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Chapter 633: The Pinnacle of Imperial Technology—Dimensional Control!

After two preliminary trials, this time the lower-dimensional unfolding went incredibly smoothly.

To disguise the fact that he was relying on Element No. 7, Lynn Maxwell added some artificial flash effects and blocked the detection capabilities of the surrounding sensors.

The unfolding was swift, encompassing the entire planet in just a few seconds! Yet, this was still far from the limit; Lynn estimated that the speed could possibly reach the speed of light! Simultaneously, inside the Planetary Ecology Institute, Moni and a group of Geometric aliens were intently staring at their screens, observing every move Lynn made.

As they pondered what he was attempting, the sky suddenly darkened.

Just moments ago it was the scorching noon sun, and then the entire planet was plunged into darkness.

"What's going on? Has evening arrived?" exclaimed one of the Geometric aliens, suspecting that Lynn might have accelerated the planet's rotation, thus shifting from day to night.

However, Moni sensed that the situation was not that simple. He quickly mobilized detectors distributed across the planet while looking up at the sky.

The star emitting light and heat had completely vanished from all detectors' range; clearly, it wasn't as simple as the planet rotating half a turn.

Moni suspected that in an instant, the entire planet had been moved to another location in the universe.

No, perhaps it wasn't just a spatial transfer, because even the stars in the sky had disappeared without a trace. Moni immediately turned to Harof and others who had accompanied Lynn, eagerly awaiting an explanation.

"Watch this, this is one of the Magic Empire's cutting-edge technologies, capable of manipulating the fourth dimension to create a high-speed zone, roughly equivalent to about ten times the cosmic flow rate," Raphael said with a smile.

This information was something Lynn allowed them to share, so Raphael wasn't holding back. According to Lynn, even if they intended to conceal it, once these Geometric aliens reconnected with their home world, they would soon figure it out, so it was better to be generous and proactive in sharing.

As Moni and the others watched, the flashing lights on their bodies continued for a full minute before stopping. Moni struggled to contain his emotions, but his amazement was undiminished.

The technology to manipulate dimensions and change the flow of time was precisely what the Geometric Civilization was vigorously striving to master, heralded as one of the three key technologies that could elevate a civilization's level!

Yet the top researchers of the Geometric Civilization hadn't even fully figured out the curvature engine, let alone such dimensional technology.

Among the powerful civilizations Moni knew, there were universal civilizations that had mastered similar technologies, beings they could not hope to match.

According to the leaders of the Disc Civilization, such civilizations were often in a state of either technological stagnation or explosive technological advancement.

Whenever a basic technology breakthrough occurred, they could let some top researchers, or even an entire planet, enter a time flow several times faster than the universe, allowing them to complete technological research in a very short period.

This was a true technological explosion!

And this technology could also be used in cosmic wars. One could only imagine the advantage a civilization could have in war if it could produce fleets and various resources at ten times, or even several dozen times, the normal speed.

Could it be that the Magic Empire had reached the level of a universal civilization?

This thought inevitably rose in Moni's mind.

Indeed, when the Magic Empire showcased technologies like the curvature engine, ultra-long-distance spatial jumps, and dimensional life transformation, similar ideas had already surfaced.

However, their understanding of universal civilizations was mostly based on hearsay and rumors from the edges of the galaxy, and that one powerful civilization capable of manipulating dimensions had almost played itself to death.

Being able to achieve significant technological breakthroughs in a short time was undoubtedly an advantage, but it also harbored potential dangers. It was said that following a technological leap, the galaxy that entered the high-speed zone rebelled using its advanced technology.

The war lasted for thousands of years, destroying tens of thousands of star systems. After paying a huge price, the rebels eventually won and, with the remaining star systems of their civilization, vanished into some higher-dimensional space.

This was the only universal civilization they knew of. Even the Geometric Civilization's arch-enemy, the silicon-based civilization that spanned an entire galaxy, had not broken through this level.

Because their technological development seemed misdirected, the carbon-based civilization alliance they formed could barely resist…

Moni immediately resolved to remind the leaders of the Disc Civilization to reevaluate the strength of the Magic Empire during their next communication with the home world.

Meanwhile, high above, Lynn was intently 'driving' an entire planet through the endless Quantum Sea.

This task was significantly harder than the previous manipulation of the moon continent, and it consumed much more energy. The accumulated divine power flowed out like floodwaters to maintain the low-dimensional unfolding

 of Element No. 7.

Fortunately, this time there were no perilous incidents, just as he had predicted. A flow speed ten times faster was too insignificant for powerful civilizations to care about and unreachable for weaker ones, but just right for their cunning kind!

In about five days, Lynn had 'pushed' the planet to the appropriate four-dimensional coordinates, then looked towards the dark planet enveloped in shadows.

"It's time to make a sun!" Lynn murmured to himself, and then flew to the coast, raising his hand, a massive tidal wave was lifted into the air.

Trillions of tons of seawater defied logic as they were propelled into the sky, forming a giant water column over five kilometers in diameter. Lynn clenched his fist without expression, and the vast amount of water instantly dispersed, broken down into various basic elements. Subsequently, the heavier tritium and deuterium elements were separated out.

Then came fusion.

Lynn created a powerful magnetic field as a cage, continuously pressurizing it and raising the interior temperature to over one hundred million degrees. The light of fusion soon appeared above the vast sea...

Following that, the second, the third... Since the 'suns' they produced were far smaller than true stars and the energy released was not on the same scale, they could not illuminate the entire world, so they had to prevail through quantity!


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