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Chapter 626: Low-Dimensional Manifestation of Higher-Dimensional Material

Under Lynn's perception, the divine power within his body was vanishing at an alarming rate, already depleting by more than half. In front of him, the palm-sized Element No. 7 seemed like a bottomless vortex, seemingly ready to devour everything.

Harof, Victorio, and the others also looked nervously at Lynn. They had previously studied this peculiar element, but the results had not been as desired. If it hadn't been for an external interruption, Victorio would have almost been trapped inside it.

At this moment, Lynn, just like the former Victorio, found his consciousness trapped in a strange maze of thoughts. His mind was divided into two parts; one part existed in the outer world, while the other was confined within the palm-sized Element No. 7, surrounded by layers upon layers of crystalline formations.

Lynn was well aware that this was a scene characteristic of higher-dimensional spaces.

It was akin to a two-dimensional being viewing a three-dimensional object; as the object continually moved, the cross-sections displayed before him also changed dynamically.

Fortunately, having transcended to the realm of the gods, Lynn had also become a higher-dimensional being. Under both internal and external perspectives, the true appearance of Element No. 7 quickly revealed itself.

It was an irregular hypercube, approximately fifteen centimeters in diameter, smooth as a round mirror, reflecting the surroundings within itself, dazzling like a kaleidoscope as it rotated.

The previously infused divine power was not entirely ineffective, as magic could permeate every known element, even microscopic particles, despite Element No. 7's uniqueness.

However, the amount of magic required was immense; even if legendary wizards like Harof were drained dry, they couldn't dominate it.

After expending nearly sixty percent of his divine power, Lynn finally gained control over this cluster of Element No. 7.

Although it appeared only palm-sized, its mass was about a hundred tons, unlike a neutron star that relied on the close bonding of microscopic particles for its high mass. The terrifying mass of Element No. 7 stemmed from it possessing four dimensions!

Like a metal block with a length and width of one meter and a thickness of one centimeter, its mass was about seventy-eight kilograms. But if its thickness was also increased to one meter, the mass would become 7.8 tons!

Element No. 7, possessing four dimensions, was equivalent to countless three-dimensional materials stacked together, naturally resulting in an absurdly high mass.

Yet, now under Lynn's control, this massive Element No. 7 continuously changed its shape, being molded into various forms.

"Lynn, what use is this thing?" Anthony curiously inquired.

Lynn paused, stopping his manipulation of Element No. 7, and immediately explained, "This higher-dimensional material can directly influence space-time and possesses tremendous malleability..."

For some reason, the notion that triangles are the most stable structures suddenly popped into Lynn's mind...

Could it be the same for dimensions? Lynn felt this was highly probable, as the higher-dimensional forms of microscopic particles typically manifested as probability clouds, highly unstable. But as countless microscopic particles came together under the influence of strong interaction forces, appearing in low-dimensional forms before them, their structures became increasingly stable.

Numerous speculations flashed through Lynn's mind, with just the two discovered properties already proving extremely useful. For a technological civilization, this was the key to transitioning from low to high dimensions!

No wonder Element No. 7 was so highly valued by the Geometric Civilization.

The gathered councilors were also eagerly discussing the uses of this material. Victorio quickly suggested a very constructive idea. Since this substance could have a direct effect on space-time, could it replace the divine power system to provide energy for the curvature engine?

Upon hearing this, the dozens of councilors instantly saw the light. After losing Aila, the moon god, as a power source, their developed curvature engines had become mere showpieces, no longer capable of superluminal flight.

Unless Lynn was willing to serve as this energy source, but as the head of the Wizard Council, he obviously couldn't afford to spend too much effort here.

Moreover, a superluminal spaceship was good for deterrence but hardly decisive in war...

Now, if Element No. 7 could be used as a substitute, mass-producing superluminal spaceships had become a possibility.

"Cough cough..." Just as everyone was discussing, Harof suddenly coughed lightly, bringing everyone's attention back. "Perhaps we can proceed with the research on Element No. 7 later, as the celebration banquet I arranged is probably already starting..."

Lynn nodded, putting away Element No. 7. He wasn't particularly interested in such formalized banquets, but the alchemists who returned with him indeed needed some proper rest along with ample rewards.

The grand celebration banquet was set up in a luxurious exhibition hall, attended almost exclusively by grand wizards.

In just two years, with the aid of the magic network, the number of grand wizards had grown to about five thousand, and the number of legendary wizards had also surpassed the twenty-person mark.

Lynn took the opportunity to meet and familiarize himself with these new users of the magic network.

After the banquet, Lynn couldn't wait to return from the Skyfall Tower to his residence, starting a more in-depth study of Element No. 7, such as attempting to cut it open, smash it, or mix it with various elements and particles to observe its properties.

The initial attempts at cutting were not very successful. Lynn tried various methods, eventually finding that ordinary materials chopped at Element No. 7 were like cutting through fluid, only changing its shape without achieving a true cut.

After much effort, Lynn managed to make a quantum blade with divine power, barely completing the cutting task, directly cutting the Element No. 7 into two pieces of similar volume.

Of course, they only appeared to have the same volume as before, but their mass had actually changed, being cut into two from another dimensional perspective.

Next, Lynn attempted to fuse them back together using magic, trying to restore them to their previous form.

This proved even more difficult, and what he hadn't expected was the abrupt occurrence of an accident...

One of the palm-sized pieces of Element No. 7 suddenly began to expand rapidly, engulfing everything around it, not just the room, but the vast mansion outside, and even the entire street within the capital city simply vanished within the confines of the capital.


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