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Chapter 638: Electromagnetic Divinity and Mastering the Strong Interaction Force

Crackle... Boom...

The deafening and piercing sound of thunder continuously echoed over the ocean. In the center of the vast sea, where the clouds were most dense, a large number of positive and negative charges were constantly converging.

In an instant, a bolt of lightning split the sky, illuminating it as if it were daytime. Immediately, lightning as thick as a human's waist struck down from the sky, causing waves to burst forth on the turbulent sea.

The immense seawater evaporated and, under the terrifyingly high temperature of the electric current, dissociated into a pervasive mist. In the entire sea area, millions of fish perished instantly, their bodies surfacing, creating a spectacle of floating corpses.

This also attracted more carnivorous fish, which continued the cycle under the power of the thunder...

Obviously, the fish in the new world had not yet developed an instinct to avoid thunderstorms in their short evolutionary process.

If it were a normal thunderstorm, it would not have caused such terrifying destruction. However, the lightning strikes were not naturally formed; they were the result of the energy dissipated during the condensation of divinity.

This was also why Lynn chose this location to condense his divinity.

At first, he could control it, experimenting in a small area of the sea to minimize the impact on the planet's life. However, as time went on and the divinity gradually formed, even one percent of the energy it emitted created this thunderstorm that affected the entire continent.

All Lynn could do was speed up his actions and complete the final steps.

"First is Ampere's Law, Gauss's Law, Gauss's Law for Magnetism, and Faraday's Law!" With a thought, the dense lightning around Lynn transformed into numerous complex and intricate formulas.

These symbols and equations extended continuously, soon covering the surrounding area. In the next moment, the numerous formulas began to simplify, gradually converging into four equations composed of letters and symbols—Maxwell's Equations!

Then came Ohm's Law, Biot-Savart Law, the formula for electric field energy...

All the formulas related to electricity and magnetism were extracted from the Arcane Divinity by Lynn, used to forge the Thunder Divinity... or more aptly, the Electromagnetic Divinity.

A few days later, the new divinity had formed, taking more than ten years, with many detours along the way.

Don't be fooled by the fact that he already had three divinities. The Necromancy Divinity was forcibly taken, the Arcane Divinity came with his promotion, and he had almost no relevant experience, having to try step by step.

Similarly, Lynn also found that even though he had extracted the electromagnetic formulas from the Arcane Divinity, the connection between the two still existed and had not been completely severed.

The electromagnetic seemed like a sub-divinity extending from the Arcane Divinity, maintaining a very subtle link between the two.

This made Lynn think of the memory from the Moon God Diana, where the Chief God could construct an entire pantheon. Could it be built in this way?

Should he divide a Physics Department and a Chemistry Department?

While pondering, Lynn's hands didn't stop, experimenting with the effects of the Electromagnetic Divinity with great interest.

Firstly, his control over electromagnetic forces was greatly strengthened, manipulating the planet's magnetic field as easily as eating or drinking water, even being able to directly manipulate the magnetic fields of living organisms, wiping out all living things on the entire planet.

However, what Lynn valued most was the influence on the microscopic level, such as the weak nuclear force and the strong nuclear force!

The so-called strong nuclear force, also known as the strong interaction, is the force that acts on quarks. It overcomes the repulsion between microscopic particles, forcibly binding protons and neutrons together to form atomic nuclei!

The weak nuclear force, on the other hand, is the opposite. It causes quarks to repel each other, leading to atomic fission and decay!

Before obtaining the Electromagnetic Divinity, Lynn could only barely sense these two forces acting on the microscopic level, and when creating neutron clusters, he relied on the relatively 'primitive' method of high-speed collisions.

Now it was different. He could clearly perceive the interactions between the two fundamental forces within an atom.

Dozens of plans flashed through Lynn's mind. He then extended his hand, and the elements in the surrounding air were immediately decomposed into basic particles, with countless protons and neutrons gathering in his palm.

Then, Lynn did not try to 'brutally' shorten the distance between neutrons as he had before. Instead, he prepared to increase the range of the strong interaction force!

This was undoubtedly a crazy and unbelievable idea!

What would happen if the range of the strong interaction suddenly became larger than the range of the repulsive force between microscopic particles?

Then, all matter in the entire region would attract each other, tightly combining, and might even collapse due to the exaggerated mass, forming a black hole!

However, achieving this was not easy. After simple experiments, Lynn quickly discovered that the Electromagnetic Divinity could indeed affect the strong nuclear force, but each time the range increased, the consumption of divine power increased proportionally.

Lynn had no choice but to consider eliminating the repulsive electromagnetic force, preparing to attack from both sides!

After some fiddling, the critical point was finally broken through. The basic particles gathered in his palm no longer drifted aimlessly, but collided and stuck together like magnets attracting each other.

A very small neutron cluster quickly formed.

Of course, Lynn was not satisfied with this. The matter contained in the air was too little. With a thought, a huge amount of seawater rose from the sea surface, continuously pouring into his palm.

The area near his palm underwent special treatment, making the repulsive force between particles very weak, while the range of the strong interaction force increased hundreds of times.

This meant that Lynn didn't need to do anything extra; all matter entering this area couldn't maintain a stable atomic form and would spontaneously gather together.

Achieving such an exaggerated feat was not only due to the help of the Electromagnetic Divinity but more importantly, Lynn had once again made a breakthrough—from medium divine power to strong divine power!

This was partly due to previous accumulation and the boost from the Electromagnetic Divinity, and partly because of the immense energy from the death of tens of billions of intelligent beings on the continent over the past ten years, their souls converting into powerful energy.

One had to admit that the biological modification technology of the Geometric Civilization was too powerful, creating an almost perfect pasture. In just over ten years, it equaled thousands of years of natural evolution on a planet.

If he had ten such life stars, Lynn was confident he could ascend again in a few years, becoming a god with great divine power...

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