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Chapter 650: Magical Derivation Experiment and Quantum Data Consciousness

"Experiment 67 on Magical Derivation and its Effects on Living Organisms and Transformation… begins!"

In the Mother World, within the Biogenetic and Genetic Engineering Research Lab, a host of researchers, highly proficient in biology and energetics, gathered, their gaze fixed on the several hundred carbon-based life forms enclosed within the energy shield.

The number of specimens was undoubtedly sparse, but this was an unavoidable situation; they were allocated a very limited amount of samples, merely 0.5 kilograms in weight. Even if converted into pure energy, it was hardly sufficient, and it was expected that it would be a long time before a second batch of magical support could be obtained.

The leaders of the Geometric Civilization had paid a hefty price to obtain this material, spending a whole thousand tons of Element Seven, equivalent to two hundred years of mining and conversion.

If it weren’t for the new ore sources they discovered in a conquered galaxy over a decade ago, the leaders would hardly have been so generous in their spending.

Fortunately, Moni secretly transmitted a large number of research reports obtained from Planet 1700 back in batches, saving them from many basic experiments and allowing them to continue research following this approach.

This time, the most crucial magical derivation experiment was underway, and only by deciphering the method of creating magic could further research proceed.

"Experiment subjects 09 and 012 exhibit limb mutation reactions, with half of their cells eroded by magic… Subjects 027 and 031 receive three times the magical infusion, causing severe stress reactions, requiring emergency treatment…"

"Subjects 041 and 052 show unusually active brainwaves, with fundamental elements within the protection shield moving in ways that defy mechanical laws, suggesting the need for more in-depth testing…"

Hundreds of experiments were almost simultaneously underway, and these carbon-based life forms infused with magic soon exhibited varying degrees of transformation.

For instance, subject 047’s physical strength had increased several folds compared to before, even surpassing the limits of carbon-based life forms.

Two fortunate carbon-based life forms that survived a tenfold increase in magical injection even exhibited partial energy transformation in their bodies, exciting the Geometricians immensely.

However, the direct infusion of magic caused extremely severe backlash; ninety percent of the subjects suffered cellular-level damage. Their bodies simply couldn’t withstand such massive energy infusion, and more than ten subjects who received more than five times the magic injection were in critical condition within a few atomic divisions.

Thankfully, the Geometric Civilization’s biogenetic technology was exceedingly advanced; what would be incurable diseases in planetary-level civilizations were trivial under atomic-level biogenetic devices, and ultimately, all the subjects survived and completed preliminary biological transformation.

"A preliminary conclusion can already be drawn; the data provided by Moni in the reports is very accurate, magic can indeed transform carbon-based life forms into energy beings... Moreover, after killing some of the transformed beings, we detected that the total amount of magic did not increase but decreased by a quarter..." a pointed-tower-shaped researcher summarized.

Dimensional and Temporal Engineer Iyeta carefully reviewed each experimental report, assisted by atomic-level detection instruments, and the internal changes of these organisms were meticulously recorded.

However, the conclusion was very unexpected to him.

"The total amount of magic didn’t increase but decreased?" Iyeta was utterly puzzled because, according to the data given by Moni, the derivation of magic should be related to the death of living beings.

Could the data be incorrect?

Iyeta didn’t jump to conclusions, immediately having someone use quantum-level observation instruments to inspect the bodies of these organisms more meticulously.

After some efforts, things turned out just as he had expected; the magic hadn’t vanished into thin air but was transformed.

The sudden bodily mutations and cellular-level transformations of these subjects required the consumption of energy.

Of course, if it were just this, they wouldn't have escaped their detection; more importantly, as magic invaded the body cells, providing energy for division, it directly disguised and replaced part of the mutated limb cells, also evading their rudimentary detection.

Moni’s intelligence had noted that this peculiar energy source called magic could affect any element, but now they discovered another even more astonishing fact: magic could also be conveniently transformed into other materials.

"Quick, report this news up." Iyeta said excitedly.

With preliminary research results in hand, it meant they could obtain more magical samples.

But before Iyeta could report, a message had already come first; another lab conducting magic research had created a peculiar ‘creature’ existing in a soul state, and detected a massive amount of magical reactions from it.

Iyeta briefly reviewed the report and mused, "This is quite similar to quantum data consciousness…"

The so-called quantum data consciousness was a technology of the Geometric Civilization, capable of uploading one's memories to a quantum brain, intended to be used in conjunction with energy transformation technology to achieve a form of immortality.

However, due to its complexity and significant internal controversy

, the technology had been shelved.

Now, it seemed that the growth and decline of magic were likely linked to the consciousness of sentient beings, and Iyeta quickly realized this, urgently requesting more test subjects to confirm his suspicions.

After more than a month of intensive research support, Iyeta achieved another significant breakthrough—he found a way to transform souls into magic.

However, Iyeta was somewhat dissatisfied with the entire transformation process, which inevitably resulted in some loss, approximately twenty-five percent.

According to some energy researchers, this lost magic entered the higher dimensions in a quantum state during its transformation into microscopic particles, thus escaping their control.

This phenomenon had also been encountered when capturing other microscopic particles in the past, but currently, the Geometric Civilization’s research on dimensions was still at a rudimentary stage, and they had no way to intercept it.

"It looks like we can only use some more primitive methods." Iyeta said rather helplessly.

But thinking about it, it was quite normal; even the Magic Empire, far superior to them in dimensional technology, needed to rely on methods like planetary ranches to achieve the derivation of magic; they better not aim too high.

After all, with many star systems under the rule of the Geometric Civilization, designating a hundred and eighty of them as planetary ranches was easily manageable.

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