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Chapter 635: Grazing Planets

"What, Planet 1700 has suddenly disappeared?"

Inside the Disc Council chamber, the leaders receiving the intelligence could hardly believe their ears.

It would have been understandable if the report had stated that the system governor stationed on the planet had vanished, but the entire planet disappearing was indeed bizarre.

Or does this disappearance mean it was destroyed?

Before the Disc leaders could voice their queries, the monitoring officer transmitted the corresponding images back via quantum communication...

In the barren expanse of space, a massive planet was slowly orbiting a star.

At a certain moment, a layer of light-emitting material suddenly emerged from within the planet, enveloping it completely.

Then, within a hundred atomic seconds, everything just disappeared from their view.

The Disc leaders in the chamber magnified the transmitted images thousands of times, but still could not fully understand how the entire planet had vanished...

An eerie silence fell upon the Disc Council chamber, but this silence was short-lived as bursts of multicolored lights soon flickered within the room.

An entire planet had just vanished without a trace, which was beyond their comprehension.

While destroying a planet was a trivial task for the Geometric Civilization, that was merely destruction!

The adversary had wiped out the planet in an instant, and no significant energy residue spread out to be detected by them, which was indeed terrifying.

"Could it be some sort of wormhole transportation technology?" speculated a ring-shaped leader, recalling that the Magic Empire had once demonstrated their super-long-distance spatial transportation, so he suspected that the planet had not disappeared but was transported to another location in the universe.

Similar spatial transportation technology was also mastered by the Geometric Civilization, but it was only stable with coordinates, capable of transporting fleets, materials, or making unstable short-range spatial jumps without coordinates.

Transporting an entire planet through a wormhole to another location was utterly impossible with their current technology...

However, another hypothesis was quickly proposed, suggesting that the adversary might have used some special device to hide the planet's location.

According to previous reports, right before the planet disappeared, a cruising spaceship had detected strong electromagnetic wave reactions, so the adversary might have used some kind of electromagnetic shielding device to create the illusion of the planet disappearing on the spot.

Yet, these two speculations were quickly dismissed as the spaceship that discovered Planet 1700's sudden disappearance entered the system to investigate.

To avoid misunderstandings, this spaceship had specifically sent a notice before departure, claiming they were there to transfer some compensation materials.

This had been a prearranged strategy for handling emergencies.

But the information gathered by this spaceship left the Disc leaders somewhat hesitant; the planet had indeed completely vanished within the system. The ship even circled the planet's original orbit, finding nothing at all.

"Right, I remember Moni and his crew were still on Planet 1700, their coordinates should have been recorded," the ring-shaped leader suddenly reminded everyone.

The name Moni had recently entered their radar—normally, a captain responsible for planetary modification wouldn't catch their eye.

But Moni, unexpectedly favored by the interstellar governor and having risked much to transmit some crucial intelligence, was now firmly etched in the minds of the Disc leaders.

He was a true hero! If he could return safely, a significant reward was definitely in order!

Of course, the most important thing now was to find out where Planet 1700 had gone...

All eyes turned to the observer who, after urgently contacting the spaceship in the 1700 system, suddenly glowed with dazzling light, stuttering through the transmission.

"The current position of the detection spaceship... and the coordinates of Moni and his crew overlap!"

As soon as these words were spoken, the previously noisy council chamber fell silent, but this false calm was shattered the next moment.

"How is that possible?" exclaimed a Disc leader, pounding the table. "Are you saying the detection ship is now within Planet 1700, yet sees nothing?"

Could it be that all their detection methods were being blocked, even close-range observations affected...

Amidst the ongoing arguments and discussions, a voice suddenly echoed throughout the hall.

"I suspect this might involve higher-dimensional technology..."

Speaking was the Chief Time-Space and Dimensional Engineer of the Geometric Civilization, his eyes never leaving the transmitted images, and he made a bold guess.

It was like lifting a cup high and then placing another cup in its original position; their two-dimensional coordinates would of course overlap!


While the Geometric Civilization was astonished by the mysterious disappearance of the planet, inside the new world, under a time flow ten times the normal rate, a year had quietly passed.

A year on a cosmic scale was brief, a single interstellar journey might take several years, but for the beings of the new world, it was immensely long. Many creatures had undergone four or five generations already.

In the initial months, the influence of three suns led to the extinction of a massive number of flora and fauna, but fortunately, life always finds a way. The rapid generational turnover

 brought about excellent adaptability.

However, most importantly were the Geometric aliens' micro-organism modification machines, which could silently perform modifications at the genetic level of a species, offering a great deal of convenience.

And Lynn, after setting all this up, peacefully collected the results of the cultivation.

Over twenty types of magic-modified creatures were spread across the globe. Thanks to their terrifying reproduction and growth rates, the number of intelligent beings quickly surpassed a billion, with ordinary creatures exceeding a hundred billion—this number not including insects, plankton, and various microorganisms.

Almost every moment, countless beings died due to the brutal struggle for survival. Numerous souls, called by the necromantic divine powers, were incorporated into the divinity and then transformed into magic power to resist the onslaught of the Quantum Sea...

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