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Chapter 629: Four-Dimensional Coordinates and High-Speed Time Zones

The temporal properties exhibited by the seventh element aroused considerable interest among the gathered wizards.

Unfortunately, the requirements for researching this phenomenon were exceedingly high, necessitating an unimaginable amount of magic power and the ability to influence dimensions.

The night’s commotion quickly subsided, and the citizens of the capital who ventured into the alleys experienced initial panic and fear, followed by a sudden return of joy. Once safe, they eagerly boasted about this peculiar experience.

One drunken man even boldly claimed that he could see his own back just by turning his head in the alley, a statement so bizarre it drew laughter from the crowd.

Lynn did not rest for a moment. After explaining the situation, he had Harof and others form a small group dedicated to dimensional and spatial research, specifically selecting wizards with theoretical expertise.

Although they might not be of much practical help, their imaginative ideas could prove useful.

It is known that truly cutting-edge technology is often calculated directly on paper! However, following the recent incident, Lynn dared not continue his research within the capital. After careful consideration, he decided to relocate the laboratory studying the seventh element to the moon.

Previously, he hadn't taken things lightly; in fact, Lynn had arranged extremely potent protective magic in his home laboratory, but it was futile against higher-dimensional forces.


In an urgent council meeting, members for the dimensional and spatial research team were carefully selected. Had Lynn not capped the number at fifty, the council members would have preferred to send everyone.

Everyone recognized this as a rare opportunity, especially wizards who had previously undertaken missions in foreign realms. Despite having spent less than half a year there, they returned to find the kingdom transformed, and their colleagues had advanced in ranks while they remained unchanged, leading to fierce competition for positions.

Of course, there were drawbacks. Human life is finite, and staying in a high-speed time zone simply meant living out one's life sooner. Some hopeless apprentices preferred to stay where time moved slower, allowing them to encounter many new and interesting things upon their return, as if they had traveled to the future!

The final decision was to have half of the legendary council members remain in the kingdom to oversee ongoing development, while forty accomplished Grand Wizards were selected to assist in magical research.

As for the location, although a space-time portal to the moon from the Eternal Star had long been established and work on transforming the satellite into a habitable zone was ongoing, it was still largely empty, making it easy to designate a space for the experimental base.

After a night of discussion, dozens of related proposals were laid before Lynn.

Harof wanted to investigate whether planetary gravity would continue to operate in the isolated space stripped away, as suggested by the descriptions from the civilians who entered the alleys; gravity was still present, otherwise, they would have floated away, but further research was needed to determine if there would be other effects.

Victorio was even prepared to go further by conducting various chemical and physical law tests.

A few wizards from the Natural Conservation Society planned to cultivate land and breed livestock in the high-speed time area... If successful, food would no longer be a concern; a million acres could feed tens of millions of people, sufficient to cope with the rapidly increasing population of the kingdom.

Other proposals included establishing communication and real-time transmission between different time-speed areas, or bringing a group of magic bats with a natural lifespan of three months to observe if their lifespans would increase or decrease...

After reviewing all the proposals, Lynn dismissed some of the more outrageous experiments and approved the rest.

Harof and the others were quite thorough; many experiments would be conducted internally, but the council would also send people to establish corresponding experimental control groups on the moon to ensure data accuracy.

This was why Lynn had the council organize the research team—to have others handle the mundane tasks so he could devote more energy to more important matters.

The most crucial thing, of course, was peace of mind!

In the following month, Lynn, becoming familiar with the temporal properties of the seventh element on the desolate moon, took matters into his own hands. Using divine power, he stripped away an area of about 100,000 square kilometers.

It was an extraordinary sensation, akin to sailing a small boat on a tumultuous sea, where losing protection meant the risk of being engulfed by quantum tides.

Like the first, second, and third dimensions, the fourth dimension also had two directions. The further one strayed from the original coordinates, the more pronounced the spatial distortion and time speed variation became.

After conducting further research, Lynn divided this "distance" into corresponding time units, with each unit equating to a time flow speed double that of the Eternal Star, which could also be reversed to enter a slower time-speed area...

"Wait, could the main world also be here?" Lynn suddenly considered this terrifying possibility, his brow furrowing.

He vividly remembered that when they first opened the interdimensional portal, there was a time flow speed difference of 7.25 times between the two realms. However, when they withdrew everyone from the foreign realm, this difference had reduced to just under seven times. Given the current situation, it meant that their locations were continuously drawing closer.

If this rate of time flow differential decreased to zero, one of the worlds would likely capture the other, or they might even merge.

The gods of the main world often sought and assimilated planes using this very method...

However, Lynn's furrowed brow soon relaxed. According to his hypothesis, besides the coordinates in the fourth dimension, the coordinates in the other three dimensions were likely different as well.

It was akin to tossing a ball in any direction with any force; the chances of it accidentally hitting a specific set of three-dimensional coordinates were incredibly slim.

Realizing this, Lynn gathered his thoughts and refocused on his research, beginning to test the extremes of time flow speed differences.

Double... triple... quadruple...

As the experimental base moved further from the original coordinates, Lynn distinctly felt an increase in pressure. The consumption of magic power surged, necessary to withstand the increasingly powerful quantum tides.


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