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Chapter 624: A Month on the Ship, Two Years on the Ground

In the Eternal Star of the Magic Kingdom, within the Office of Planetary Defense and Dimensional Supervision, Grand Wizard Theodore, idly sipping coffee, was enthusiastically regaling a group of apprentices, freshly graduated from the magic academy and assigned to menial tasks, with tales of his glorious achievements in the lands of the wizards.

"Does that mean you've actually seen the Star of Magic himself and even spoke with him face to face, Grand Wizard Theodore?" a witch asked, both excited and slightly skeptical.

The other apprentices looked towards Theodore with fervor. As the empire and church's gravedigger, the master of the Magic Net, and the founder of the Magic Kingdom, Lynn, who transcended mundane and even dimensional boundaries, was undoubtedly an object of admiration for all apprentices and wizards, especially since last month's movie propelled this Star of Magic to the pinnacle of fame!

"Of course!" Theodore replied proudly, nodding. Seeing the crowd's keen interest, he continued, "It's been over a decade now. Back then, Chairman Lynn, under pursuit by the church, took the knowledge and heritage of the Secret Magic Society and sailed to Iyeta Harbor. At that time, I happened to be working under Grand Wizard Herlram, responsible for maritime operations and inspecting newcomers..."

Theodore proudly shared this story, as he was likely the first wizard in the lands of the wizards to have made contact with Chairman Lynn and had witnessed firsthand how Lynn rose from a formal wizard to the highest ruler of the council.

The apprentices, having just learned about the Star of Magic’s exploits within the empire at the cinemas last month, were boiling with excitement as they heard about his knowledge dissemination, truth revelation, and battles against the vile church forces.

Even when surrounded by numerous bishops and cardinals, Lynn, then just a formal wizard, managed deftly, ultimately breaking the pursuers at the empire’s border harbor town and killing thousands of the empire's elite guards. It was rumored that a cardinal had to invoke a divine descent to turn the tide.

Theodore’s narrative undoubtedly tied the story directly together.

As he was about to continue spoiling the plot, a loud alarm suddenly blared, changing Theodore’s expression instantly. He urgently said, "Dimensional fluctuations detected, everyone, be alert! Immediately notify the chairmen, it might be the gods from the main world coming through!"

This planet-wide dimensional detection system, a recent creation of the Magic Research Institute, essentially senses spatial anomalies, usually precursors to opening dimensional gates.

On the other side, having received the communication, the council reacted immediately. Fifteen galaxy-class warships and twenty legendary chairmen mobilized, with thousands of annihilating cannons already aiming at the sky.

Fortunately, the tension soon eased with the arrival of a quantum communication. Harof and others breathed a sigh of relief, turning joyful.

It was Lynn and his team returning from the heartland of the Geometric Civilization!

About three seconds later, a diamond-shaped warship raced out of the swirling dimensional gate, followed by the second, third, and fourth...

"A month away, and the kingdom has changed a bit too much!" an alchemist peering at the cityscape projected on the screen remarked nostalgically. "I remember the last time I was here, the royal capital wasn’t this large, right?"

The changes in the royal capital weren’t just vast; a much larger 'new city' was erected nearby, yet it was empty, filled with giant billboards and didn’t seem meant for living.

"It’s just our month; for the outside world, two years have already passed!" another alchemist corrected.

Back in foreign lands, many had experienced a time flow speed difference of seven times, but now a sudden increase to twenty times was still a bit hard to adjust to.

It was a good thing it was just a month; had they stayed on the ship for a few years, by the time they returned, who knew what the kingdom would have become.

Lynn wasn’t too surprised by the changes in the kingdom. Over the past month, although he had been on the ship, the Eternal Star was his divine realm, and he was certainly not oblivious to the happenings inside; all information reached his mind at tens of times the speed.

The return communication from the kingdom soon came through—directing them to dock at the interstellar port.

The crew then realized that the new city erected next to the royal capital was the council's newly established interstellar port, expected to accommodate fifty galaxy-class warships and provide inspection, repair, and energy replenishment services.

With numerous citizens of the royal capital forcefully spectating, over thirty massive warships, each stretching over five kilometers, one by one, hovered within the port. The nearby areas were all enforced with anti-force field magic, otherwise no pavement could withstand the monstrous mass of the warships.

Harof and others were already waiting inside the interstellar port and promptly came forward

 to meet them.

"Chairman Lynn, was the trip to the heartland of the Geometric Civilization smooth?" they inquired.

Since two years ago, when Lynn and his group had opened the dimensional gate to the Geometric Civilization, they had been semi-incommunicado.

Although connected to his divine realm, Lynn could receive messages from the outside world, but with the different time flow speeds, communication was inconvenient.

"The harvest has been better than we anticipated," Lynn replied with a slight smile, briefly discussing his plans to establish planetary ranches and suggesting the council send some wizards to the New World to assist the geometric beings in improving and studying magical beast breeds.

Using an entire planet as a ranch and artificially cultivating magical beast breeds through genetic technology, Lynn’s grand move once again left Harof and the others astounded.

This would perfectly solve the current most pressing issue for the council.

With the widespread adoption of magical education and the perfection of the Magic Net, the number of wizards was indeed growing daily, and Magic Net users had reached a staggering one and a half million! Of course, the vast majority of these were just apprentices, with formal wizards numbering less than one-tenth. Even so, the resources consumed were astronomical.

In recent years, the prices of alchemical and magical potion materials had skyrocketed, and the large breeding bases they had established could hardly meet the demand. Lynn’s planetary ranch project could perfectly solve this problem.


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