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Chapter 640: A Special Gift and the Astonishment of the Geometric Civilization

"Master Moni, it seems we have returned to the 1700 star system."

Inside the Planetary Ecology Research Institute, the sudden changes outside quickly drew the attention of the Geometric beings.

Manager Moni had naturally noticed it as well. In fact, when Lynn dispelled the storm clouds and retracted the three 'suns', he already had his suspicions.

It appeared that the Magic Empire's experiment on this planet had been completed.

Manager Moni glanced at the research report organized on the table. After more than ten years of research and exploration, he had vaguely guessed the reason for such a grand experiment—conducting experiments on the derivation of a peculiar energy called magic!

According to the energy collection and detection devices, the concentration of magic on this planet had increased several times compared to more than a decade ago. From the growth curve, the increase was most rapid during large-scale wars.

Combining this with Lynn's previous demands for biological modifications—"fast iteration, short lifespan, high intelligence"—Manager Moni could almost confirm that the derivation of this energy called magic was related to the death of living beings!

Moreover, the ability of magic to affect space-time and dimensions made Manager Moni further elevate his evaluation of this special energy.

Upon realizing that they had returned to the vast universe, Manager Moni's mind was filled with one thought—how to send a portion of the magic he had secretly stored back to the home world.

However, this thought was quickly set aside as a light flashed, and Lynn's figure appeared before everyone.

"How's your research going? Any findings?" Lynn casually inquired.

"The data on the biological mutations caused by magic is basically all here." Manager Moni handed over a thumbnail-sized chip, which also contained some research data related to magic.

Over the past decade, they had been working to mitigate the impact of the disasters caused by someone, balancing the ecology while also conducting some magic research experiments. Most of it couldn't escape the surveillance of people like Harof.

Of course, some more crucial experiments and hypotheses were not recorded in any form but stored in his mind.

Lynn was well aware of Manager Moni's little schemes. Although his attention had been focused on condensing the Electromagnetic Divinity and making breakthroughs, this was still his divine domain. As long as he wanted, nothing could escape his perception.

In fact, allowing these Geometric beings to research magic was a deliberate decision by Lynn. So, after quickly scanning through the data, he moved on to inquire about the next batch of Element No. 7 and when it could be delivered.

A single planetary ranch was clearly not enough to satisfy Lynn's appetite.

The last compensation sent by the Geometric Civilization amounted to about 200 tons of Element No. 7. After low-dimensional expansion, it was barely enough to envelop a planet with a diameter of 30,000 to 40,000 kilometers. Another 300 tons of compensation had been delayed by the other party.

But even if it was all delivered, it probably wouldn't be enough.

Thinking of this, Lynn mentioned that the researchers of the Magic Empire were very interested in Element No. 7 and might consider trading for it in other ways in the future.

These words made Manager Moni extremely nervous. After witnessing Lynn's dimensional manipulation abilities, he had elevated the technological evaluation of the Magic Empire to a cosmic level. The Geometric Civilization probably couldn't compete with it, and having resources the other party wanted was undoubtedly a dangerous signal.

"By the way, take this back as a gift to the Geometric Civilization." Lynn extended his hand, holding a sphere about one centimeter in diameter.

This sphere was a neutron ball bound by strong interaction forces, which Lynn had spent several days creating. Although he couldn't turn it into a black hole, the effort shouldn't go to waste, so he decided to give it as a gift.

Moni took the marble-like sphere. As soon as he held it, he felt it was weightless. The surface was smooth and flawless, reflecting everything around like a perfect mirror.

A weapon made of neutrons?

Moni immediately realized this. The Geometric Civilization's fleet used neutron beams as offensive weapons, so Moni quickly identified it.

However, compared to the nanometer-sized diameter of neutron beams, this sphere was much larger and felt very light, likely using some kind of anti-gravity technology.

With solid technical knowledge, Moni analyzed it in just a few seconds, but he knew that since the neutron ball was a special gift from the Governor of the Magic Empire, it probably wasn't as simple as it seemed.

With Lynn's permission, Moni used quantum communication for the first time in over a decade to send a signal.

On the other side, the leaders of the home world had just received intelligence that the missing 1700 planet had reappeared. As they analyzed the information, they received Moni's signal and quickly established communication.

Manager Moni didn't hide anything. After successfully establishing communication, he recounted everything that had happened over the past decade and transmitted some data back in the form of quantum information.

As they reviewed the transmitted data, the leaders of the Disc Civilization were shocked. Although they had suspected that the disappearance of the 1700 planet was related to dimensions, they hadn't expected that the Magic Empire had moved an entire planet to a higher dimension.

A time flow rate ten times faster, directly affecting an entire planet, and it was still uncertain if this was the extent of their capabilities.

Many leaders had the same thought as Manager Moni—the Magic Empire was likely a cosmic-level civilization.

Lynn's interest in Element No. 7 also caused great concern. Some leaders believed that giving away Element No. 7 was a huge mistake.

However, some leaders thought it wasn't necessarily a bad thing. Since the other party proposed a trade, they might as well ask for some urgently needed technology in exchange, such as the method to make curvature engines, to accelerate their scientific progress.

"That's impossible?!"

Just as the leaders of the Disc Civilization were arguing about whether to proceed with the trade and what to ask for in return, a sudden exclamation interrupted the discussion.

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