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Chapter 642: The Second Celestial Deity of the Council?

"Isn't this too dangerous..."

A hesitant leader of the Disc Civilization spoke, realizing that the transfer of reparations was an opportunity to secretly transport mana, but it also carried great risks. Should there be any magical detection devices with the opposition, getting caught would be troublesome.

From the intelligence gathered, the Geometric Civilization simply had no chance against their adversaries. Should relations sour, the consequences would be unimaginably dire.

The Supreme Leader was also weighing this critical issue concerning the survival of their civilization. They had only just managed to maintain a relatively 'friendly' relationship with the Magic Empire. Rashly meddling with mana, an essential energy, could shatter the carefully crafted situation they had maintained.

But mana was too crucial, tied to the possibility of the Geometric Civilization ascending to a cosmic civilization. Most importantly, Moni had already discovered a method to derive this energy. If they could transport this portion of mana back, they could continuously acquire this resource.

"The Interstellar Governor mentioned wanting to trade for more of Element Seven, right? Perhaps we could propose a trade directly..."

As a researcher of dimensions and time, Iyeta's wild suggestion brought about ridicule. The leaders considered it ludicrous; such a strategic resource would not be easily relinquished by any civilization. It was not only futile but would also expose their desire for mana. Once the Magic Empire became wary, extracting mana would become significantly harder!

However, Iyeta felt differently. If mana was indeed so crucial, then the opposition wouldn't have allowed Moni to participate in this experiment.

Thinking that mana, this type of resource, was top-secret and not for trade was merely wishful thinking by these lower-dimensional civilizations.

After much deliberation, the Supreme Leader finally decided to have Moni tentatively propose a trade of Element Seven for mana. If the response was a flat refusal without any leeway, they would consider other means.

Although it was obvious that the Interstellar Governor's approval was highly unlikely, this could still serve as an opportunity to gauge the Magic Empire's attitude towards mana, preparing them for any consequences that might arise from their attempt to smuggle it...


While Moni and the leaders of his homeworld were clandestinely discussing how to acquire mana, in the New World, a deliberately cleared continent, Lynn was inspecting the developments of the past decade.

Since Lynn had reversed control over the 500,000 atomic-level detectors placed by the Geometric Civilization on this planet, and as they had entered the Quantum Sea, external detectors could not track their movements. This allowed Victorio and others to safely conduct various research projects here, their visibility entirely dependent on Lynn's control.

These past years were not in vain. They had dismantled and studied all the technological artifacts left by the Geometric aliens on this planet, focusing on warship enhancement and research, and sorting out past knowledge systems.

It must be said, since Lynn arrived in the Wizard's Realm, magic studies had rapidly evolved in a remarkably short time, thanks to the wizards' brilliant minds and strong learning capabilities. Now, they finally had time to thoroughly consolidate and organize their findings.

While engaged in research, the legendary councilors also did not neglect the most crucial task: enhancing their power.

Anthony, Raphael, and others had progressed from seventh-ring to eighth-ring wizards. Victorio and Aurora, who had previously advanced, were now on the verge of another breakthrough.

Harof had become the first to ascend to a ninth-ring legendary wizard. Although he had just broken through recently and his accumulations were limited, it also meant he had the potential for further advancement.

This left Victorio feeling slightly regretful; he had been the first to achieve a legendary breakthrough, and now Harof had overtaken him.

"Congratulations, Councilor Harof. It looks like it won't be long before the council has its second celestial deity-level combatant!" Lynn sincerely congratulated him.

Unlike Aila, who monopolized power and persecuted other competitors, Lynn was genuinely pleased with Harof's advancement.

Resources in the universe were abundant, and the dangers faced were not something a single celestial deity could handle alone. Even if the opponent completed the breakthrough, they were still on the same front, not like the deities of the main world who fought each other viciously over faith.

Also, being a deity sounded impressive but was essentially equivalent to starship-level combat power. According to the Geometric Civilization, such high-dimensional life forms were somewhat rare in the universe.

Had it not been the Chief God but himself facing the Geometric Civilization's fleet back then, he might now have been captured for research.

However, Lynn didn't much care about the status of deity. For Harof, the excitement had kept him restless for months, continuously discussing the ascension plan with the other councilors.

With Lynn as a successful precedent, Harof was very confident. Besides this Life Star under their feet, the Geometric Civilization had compensated them with two additional planets, enough to serve as chips

 for advancement.

"Wanting to break through legend to become a celestial deity isn't just about accumulation; you're missing a very crucial thing—divinity!" Lynn shook his head, dousing the excited Harof with a splash of cold water.

The brows of the legendary councilors immediately furrowed. Aila was one thing; she had received Diana's divinity. But they remembered that Lynn's breakthrough didn't involve any divinity.

Lynn, noticing their confusion, shrugged and explained. "My divinity is based on the Mystical Arts Society's special construct intelligence. The magical network system also traces back to this, but the material it's made from came from a unique substance within a meteorite, difficult to replicate."

Both he and Aila had completed their ascension ceremonies in an incredibly short time, ultimately because they first acquired this crucial thing. Aila thereby inherited Diana's priesthood, becoming the Goddess of the Moon. As for himself, perhaps because the intelligence contained a vast amount of data stored in formulas and equations, he directly received the Arcane Divinity.

However, before Harof could become too anxious, Lynn spoke again, indicating that he had some ideas about crafting divinity. He was considering using Element Seven as a core, combined with quantum computing technology to create one.

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