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Chapter 623: Believe me, that must be the entirety of their strength!

Within the interstice between the Prime Material Plane and the Endless Void, a colossal palace stood, revered in the epics passed down among the Laitian people as the dwelling of the gods. However, the records of the epics were evidently inaccurate, as normally, no deity would willingly venture to such a place.

Unless summoned by the Chief God!

One by one, figures of light emerged in the perpetually luminous great hall, each representing a deity.

The God of Life and Creation had arrived early, responding to the invitation of the Chief God with due haste. Yet, before coming, he hadn't anticipated the grandeur of the gathering—over a hundred deities from the Prime Material Plane had all assembled!

This meant that they too would arrive…

Just as this thought surfaced in the mind of the God of Life and Creation, ripples of time and space suddenly emerged in the hall, and a daunting aura began to manifest in the hearts of each deity.

Everyone realized that the Chief God had arrived…

Sure enough, three massive shadows emerged from the depths of the hall, not from any specific direction but rather materializing from the ethereal into reality, as if crossing the barriers of time, from the future and the past to the present.

The God of Life and Creation instinctively glanced towards the figure on his right, Chief God Moragras, whose rumored grievous wounds seemed nonexistent, appearing as normal as if the rumors were mere fabrications.

However, the successive calamities in the Prime Material Plane were indeed real…

As the gods pondered silently, the God of Harvest and Fertility was the first to speak out. "Chief God, have you summoned us here for some significant matter?"

"You might have already heard, the last war against the new material plane was not successful… The divine offices of Thunder, War, Flames, Calamity, Sky, Order, and Space are now vacant," Chief God Moragras stated directly.

Despite being mentally prepared, the gods present were still shocked.

The weaker deities couldn’t help but feel a trace of fear, especially since the divine offices of Lies, Necromancy, and the Moon were also vacant, totaling nine fallen deities in the war against the new material plane.

"Chief God, are those wizards from the new material plane really that powerful?" the God of Life and Creation asked somberly.

This time, no fewer than six deities had mobilized, including the great deity Harliere, and even the Chief God had personally intervened…

"The power those wizards wield indeed exceeded our expectations," Moragras’s voice echoed through the grand hall. "Their alchemical creations could even rival the gods…"

Of course, the most crucial fact was that those like Harliere had been ensnared.

According to their initial plan, by utilizing the residual soul left by the new Moon deity, they intended to open a portal in time, launching a successful surprise attack!

However, the outcome was the opposite; when the six deities arrived, they were met by a well-prepared fleet and preemptive strikes from annihilating star cannons!

Undoubtedly, it was a trap. The new Moon deity likely left a part of his soul intentionally to lure them into it, with the most critical aspect being that he personally took action.

Once a deity leaves their domain, their power diminishes significantly, a restriction that applies equally to ordinary gods and even more so to the Chief God due to the immense power making crossing between realms even more challenging.

The enemy had cunningly chosen to launch their ambush at the very moment his true form stepped into the new material plane, catching Moragras mid-transition, unable to dodge or exert much power, and utterly frustrated, he could only withstand the barrage as the meticulously prepared secret weapons of those wizards tore one of his arms…

In Moragras's explanation, the gods in the hall finally breathed a sigh of relief; those wizards from the new material plane hadn't won on the battlefield but had managed to repel the Chief God's assault through cunning means.

The God of Harvest and Fertility further speculated that to cope with the war against the Prime Material Plane, those wizards had exerted their utmost efforts and used every trick at their disposal, to the extent of sacrificing the newly appointed Moon deity to achieve their goals.

This conclusion was also accepted by the majority of the deities present. If the enemy truly had the power to contend with the Prime Material Plane, they wouldn’t have needed to abandon the Moon deity's domain previously occupied, retreating back to their stronghold.

As the gods discussed, Moragras timely shared some good news.

In the last war, he personally stepped into that new material plane and discovered that they had underestimated its vastness; though his perception couldn't reach its edge or measure the dimensional distance, it was clear that it wasn’t merely a large material plane but likely a supermassive world capable of rivaling the Prime Material Plane!

"A world comparable to the Prime Material Plane? How is that possible?" The God of Wisdom and Knowledge exclaimed in disbelief.

In their understanding, the Prime Material Plane was the center of the void, the largest of all worlds. There had been long-standing rumors among the gods that other planes were once parts of the Prime Material Plane, separated due to some unknown reasons.

But the probability of Moragras lying to them was minuscule, which meant it was most likely true!

Realizing this, the gods present became increasingly excited. A world as vast as the Prime Material Plane represented countless resources, the ability to sustain more deities, and even the potential to birth several new Chief Gods!

With the fall of nine deities, their divine offices and realms had become vacant, representing steps on the ladder of ascension!

It could be said that if they could conquer that world, every deity present could benefit greatly!

However, some of the more rational deities felt a chill in their hearts.

The God of Life and Creation was among them. From the moment they learned about this new material plane, their understanding had been continuously challenged. After each war, their assessment of the wizards' strength would rise. The last war might not have revealed the entirety of the wizards' power.

What kind of terrifying beings could emerge from such a vast world?

A cataclysmic battle that led to the fall of gods and the destruction of countless divine realms suddenly loomed in the mind of the God of Life and Creation.

However, this might also be an opportunity to escape the control of the Chief God…

Meanwhile, in the depths of the grand hall, Moragras’s voice continued to resonate, "Given the current situation, we must prepare for a full-scale invasion. This new material plane is too significant to ignore. It could be the key to our future, a realm that can rival the Prime Material Plane in every aspect."

The deities exchanged glances, their expressions a mixture of determination and apprehension. The stakes were incredibly high, but so were the potential rewards.

The God of War, usually silent, finally spoke, his voice deep and resonant, "We cannot afford to underestimate those wizards again. We must marshal our forces and strike with all our might. This time, we will ensure our victory and secure the future of the Prime Material Plane."

The deities nodded in agreement, their resolve hardening. The mistakes of the past would not be repeated. They would enter this new material plane with all the power at their disposal, prepared for the challenges that lay ahead.

Moragras’s final words echoed through the hall, "Believe me, this will be a battle unlike any other. But if we stand united, we will prevail. Now, prepare yourselves, for the war to end all wars is about to begin."

With that, the light began to fade, and the deities slowly departed, each returning to their divine domains to ready themselves for the impending conflict. The air was thick with anticipation and the unspoken promise of what was to come.

As the great hall fell silent, the God of Life and Creation lingered for a moment, lost in thought. The vision of a new world, ripe with possibility and fraught with danger, danced before his eyes. He knew that the coming war would test them all to their limits and beyond.

But amidst the uncertainty and fear, a spark of hope flickered. For in the heart of every god, there was a desire for growth, for change, and for the chance to shape a new destiny.

With a final glance at the now-empty hall, the God of Life and Creation turned and stepped into the void, ready to face whatever the future held.


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