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Chapter 637: The Storm is the Cry of the Gods, and the Thunder, Their Wrath!

On the day of Tri-Sun, during the festival dedicated to the gods, the High Prophet Mukada of the Kuo Mu beast tribe gazed at the sky, now obscured by dark clouds, his mood sinking to its depths.

According to the ancient texts, at this time every four years, three suns were supposed to rise simultaneously on the other side of the sea, creating a spectacle of the Tri-Sun Ascension.

But this time, the situation was markedly different. The sky was nothing but a blanket of clouds, with powerful thunderstorms brewing within.

This bad weather had persisted for hundreds of days, so much so that recent generations of Kuo Mu beasts had lived and died without ever witnessing the sun, and the frequent heavy rains posed a significant challenge to the tribe's survival and reproduction.

Thus, High Prophet Mukada waited, hoping for the miracle of the Tri-Sun Ascension to dispel the gloom. Unfortunately, the current celestial signs made it clear that his hopes were likely to be dashed.

A continuous, rumbling 'gurgling' echoed along the coast, causing unease among the Kuo Mu beasts gathered for the festival, their eyes fixed on Mukada and the other prophets on stage, expecting an explanation.

Especially concerning was when the spreading thunderstorm would subside, as hunting, fishing, herding, and farming all required good weather.

With hollow eyes, High Prophet Mukada stared down at the anxious Kuo Mu beasts, pondering for a moment before his resonant voice quickly filled the air.

"This is a warning from the gods, my people!"

"The storm is the gods' cry, the thunder, their fury..."

"It is clear...this weather is the great gods' punishment for our entire tribe!"

The High Prophet's words caused a stir among the hundreds of thousands of Kuo Mu beasts gathered, instilling fear in every mind, with some tentatively asking what they had done wrong to offend the gods and bring about this wrath.

High Prophet Mukada raised his staff high, silencing the crowd, and then spoke again with increased fervor, compassionately saying, "The cause of this divine punishment is because our faith has fractured..."

"As our tribal lands and population have expanded, more and more of the Kuo Mu beast tribes have strayed from our original intent, even disregarding the divine protection and guidance, provoking wars between tribes, wantonly committing slaughter... This is a betrayal of divine grace!"

Mukada's words grew increasingly passionate, and the Kuo Mu beasts gathered by the sea were quickly immersed in his speech, not doubting a single word, because the storms appeared precisely when tribal wars were most intense.

However, just then, a loud and abrupt shout interrupted the High Prophet's eloquent speech.

"Lies, all lies!"

A piercing, ear-splitting voice immediately drew everyone's attention, including High Prophet Mukada, who was astonished that someone dared to contradict him in public.

Unexpectedly, the voice came from a chieftain of a major tribe.

"Do you question the divine revelation, Shago?" Mukada recognized him, though he was blind, the wind always whispered the answers to him.

Mukada's rebuke was harsh, as blasphemy in the Kuo Mu beast tribe was an unforgivable sin, even if committed by a tribal chieftain.

Yet, Shago was fearless, angrily retorting, "There was no divine revelation, Mukada! You have deceived us! Deceived everyone..."

As the Kuo Mu beasts murmured in shock, Shago raised his hand high, and a fierce flame suddenly burst from his palm, roaring, "This is the proof!"

Mukada's face, usually calm, turned extremely grim.

Magic, as described by the prophets, was a gift from the gods, given only to the most devout believers, who had to sacrifice their precious sight to earn the right to learn and master it.

Now, Shago had mastered magic without any guidance, without directly witnessing the Tri-Suns to receive divine grace!

The sight of flames erupting from Shago's palm shocked all the Kuo Mu beasts present, even some of the prophets wore incredulous expressions, a crack forming in their steadfast faith.

They had given up their prized ability to see from afar to gain the ability to control fire, and now Shago was telling them that they didn't need to endure such unspeakable pain.

"Lies, all lies!" "There was no divine revelation, it is these prophets who have misinterpreted the divine will, angering the gods!" "They are the true blasphemers!"

Other tribal chieftains also seized the opportunity, shouting loudly, and then led their guards to attack the stage.

This was undoubtedly a premeditated power struggle.

Ever since the first prophets witnessed the miracles, divine authority had completely overshadowed secular power, even the appointment and removal of tribal chieftains had to follow the 'god's' will.

Fearing divine might, the tribal chieftains had to endure, but now they finally saw their chance!

The prolonged bad weather made life unbearable for the Kuo Mu beasts on this continent, and despite numerous prayers and sacrifices, the prophets had failed to bring any change, leading to rising skepticism. Thus, this grand festival became the perfect opportunity!

"Kill these traitors!" High Prophet Mukada, furious and panicked, waved his staff, unleashing a torrent of flames that killed several Kuo Mu beast warriors approaching.

But the other prophets, used to their cushy lives, were caught completely off guard.

The harsh, rainy weather had made the air extremely damp, significantly weakening the power of fire, and many prophets were struck down by sharp bone spears before they could cast their spells...

Blood and cries echoed along the coast, with tens of thousands of corpses turning the nearby seawater red.

In fact, this scene was not only happening on the coast; the prepared chieftains had also arranged for people to kill the prophets' followers within the tribes.

Even with the element of surprise during the grand festival, they couldn't completely undermine the profound influence these prophets held over the tribe in the name of the gods.

A massive war soon erupted across the continent, and within a few short days, the powerful Kuo Mu beast tribal alliance fractured and descended into a prolonged civil war.

The endless slaughter generated an enormous amount of soul power, a vast and unimaginable energy permeating every corner of the continent.

At this moment, Lynn's divine consolidation efforts were nearing completion...

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