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Chapter 639: Returning to the Universe and The Concept of Artificial Black Holes

Vast oceans soared upward like tornadoes, endlessly sucked into a zone about seventy centimeters across at the palm of the hand, resembling a bottomless vortex that devoured everything.

Over the span of about ten days, billions of tons of seawater were drawn in, causing the vast sea level to drop by about three meters! The material was compressed into a sphere about one cubic centimeter in diameter, with a terrifying density comparable to the material inside a neutron star, even causing a noticeable distortion in the surrounding space.

Even light seemed to 'slow' down in this area, its powerful gravitational force causing a deflection in the path of the light.

"Is this the limit?"

Lynn quickly stopped drawing in seawater, as he realized that the strong nuclear force had reached its limit in compressing matter.

But creating a miniature neutron star was not his goal; what Lynn truly aimed to create was an ultra-miniature black hole!

At his level, the enemies he needed to face were extremely powerful, and all the trump cards he had were meaningless in front of the Chief God. Thus, it had been proven that the only thing capable of harming a deity of the Chief God's level was a black hole, which he prepared as his next move.

Only with this card could he truly possess the power to communicate on equal terms with the Geometric Civilization and the main world!

Initially, Lynn planned to create a super-high-density matter aggregate, allowing it to naturally collapse into a black hole.

This method was somewhat viable, as there are indeed mini black holes in the universe, and some large mass black holes are also formed by the collapse of neutron stars.

Unfortunately, the current situation showed that the compression of matter by the strong nuclear force was not as potent as he had anticipated.

To rely on this method to continuously increase the matter until its gravity was sufficient to completely break the neutron gaps and even crush the microscopic particles into the dimension of a black hole required a massive amount of mass, probably enough to stuff the entire planet beneath his feet.

Perhaps he still needed to work on the dimensionality.

Lynn pondered continuously, soon coming up with some new ideas.

However, experimenting here was clearly not quite appropriate...

Lynn looked around, and although he had stopped drawing seawater, the impact was not so easily mitigated. A huge vortex had formed at the center of the ocean, which might continue for years before it completely subsided.

Besides, the energy that escaped during the condensation of divine power had created thunderclouds covering the entire continent, worsening the living environment for the fauna and flora on this land.

For this, Lynn was somewhat helpless. His current power was too strong for the creatures within the planet; a slight movement could cause a cataclytic disaster. Next time, it would be better to find a barren planet for experiments...

As Lynn thought this, he activated the Electromagnetic Divine Power, dissipating the gathered thunderclouds, and then brought down the rain of grace, rejuvenating the land.

As for the protagonist of this continent, the rise and fall of the Kuo Mu beast tribes, Lynn had seen it all. Previously busy with breakthroughs in divine power, he had little time to care, and now he did not plan to interfere.

The other party worshipped him purely because they had happened to witness him creating a 'sun'. The first group of Kuo Mu seers Lynn actually appreciated; to see the truth of the world, they were willing to sacrifice their eyesight, truly embodying the spirit of 'seeking the Dao in the morning and dying in the evening.' However, under the iteration and corruption of power, the subsequent seers clearly no longer possessed such spirit, increasingly using theocracy to satisfy their own desires.

Such as monopolizing magical power...

Learning magic had nothing to do with worshipping gods, nor did it require sacrificing one’s eyes. Lynn had never decreed any oracle, but based on maintaining their own authority, the Kuo Mu seers still maintained this bad habit and crowned it with a sacred name.

In fact, even without the spectacle of the three days aloft, the Kuo Mu tribe would eventually have developed a belief in deities. This is a path that any sentient being must traverse in the process of understanding the world.

Thus, whether it was the spread of faith or the Kuo Mu chieftains' resistance to the theocratic system, Lynn had no intention of interfering; he let nature take its course.

His advancement also did not rely on the faith-based deification method; the belief of sentient beings was, to him, as dispensable as chicken ribs. For this reason, Lynn would not treat someone differently just because they were his followers.

All creatures within this planet, from the moment of their transformation, had been defined, which is why Lynn had named this place 'Planet Ranch'.

This was indeed somewhat cruel, but the council was not yet in a position to spread goodwill outside the solar system. Boundless benevolence would only bring boundless troubles and greater destruction.

The Kuo Mu beasts' level of intelligence was ultimately one step below humans. They could think, communicate, and even form large tribes, but that was the extent of it. Without miracles, it was very difficult for them to form a nation, let alone develop technology. They were not much different from kobolds in underground caverns.

If they considered the Kuo Mu beasts as equals in communication, what about other magical beasts that also had some degree of intelligence?

This concept could be extended infinitely, including primates, various large intelligent creatures, magical beasts, and further down to insects, microorganisms, and even plants.

Don’t be misled by their current level of technology and magic, which allowed them to completely transform a planet. To the ordinary creatures on the planet, they were no different from the creator, but in the universe, or even in this galaxy, they were still insignificant, facing considerable threats.

Perhaps one day, when their magical level was high enough to ignore all threats, they could consider creating a universal community, but for now, more aggressive means were needed.

"It's about time to end this!" Lynn looked up at the sky—the boundless Quantum Sea. Unknowingly, they had been here for over ten years.

Relying on the resources of a single planet, it was difficult to accumulate the power from strong divinity to great divinity, and various divine spell experiments were also not suitable to be carried out here. So, it was time to return to the greater universe.

Under Lynn's control, the four-dimensional coordinates of the 1700 planet returned to their original positions, and the three 'mini-suns' were also retrieved.

It was foreseeable that the reappearance of the starry sky at night and the disappearance of the sun would cause a great commotion within the Kuo Mu beast tribes, perhaps even inspiring a plethora of new myths and legends...

But these no longer had anything to do with Lynn. With a step forward, he had already entered the planetary ecological research institute.

Inside the institute, various experimental facilities were in place. The grand wizards Theodore and Igna were busy conducting experiments, and seeing Lynn, they immediately greeted him.

"Lord Lynn, welcome back. How was the experiment?" Grand Wizard Theodore asked.

"Fruitful, but there are still many challenges to overcome," Lynn replied, nodding to the wizards. "We need to continue our research on black holes and high-density matter. The current method is not sufficient."

"I understand," said Grand Wizard Igna, "We have made some progress on the dimensional aspect. Perhaps it can be integrated into your next experiment."

"Good," Lynn said, his eyes lighting up. "Let's get to work."

With that, Lynn, along with the grand wizards, began discussing and planning the next steps of their experiments, aiming to further understand and control the forces of the universe.

Back on the planet's surface, the Kuo Mu beast tribes were already in turmoil. The sudden disappearance of the 'sun' and the reappearance of the starry sky had thrown their society into chaos. Leaders and seers scrambled to interpret the signs, to understand the will of the gods, and to maintain order among their people.

But for Lynn, these were trivial matters. His focus was on the greater universe, on unlocking the secrets of the cosmos, and on achieving a power that would allow him to stand against even the Chief God.

As he delved deeper into his research, the mysteries of the universe unfolded before him, revealing the path to ultimate power and understanding.

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