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Chapter 643: Bringing the Entire Geometric Civilization Under Our Control!

"How confident are you?" Upon hearing that Lynn had a way to create divinity, Harof's eyes lit up, and he eagerly asked.

"About seventy percent," Lynn replied, cautiously. Although he had a concrete plan in mind, it still needed to be tested first.

Anthony, Victorio, Aurora, and the others were also very concerned about this point. After more than a decade of accumulation, they were not far from breaking through to become legendary nine-ring wizards.

If Harof could successfully complete the ascension ritual, perhaps Lynn would be next!

As the councilors were about to inquire further, they were interrupted by an electromagnetic transmission.

It was an urgent communication from Sanchez, who was monitoring the geometric aliens. The message was straightforward—the manager, Moni, who had just finished communicating with their home world, requested a meeting with Lynn, the 'Interstellar Governor' of the Magic Empire, citing something very important to discuss.

"What are they planning this time?" Victorio raised an eyebrow.

Despite the geometric aliens having been relatively well-behaved over the past decade, Victorio had not let his guard down.

Lynn smiled and explained, "The Geometric Civilization is planning to exchange Element No. 7 for a portion of magical material. If they can't get it, they might try to smuggle it."

Moni wouldn't bluntly reveal this to Raphael, but the entire planet was Lynn's divine domain.

In other words, this exchange was taking place within his own body; Lynn could 'see' Moni's communication with the geometric civilization directly.

As for the advanced information protection technology of the geometric civilization... it only guards against technology, not magic, or more specifically, in their perception, magic is merely a form of energy. The Magic Empire has mastered the use of this special energy, much like producing and utilizing electricity, without ever realizing that Lynn himself is the electricity!

"They sure think highly of themselves..." Harof scoffed.

Anthony and others were somewhat worried. Previously, they were against Lynn involving these geometric aliens in the planetary pasture project because it would inevitably leak information about magic.

Even if there was a need to use the technology of the geometric civilization, they could forcibly demand or requisition some of the scientific instruments, completely avoiding the risk of leaking magical secrets.

But since the incident had already occurred, it was not good for them to blame Lynn for being too relaxed, so they pondered how to politely decline to make the other party give up this impractical idea.

Raphael even suggested that Moni and other geometric aliens should be imprisoned to prevent them from covertly scheming about magic.

However, Lynn's response was unexpected.

"Of course we should give it! Since the Geometric Civilization wants to trade, why shouldn't we agree? Element No. 7 is exactly what the council is lacking, isn't it?"

Lynn spoke casually, disregarding the compensation of five hundred tons of Element No. 7 offered by the geometric civilization, which was not only for building the planetary pasture but also for creating divinity—it was simply not enough.

That's why he specifically proposed the trade. Besides magic, the council probably couldn't offer anything else the other party wanted.

"Have you gone mad?" Harof exclaimed, eyes wide in disbelief.

Aurora, Anthony, Sanchez, and others were equally astonished; they simply couldn't comprehend Lynn's logic, to willingly hand over the council's trump card and reliance.

"You originally left those geometric aliens to join the planetary pasture project as preparation for this, right?" Victorio was relatively calm, realizing from Lynn's actions over the years that the trade of magic was not a spur-of-the-moment decision but a long-term strategy.

For the moment, Victorio couldn't understand why.

Lynn did not answer directly but instead asked, "In your opinion, what is magic?"

Victorio paused for a moment, and Harof and others also frowned in thought, then Anthony was the first to speak, "Magic is a special energy from another universe, influenced by mental power, capable of manipulating various fundamental particles in the universe and even affecting space-time..."

Anthony concisely summarized all the council's research on the properties of magic.

Answering Lynn's question was not easy; to explain something from the perspective of magical studies, one needs to summarize all its origins, components, and methods of production.

For instance, water, one can vaguely describe it as the source of life, a colorless, odorless, transparent liquid, or say it's an inorganic compound composed of hydrogen and oxygen.

But that is only the superficial aspect. If one delves deeper, it would require explaining what the fundamental particles that make up hydrogen and oxygen are, why the chemical formula is H2O and not some other proportion, and why these two elements can form water...

When it comes to deeper issues, they can only be described by universal laws, and based on their hypothesis, magic might also be

 one of the most fundamental particles, involving a higher dimension, hence its existence in various forms.

Lynn certainly did not mean to trouble them but reminded them, "Don't forget, the magic on this planet is not unclaimed; it is also a part of me!"

The geometric civilization's study and use of magic were equivalent to studying and using his own power. Lynn could even control the research results obtained by the other party to some extent.

"Your meaning is to leverage the geometric civilization's research and use of magic to, in turn, influence and control them..." Harof instantly understood Lynn's intention but still found the idea unreliable.

It was undoubtedly a very risky plan; a slight miscalculation could lead to a loss of control, and if the geometric civilization's technological level exceeded expectations and completely deciphered the secrets of magic, it would be disastrous!

"I have already tried this."

Lynn was well aware of Harof and others' concerns; in fact, this was also what he worried about, which is why he had previously allowed Moni and others to stay, assuming they would start researching magic and repeatedly exchange information with their home world, just to confirm whether the geometric civilization had the capability.

Compared to the risks they needed to take, the potential gains were also much larger. If managed well, they might be able to bring the entire geometric civilization under their control.

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