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Chapter 632: This is definitely a more efficient energy source than Element Seven!

In the New World, within the Planetary Ecological Research Institute, experiments on new biological communities have been preliminarily completed after half a year of effort.

Upon receiving the news, Lynn and others immediately put aside their current affairs and arrived at their base through the lunar teleportation portal.

"The special energy you spread on this planet before is simply magical..."

Seeing Lynn again, Manager Moni was incredibly excited. Although he had some expectations at the beginning, his understanding of the magic deeply and intricately still surpassed his imagination; it could even be said to overturn his cognition!

This thing can actually achieve quantum-level manipulation, truly realizing a deep impact on matter at the microscopic level!

The various incredible abilities displayed by the other party over half a year ago, Moni had all figured out. However, the more he researched, the more fearful he became in his heart. A civilization that could fully master this type of energy would likely be far more powerful than what the leaders of the Disc Civilization anticipated.

This is definitely a more efficient energy source than Element Seven!

Lynn casually responded to Manager Moni's words while taking over the quantum storage device handed over by the latter. Inside was all the research data from the past half year, stored in a chip only one centimeter in diameter.

Reading it was also quite simple; the Geometric people have a unique biological interface inside their bodies. Just inserting the chip would allow them to access the information inside.

For Lynn, it was equally not difficult. Deciphering such information was still manageable for a high-dimensional life form.

About two minutes later, all the information was already displayed in Lynn's mind, with video data and comprehensive data on various aspects, even recording the failed cases.

These were all invaluable experiences in biological modification.

And the achievement of Moni and others was the cultivation of twenty-seven kinds of magical creatures, covering herbivores, carnivores, scavengers, and omnivores, forming a complete ecosystem. And they only needed two to five months from birth to death.

Most importantly, these creatures possessed third and fourth-level intelligence.

This intelligence grading came from the Geometric Civilization, roughly divided into seven levels.

The first level was just biological instinct, like small insects such as bees and ants, with very small brain capacity and behavior mostly derived from instinct, which is engraved in the DNA's genetic information.

The second level was considered to have rudimentary intelligence, where most birds, reptiles, and fish were placed. They could think simply and knew how to pursue benefits and avoid harm.

Those large creatures were generally at the third level, able to engage in slightly more complex social actions, their intelligence comparable to that of a few years old child.

The fourth level could be described as humanoid creatures, like the dog-headed people within the Eternal Star. They had their own settlements, some leaders knew some shallow magic, understood how to build simple houses and shelters, and had their own language. However, due to various inherent limitations, it was hard to be called a real civilization.

Humans, naturally, were at the fifth level, completely distinct from ordinary creatures, capable of very complex social interactions, developing culture and technology, but some behaviors were still limited by genes.

The Geometric people were at the sixth level, able to transform their bodies and adjust genes at will, no longer bound by so-called biological instincts. Their brains were comparable to supercomputers, able to handle multiple complex tasks simultaneously.

As for the seventh level of intelligent creatures, the Geometric people had not encountered them before, so it was only added in recent years—that is, high-dimensional life forms!

According to the imagination of those Geometric people, the other party had already transcended carbon-based life... even three-dimensional life forms, completely devoid of the concepts of genes and bodies, naturally belonging to a higher level of intelligent creatures.

In fact, with the technological level of the Geometric Civilization, creating fifth or sixth level intelligent life forms was not difficult. However, Lynn specifically asked to limit these creatures' intelligence to the third and fourth levels...

Firstly, breeding and enslaving high-intelligence creatures was not humane, and secondly, it was prone to problems, with higher management costs.

If the humans on Earth knew there was an existence that limited their lifespan, and their souls would be harvested and transformed into divine power after death, they would be thinking about how to slay gods every day, and might even paradoxically stop reproducing.

Therefore, the gods of the main world usually had to compile a set of reasonable doctrines to brainwash, and also granted some especially devout followers the right to pardon, allowing their souls to enter the divine kingdom to enjoy eternal peace.

After understanding the basic situation on this planet, Lynn nodded in satisfaction. "You have done well, Lord Moni, we have already felt the goodwill of the Geometric Civilization..."

Lynn's words undoubtedly made Moni and others breathe a sigh of relief. They were most afraid that after constructing the

 ecosystem, it would all be destroyed. After all, they were involved in the research of this abnormally magical energy source.

Now it seems that the other party does not care much about the leakage of magic power information. There were only verbal warnings in the past half year. Moni communicated with the mother world a few times; as long as they did not reveal specific details about the research on magic power, they would not be warned. Skirting the edge was allowed.

Perhaps this thing is not as important to high-dimensional civilizations as imagined.

Realizing this, Moni felt somewhat melancholic. Their coveted divine object might just be something ordinary in the eyes of others.

Just as Moni was thinking, Lynn looked towards the surveillance screen in the hall and spoke again. "This progress is still too slow, why not speed it up a bit..."

Too slow?

The faces of the Geometric people present looked somewhat displeased. This time they had used the most advanced technology of their civilization, and the lifespan and iteration speed of the creatures were not necessarily better the shorter they were.

If the lifespan was too short, after iterating a dozen or so times, their intelligence would start to degrade, because they barely needed to use their brains on a regular basis, and it was difficult to accumulate enough knowledge to pass on to the next generation.

Moni had no doubt that the other party possessed more advanced biotechnology, but not bringing it out directly until now seemed like a deliberate insult!

"You seem to have misunderstood my intention?" Lynn noticed the thoughts of the Geometric people. Although Moni and others did a good job of masking their emotions, the emitted electromagnetic waves still exposed them.

"But no matter, you will know soon enough!"

The moment Lynn's voice fell, he had already disappeared from the spot, and when he reappeared, he was already at the highest peak of this world. He stretched out his hand, and a glowing material immediately appeared in his palm, then quickly expanded to envelop everything around!


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