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Chapter 628: Unfolding in Low Dimensions, Mastering the Secrets of Time and Space

As chaos ensued within the royal capital due to the mysterious disappearance of streets, Lynn chose not to offer any warnings. Instead, he used his psychic magic to calm the frantic kingdom's citizens who were caught in the streets, advising them not to worry overly.

Meanwhile, the capital's council, having enjoyed peace for too long, had grown somewhat complacent in their defenses. An entire street vanished before any problems were noticed by the civilians and reported up the chain of command.

This negligence left Lynn quite dissatisfied, and he decided to treat the incident as a minor test, immediately focusing his attention on managing this unexpected event.

The influence of the Seventh Element on space-time had exceeded his expectations, or perhaps it was the strange reaction it had with magic, causing an area of several hundred meters in diameter to be completely stripped away.

Lynn looked up at the sky, where the bright moon had disappeared. The area had become a self-contained loop of space, isolated even from light.

However, he theorized that the three-dimensional coordinates of the area had not changed; only the fourth-dimensional position had. What was needed now was to first restore the four-dimensional coordinates of the street, and then find a way to undo the overlay.

Having devised a plan, Lynn immediately began to experiment.

He had previously successfully imbued the Seventh Element with magic, aware that the portion that had disappeared was not truly gone. It encompassed the entire area like a sphere, invisible only because of its vastness from within.

Outside the sphere was a vast expanse of nothingness.

No, it wasn’t exactly nothingness, as Lynn could distinctly sense the massive quantum tides moving continuously, with the density of energy rising and falling, countless subatomic particles appearing and disappearing in the void every moment.

Lynn speculated that these disappearing particles might give rise to a fierce cosmic storm somewhere.

While deep in thought, Lynn wasn't idle. He began to move the street wrapped in the Seventh Element through the void, approaching the four-dimensional coordinates of the Eternal Star, where his divine realm was located, saving him considerable effort.

The process was relatively smooth, and within about an hour, the street had returned to its original location. The next task was how to revert the Seventh Element back to its previous state.

This was not an easy task, as the initial transformation of the Seventh Element had been accidental. It took Lynn over three hours to find the trick, somewhat similar to the techniques he had developed, the Klein Bottle and the Möbius Strip.

The Seventh Element, covering the entire area, gradually began to contract in an incomprehensibly unique way, eventually folding into a palm-sized sphere, floating in the palm of Lynn's hand.

It was hard to imagine that this sphere, only several centimeters in diameter, could envelop an area of several hundred meters when transformed.

During his experiments, Lynn discovered that this was far from the limit of the Seventh Element; if desired, he could extend it by hundreds of times more.

"Low-dimensional unfolding?" The term surfaced in Lynn’s mind, a concept proposed by researchers of dimensions and space-time in his previous life's federation, recorded as a rather advanced scientific fantasy in his neural implant, with many similar experiments conducted.

For example, a prominent scientist in the field of dimensions had applied for a federal experimental superparticle compression device to break down the barriers between dimensions. He compressed a cubic millimeter of material into a 0.1 nanometer thick plane, extending its area by millions of times. However, Lynn did not have the clearance to see the final outcome, only knowing that such an experiment had occurred.

Countless complex thoughts flashed through Lynn's mind, while below, the noise and shouts had already reached him.

The sudden disappearance and sudden return of the entire street left the kingdom's citizens dazed and scared, while people like Harof breathed a sigh of relief. They had tried various methods to no avail, clearly indicating that this situation was beyond their capability.

Lynn gathered the Seventh Element and stepped out onto the street, where a group of wizards quickly surrounded him.

"Are you alright, Speaker Lynn? What exactly happened just now..." Raphael hurriedly asked, concerned after Lynn had been out of contact for over two hours, frightening them considerably.

After all, although the Wizard Council appeared to be thriving, Raphael was well aware that all their power rested on Lynn, the sole true god.

If anything were to happen to him, they wouldn't stand a chance against the threats from the Geometric Civilization and from the main world; the system of the magic network would also collapse, leading to a disaster.

"I'm fine, just had a little issue with experimenting on the Seventh Element," Lynn replied succinctly, then continued to inquire. "By the way, how long has it been since this street disappeared on the Eternal Star?"

Raphael, although puzzled by Lynn’s question, answered truthfully, "About two hours and fifteen minutes!"

Since the anomaly was first noticed by the civilians of the royal capital and needed to be reported up the hierarchy, the exact time couldn't be pinpointed to the second, but they could estimate it roughly.

Lynn nodded, confirming, "On my end, it has been four hours, twenty-seven minutes, and thirty-six seconds."

Hearing this, the wizards present paused for a moment, but soon realized something, their faces displaying a mix of astonishment and delight.

"Does that mean the Seventh Element can influence time, creating areas with higher time flow rates?" Victorio said, both incredulous and amazed.

Harof, Aurora, and the others looked at Lynn excitedly. If this were true, the implications were staggering—they knew all too well the horrors of differing time flow rates.

The council had managed to triumph over the Lord of the Dead and Aila largely because of a sevenfold speed in time; while their adversaries developed for a month, nearly half a year passed for them.

"Correct!" Lynn smiled, having sensed this during his manipulation of the Seventh Element to return the street to its original location.

Time and space are interconnected; since the four-dimensional coordinates of the street had changed, the flow of time had inevitably altered as well.


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