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Chapter 631: Lynn's Plan for Planetary Ascension

"Exactly how do the gravitational forces of the moon and the sun affect this place?" Harof pondered, unable to comprehend. They had already departed from their original location and were no longer receiving any light emitted by the stars.

He even tried digging downward, only to discover that beneath the rock layer was emptiness, unconnected to anywhere else.

"This is probably because our three-dimensional coordinates haven't changed," Lynn said thoughtfully.

"So, are we actually still in the same place?" Raphael found it hard to grasp.

"One could say that," Lynn chuckled. "Imagine, this continent is like a point on a plane coordinate system, where both the X and Y axes are one. Now, the coordinates have shifted from a plane to a three-dimensional space, adding a Z-axis. The Z-coordinate alone has changed, rising from one to ten. Can you say that the X and Y axes have changed?"

The wizards present were suddenly immersed in thought, their proficiency in arcane mathematics enabling them to grasp Lynn's explanation of higher-dimensional theory.

Gravitational forces can penetrate four dimensions. Since the coordinates in the first three dimensions haven't changed, the sun and the moon can still affect the continent beneath their feet in these three dimensions.

It's like two people standing opposite each other, unable to look up, with one suddenly flying ten meters into the air. To the other, it seems as though their companion has vanished, invisible in every direction, yet their voices can still be heard, because sound travels through three dimensions.

Lynn's previous manipulation of the fourth-dimensional coordinates to return the street to its original position was one such proof.

The universe is constantly changing. The Eternal Star is orbiting the sun at thirty kilometers per second, and the galaxy they are in is rotating rapidly towards a massive gravitational source at the galactic center. Even the galaxy itself is moving.

Without gravitational pull, by the time they returned, they would have traveled billions of kilometers away.

Seeing that Harof and others had understood his point, Lynn did not elaborate further but turned to Victorio to inquire about his experiments.

"Many classical physical laws become chaotic here, while the microscopic laws remain effective..." Victorio responded. Over this period, he had conducted more than a thousand experiments and discovered many interesting things.

For instance, the gravitational acceleration within this continent is an uncertain value, with an error margin of about fifteen percent, possibly related to changes in the fourth-dimensional coordinates.

Some chemical reactions also became much more intense here, the specific reasons for which he had yet to ascertain.

As for absolute zero, the speed of light in a vacuum, and the gravitational constant—these cosmic constants remained unchanged.

Lynn nodded, his hypothesis thus far corroborated.

"By the way, Chairman Lynn, by how much has the time flow speed on this continent increased compared to the Eternal Star?" Harof asked curiously.

"About tenfold," Lynn replied.


The wizards present were somewhat surprised, wasn't that a larger difference in flow rate than between the Eternal Star and other realms?

"Is this the limit?" Victorio asked again.

"Of course not!" Lynn shook his head, hesitating for a moment before briefly sharing his experiences in the Quantum Sea.

Hearing that there were also civilizations in the Quantum Sea experiencing high-speed time zones, Harof and the others frowned—this was not good news.

However, Lynn saw the bigger picture. The universe was vast, and it was normal for civilizations capable of manipulating high dimensions to exist.

In the universe, no matter how strong you are, there is always a civilization stronger than you; no matter how weak you are, there is always one weaker...

And they had a unique advantage: they possessed the treasure of magical power!

Now, there was also the seventh element...

"How great is the energy consumption to resist the quantum tides, and how long can it be maintained?" Harof quickly asked an important question.

Lynn roughly calculated. "Overall, the faster the time flow speed, the greater the consumption. With my current power, maintaining a tenfold flow rate would last about fifteen years."

But he certainly couldn't deplete all his divine power. Therefore, the limit was about ten years.

If he could draw on the magical power of other wizards in the maginet, he could sustain it for a while longer. However, due to the time speed difference between the two sides, replenishment would only occur at one-tenth speed, which was far from enough.

"This method can't be used regularly then!" Harof said regretfully, noting that divine power was a scarce resource, not to mention that constructing a high-speed time zone would also require restricting Lynn, the only true divine-level power in the council.

Raphael, Victorio, and others also felt disappointed; they had devised several plans that depended on utilizing high-speed time zones, which now seemed delayed.

"Not necessarily," Lynn said, shaking his head with a smile. "That depends on whether the

 Geometric aliens residing in the new world can complete the biological transformation plan according to my instructions."

"You mean..." Harof suddenly brightened up, instantly grasping Lynn's idea.

If those Geometric aliens could indeed produce thriving, rapidly iterating powerful magical beasts, then an endless conversion of souls into divine power could offset the energy consumed to maintain the high-speed time zone, achieving a perfect cycle.

Most importantly, the scope was an entire planet—how much resource could that produce? Just the thought was thrilling...

"But, can it really work?" Victorio was somewhat worried. The planet given to them by the Geometric civilization was nearly a thousand times larger than the continent they were currently on.

"It should..." Lynn was ninety percent confident. He had already tested the limits of the seventh element's low-dimensional expansion; five hundred tons could barely cover a planet.

In theory, such low-dimensional expansion was nearly limitless, but if the 'thickness' was too thin, it would struggle to withstand the quantum tide...

This was also why he hadn't used it directly on the Eternal Star—if something went wrong, the losses would be immense!

Having set the planetary ascension plan, Lynn began returning the stripped-away continent to its original position, the purpose of this experiment largely fulfilled, rounding it off perfectly.


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