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Chapter 627: The Folded Capital and Dimensional Space

At seven o'clock in the evening, the slow tolling of the bell atop the Celestial Tower in the capital's square marked the end of the day's labor.

Dalite, a worker at the glass workshop, put down his blowpipe and, together with his colleagues drenched in steamy sweat, left the factory. Lit by street lamps, they headed towards the tavern in groups.

Along the way, the laborers incessantly complained about the council's recent universal literacy policy. Not only had it reduced their work hours from eleven to nine per day, but their wages had also been cut by about twenty percent.

In exchange, every workday morning was now to begin with a two-hour basic literacy class, costing one silver coin a month, attendance mandatory.

For Dalite, attending these classes was far more torturous than the physical labor itself, as he struggled with the jumble of numbers and symbols. Despite several weeks of lessons, he failed to grasp the basic knowledge touted by the wizards.

Fortunately, the night was theirs to forget the sweltering heat of the workshop and those headache-inducing formulas and to enjoy a few drinks...

However, Dalite suddenly remembered that today was his daughter Lucy's birthday. He pondered what gift to buy her as they would soon pass a store.

Just as Dalite was fantasizing about surprising his precious daughter, he bumped into the person ahead of him. His colleagues had abruptly stopped, their faces filled with horror.

"What's happened?" Dalite asked, puzzled.

"The street, the houses, and so many people... they all just vanished suddenly..." one of the laborers stammered, pointing ahead, almost doubting his own eyes.

"How is that possible? Are you just dazed from fatigue?" Dalite scoffed. This area was the busiest part of the capital and the most heavily guarded in the entire kingdom.

The wizards had said that even a fly coming in from outside would be detected by the magical barrier that covered the capital, ensuring utmost security.

However, when Dalite turned to look in the direction his colleagues were pointing, his mocking expression quickly turned to one of terror.

He knew this road too well, passing it daily on his way to and from work. He clearly remembered a small alley leading out from the workshop, home to his favorite Blackthorn Tavern, followed by the grand square, the liveliest part of the capital.

But now, the alley was gone...

It hadn't been emptied, demolished, or destroyed; it had vanished just as the laborers had said. What was once separated by an alley was now directly before them.

Had it not been for passing through this street just that morning, Dalite would have doubted his aging memory.

The laborers who had witnessed the disappearance of the street were so frightened that they sat down right there on the ground. One moment, the familiar alley was before them; the next, they found themselves on the square.

Was it an illusion? Or magic? Or perhaps some wizard was playing a trick on them...

But Dalite quickly dismissed that thought, noting the crowd on the square. Many, like them, had seen the street disappear. Some couples were split, one stepping into the alley while the other remained on the square, helplessly watching their other half vanish, now frantically searching.

The council responded swiftly; within just twenty seconds of the disturbance, wizards clad in golden-red robes arrived from all directions, sealing and isolating the area.

Sanchez, a legendary wizard, arrived and immediately felt a chill at the core of his being. An area of several hundred meters had vanished without his noticing any signs, even the magical barrier that monitored the capital had failed to alert them.

After hesitating for a moment, Sanchez instructed someone to try crossing the area; they passed through successfully without disappearing.

Sanchez's brow furrowed as he personally moved between the city square and the industrial area, deploying his Domain, but to no avail. Everything seemed harmonious, making him doubt whether the street had ever existed, as if it had been designed this way from the start.

"It must be some kind of dimensional magic..." Sanchez immediately thought.

"Lord Chancellor, I suspect this might be related to that person..." a grand wizard hurriedly advised.

Sanchez nodded, well aware that Lord Lynn's residence was nearby, and considering the incident occurred just after his return, it couldn't just be a coincidence.

Only a god could achieve such an inexplicable feat.

Typically, if the Star of Magic intended to do something within the capital, he would have warned them in advance. The lack of any message was unsettling.

Sanchez was about to send someone to notify Harof and the others when he saw numerous streaks of light speeding from afar.

It seemed there was no need for that now...

Yet, at the heart of the capital, such a significant oversight couldn't be overlooked by anyone.


Meanwhile, inside the mysteriously missing alley of the capital, a carp

enter just leaving the tavern and heading home was bewildered to see the shining sign of the Blackthorn Tavern again. He began to wonder if he had drunk too much, as it was impossible for there to be two Blackthorn Taverns within the capital.

As time passed, more and more citizens within the alley realized something was amiss. Normally, the alley was just a few hundred meters long, visible from end to end, but now, no matter how far they walked, they couldn't escape it, as if trapped in a bizarre labyrinth.

Lord Lynn, having left his mansion, floated above, watching the increasingly chaotic scene below. Unintentionally, his meddling had stripped the entire area, creating a separate dimension.

It was like folding a corner of a paper, forming two distinct areas on the sheet. To those of lower dimensions, this folded space simply vanished from sight, as if it never existed...


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