thus agreeing to this trade request.

This leader's wild guess quickly gained affirmation from many colleagues, although there were quite a few Geometric citizens who opposed it, as there were many loopholes in this theory.

Assuming that the Magic Empire, which considered magical power as a phenomenal energy source, was not particularly concerned about it, then why would they be so interested in Element Seven?

It's not likely that the potential of Element Seven was more terrifying than that of magical power. Moreover, if they wanted to obtain Element Seven, they could simply offer other technologies in exchange, which was initially what they thought the Magic Empire would do in the trade, but this explanation had too many inconsistencies.

"We cannot measure an energy lifeform's thinking with the Geometric Civilization's mindset..." the oval-shaped leader insisted, believing his hypothesis was certainly correct, perhaps that's just how their thought processes worked!

Colorful electromagnetic waves continuously flashed in the conference room, but the supreme leader was not affected by these disputes, maintaining the original decision, completing this transaction.

"Inform the interstellar governor, we're ready to send the remaining three hundred tons of compensation along with the traded one thousand tons of Element Seven directly through the wormhole!" the supreme leader declared.

Since the deal was set, there was no turning back; otherwise

, it would likely enrage the opposition, especially since magical power was probably related to the advancement of a universal-level civilization. Even if this was a poisoned pie, they had to forcibly eat it!


Elsewhere, in the temporary residence, Harof and others were anxiously awaiting a reply from the Geometric Civilization. Although they had already agreed on the terms with Moni, the final decision still lay in the hands of the Geometric Civilization's decision-makers.

"What's the situation now? Do those Geometric citizens suspect anything?" Victorio looked towards Lynn, thinking that they should have finished discussing by now.

"Yes!" Lynn nodded, then smiled and said. "It's just that they probably still can't understand why we agreed to the trade request."

From the initial meeting with the Geometric Civilization, Lynn had been cultivating the illusion of the Magic Empire's immense strength, further reinforcing this perception over time. Now, they should undoubtedly believe it.

After all, they were throwing out genuine bait, displaying real technologies, enough to bewitch them.

"If things go smoothly, there's no need to further expand the planetary ranch for now, the Geometric Civilization should help us complete this, as for the next steps in godhood manufacturing..." Lynn was saying when his smile suddenly broke, turning much more serious.

He had received a message from Eternal Star; the black hole they had been monitoring had developed a problem!

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