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Chapter 644: Breaking Through the Black Hole Blockade

Under Lynn's explanation, the councilors present began to weigh the pros and cons, all shocked by Lynn's wildly imaginative idea.

The Geometric Civilization's desire to achieve energy ascension and escape physical constraints was well-known, having been mentioned in multiple communications between Moni and their home world.

If they were to base this on magical power, it would effectively put life and death under Lynn's control!

Moreover, if the council could replicate the technology for energy transformation used by the other party and utilize it, transforming the tens of millions of citizens of the Eternal Star...

At this thought, Harof shuddered, unable to imagine how terrifying a civilization entirely composed of legends would be.

Aurora, Anthony, and others also realized this point. As Lynn had said, this was indeed a decision with both risks and benefits.

On the other hand, Victorio still had some reservations. He felt there was no need to take such risks.

By simply maintaining the status quo, they could surpass the Geometric Civilization in fifty years or so, at least achieving the capability to confront them directly. It wouldn't be too late to implement this plan then.

After developing the dimensional magic to manipulate the flow of time, time was now on their side!

The longer the delay, the more advantageous it was for the council!

Lynn, however, shook his head, shattering Victorio's illusions.

"The Geometric Civilization is indeed intimidated by us now, but do you really think the threat from the main world has disappeared?"

The invasion from the main world had been repelled with the help of the Geometric Civilization, and the opened spacetime gate was blocked by a black hole, but Lynn was very clear that all of this was temporary!

Given more time, Lynn was confident he could replicate the Geometric Civilization's artificial black hole technology. If he could do it, then the much stronger Chief God was unlikely to be fooled and would eventually find a solution.

Not to mention, the last war was hardly a complete victory for the Geometric Civilization; they had seized a rare opportunity to 'ambush' the Chief God while his body was stuck between two worlds, making it impossible for him to evade, and thus he was temporarily repelled.

Once the gods of the other main world invaded again, whether they could cope was one thing; more importantly, the previous lies might be exposed, and then they would potentially face a pincer attack from both sides!

Being passive was not in Lynn's nature; he preferred to take the initiative to eliminate threats.

"If that's the case, then we'll have to do as you suggest." Victorio no longer objected; he had indeed overlooked the threat from another universe.

It was just that things had been too quiet on that front recently, but ultimately, it was because they had lost the means to receive news from the main world after giving up the Divine Realm.

The quieter it was, the more likely a greater threat was brewing.

After reaching an agreement with everyone, Lynn prepared to meet with Moni.

Even though he had decided to agree to the trade, he couldn't be too casual in the negotiations. He needed to give them a hard time before considering agreement, to avoid making the Geometric Civilization suspicious.

Thanks to eavesdropping on Moni's discussions with the leaders of the Disc Council, Lynn knew their bottom line was a thousand-to-one exchange ratio, and it seemed there was still room to push it lower...



In the endless void, within the Pantheon of Gods, more than a hundred deities had been gathered for several months now. Three Chief Gods even teamed up, attempting to blow up the black hole blocking the previously created spacetime gate!

"Failed again!" Watching the spacetime gate in the void stabilize once more, the God of Life and Creation silently shook his head. This was the fourth attempt this month.

The gods waiting inside the Pantheon hadn't said much, but they were all plotting cautiously, witnessing for the first time that even the Chief Gods could encounter insurmountable challenges.

Chief God Moragras's face looked grim. With their combined power, solving a small black hole wasn't hard, but since they couldn't truly descend into the vast universe, relying only on a fraction of their extended power, it was difficult to counter the terrifying gravitational pull of the black hole.

Even the opened spacetime wormhole itself inevitably shrank to two-thirds of its original size due to the influence, expected to completely disappear in half a year. They couldn't wait any longer! This was why Moragras was so eager to break through the blockade, making multiple attempts within a month.

"Trying to deal with this massive source of gravity from across the dimensional barrier seems impossible. Perhaps we should try another method!" Another Chief God spoke up thoughtfully.

Their original plan was to jointly eliminate the black hole on the other side, then expand the spacetime gate, after all, it was a spacetime channel they had established with great

 effort. Losing Aila as a coordinate, they couldn't easily enter the other world from another location in the short term.

Unfortunately, the attempts over the past few months had obviously failed.

Fortunately, their efforts during this time weren't completely in vain. At least, they had mastered the strength and range of that massive gravitational source.

Since directly destroying the massive gravitational source was difficult, they might as well try to escape its capture, which would make the execution much less difficult. The combined power of the three of them should be enough to allow a deity to safely pass through the range of the gravitational source and open a spacetime gate in another, safer location.

The only problem was that the wizards' fleet might still be guarding the other side of the spacetime gate. Even if they successfully broke through the gravitational capture, it would still be very dangerous.

Keep in mind that last time they were fully prepared, allowing six deities to descend at once, and yet they were completely annihilated, with even the great deity Harliere unable to escape. No one wanted to be cannon fodder...

Chief God Moragras looked around at the gathered gods, hesitating due to fear, somewhat disappointed, just about to directly appoint someone, when the God of Life and Creation suddenly stepped forward, speaking under the astonished gaze of the gods.

"Why not let me do it? We've tried several times already and failed each time; I guess by now they must have lowered their guard!"

Chief God Moragras looked approvingly at the God of Life and Creation. Having someone volunteer was naturally much better than forcing them...

Considering that the God of Life and Creation was not adept at combat, Moragras handed him a divine artifact.

It was just unfortunate that the God of Space had already perished; otherwise, he would have been the safest choice for the task.

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