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Chapter 634: Three Suns in the Sky and the Disappearance of a Planet

The sun suddenly "extinguished," plunging the world into five days of darkness, causing panic among the creatures of the New World.

Their biological clocks were completely disrupted. Predators and prey alike scurried around like headless flies, turning the once orderly world into utter chaos.

However, everything changed on the sixth day. All creatures by the seaside felt an intense heat as if everything was about to be incinerated.

Under the gaze of countless eyes, a sun rose above the sea, followed by a second and a third!

They hung high in the sky, spreading their light and heat. Below, the seawater boiled under the terrifying heat, forming a stunning mist of light.

In the New World, all creatures that witnessed this were astounded by the spectacle of the three suns hanging in the sky.

"Gurulu... Jirigurulu (There are three suns)…"

A group of creatures about one meter tall with bizarre appearances gathered on the beach, making chaotic and noisy sounds.

These creatures, named Kuo Mu beasts by the Geometric Civilization, had eyes that were specially optimized and modified to easily see vast distances, one of the three types of fourth-level intelligent beings cultivated.

Though they had only been in this world for about four months, being modified from native species of the planet, they already possessed basic common sense and had completed their first iteration.

The Geometric Civilization had even engraved a vast amount of basic knowledge and instincts into their genes, enabling them to naturally learn hunting, cooperation, and even simple language.

Having higher intelligence, they felt deeply the fear of the unknown and disorder when the world suddenly fell dark and three suns rose simultaneously.

It was a fear that penetrated deep into the marrow.

Just a few months ago, these Kuo Mu beasts had chosen a leader and summarized the pattern of the sun rising and setting at fixed times. But before the elders could carve this rule onto trees in pictorial form, the abrupt change occurred.

An elder of the Kuo Mu beasts, unable to accept that the natural laws he had summarized all his life were wrong, suddenly looked up at the three blazing suns on the sea surface.

It was the most dazzling sight he had ever seen, even more intense than lightning in a storm.

Under his exceptionally enhanced vision due to magic and genetic modification, the elder of the Kuo Mu beasts astonishingly noticed a vague shadow moving inside the sun…

But this one look was too much for him. The intense light of the three suns was overwhelmingly fierce, as if his eyes were on fire. Yet, the elder of the Kuo Mu beasts kept his eyes wide open, trying desperately to see what the shadow was.

He vaguely sensed that this might be the truth behind the world falling into darkness and the three suns rising.

The next moment, a painful and mad roar echoed along the coast. The elder clutched his eyes tightly, and dark green organic fluid continuously flowed out of his shriveled pupils.

His eyes were burned blind!

And those eyes were the proudest and most precious thing to the Kuo Mu beasts…

Having paid a terrible price, the elder saw something others had not seen. Regardless of his blinded eyes, he pointed to the sky and shouted loudly.

"Lulude, gurululude!"

Many Kuo Mu beasts quickly raised their heads to look at the sky, but the vast majority couldn't bear the terrifying brightness of the three suns and only saw a vague shadow before being forced to close their eyes.

Only less than one percent of the Kuo Mu beasts, with their remarkable willpower, overcame the physical discomfort and saw the 'truth', but their eyes were burned blind like those of the elders.

Painful howls resounded continuously along the coast, but even though their eyes were burned blind, those Kuo Mu beasts still held their heads high, crying out in pain and shouting continuously.

"Lulude, gurululude!"

More and more Kuo Mu beasts also started shouting.

"Lulude" was an entity conjured by the Kuo Mu beasts from their fear of typhoons, lightning, and giant waves, the controller of all disasters, the sky, the sea, and the earth... translated, it meant... God!

Just after pinching three suns together, Lynn also noticed the thousands of Kuo Mu beasts gathered on the beach. They were constantly shouting and jumping, some blinded Kuo Mu beasts still looked high into the sky as if swearing something, while the rest of the tribe bowed their heads, seemingly afraid of the sunlight's glow.

"Interesting..." Lynn sent his divine power into the brains of some Kuo Mu beasts and quickly understood their thoughts.

The seed of faith had been sown, not something he had anticipated, but perhaps it was also a good experiment.

Lynn pondered without interfering, his hands busy as he flew the three suns into the sky, placing them in

 their planetary orbits. They flew in different directions like satellites, continuously revolving around this world...

The orbits and speeds were all meticulously calculated by Lynn. For most of the year, the creatures of this planet would only see one sun, occasionally spotting two. As for the convergence of three suns, it might only happen once every few years...

This planet's ecology was also likely to undergo significant changes.

Fortunately, they had called for external help, which should be manageable.

"This has just become the geocentric theory, hasn't it?" Inside the research institute, Harof and others were astonished, but due to the presence of outsiders, they could only silently marvel in their hearts.

If Aila had possessed the same mighty power back then, someone's heliocentric theory would probably have become a heretical doctrine!

Those Geometric Civilization members were quite calm this time, creating a few small suns was not a difficult task for the Geometric Civilization, just not as convenient as Lynn.

What really puzzled Moni was why a cosmic-level civilization like the Magic Empire would go to such lengths for this ecological transformation and even spread such precious magic across this planet.

Was it possibly preparing for some experiment... like testing the effects of magic on carbon-based intelligent life?

Moni thought it very likely, hurrying to restart a batch of atomic-level biological modification machines and secretly recording the precious data.

Elsewhere, in the vast universe, within the meeting room of the Disc Council of the Geometric Civilization, the disc leaders also received an urgent report from the Reiven star.

The planet they had been monitoring had suddenly disappeared!


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