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Chapter 288: Coordination

White arrows can turn into thorns and spread out as they approach their target, diminishing the target's mobility upon impact.

Initially, the intruder catching the arrow would have maximized its effects, but unexpectedly, the nen-concentrated white arrow was crushed before it could activate its effects.

The moment the nen vanished, Sha was certain that her diffused nen was erased by the intruder through unknown means.

After crushing the white arrow, Luo merely glanced at Sha briefly before charging towards the bear.

"There are two enemies, so let's deal with one first."

Sha, realizing Luo ignored her as a ranged archer, wore a dangerous expression on her face.

Lifting her bow, pinching the string, her nen of black and white converged between her fingers.

Luo could feel the unmasked nen fluctuations at the building entrance. For a ranged attacker like him, reducing nen fluctuation was only beneficial. If necessary, using In to make the arrows invisible would strengthen the attack.

Perhaps the opponent hadn't mastered In, or couldn't afford to, as ranged attacks could be blocked by domains; there was no need to go out of the way to deal with that woman.

With this in mind, Luo fired several nen bullets toward the bear, forcing him to expose his weaknesses.

Within a four-meter distance, the bear narrowly avoided the nen bullets. Taking advantage of the bear's slightly unstable stance, Luo suddenly charged, elbowing fiercely into the bear's abdomen.


With a dull sound, the bear's body was sent flying by Luo's charge, tumbling in the air.

Luo surpassed the bear's position, abruptly braked, and leapt up with both hands joined to hammer down on the tumbling bear.

Another dull thud followed, the bear was smashed to the ground, cracking the surrounding area.

Luo landed lightly, looking at the bear lying on the ground, his life or death uncertain, ready to extract his heart.

If not for the True Master being with the black cat, Luo would have used it by now. This man's nen abilities were not weak, but his physical combat was lacking.

At that moment, the nen fluctuations at the building entrance surged, yet Luo didn’t even glance there, raising his nen-charged right hand and plunging it towards the bear's back, aiming directly at the heart.

A black and white arrow whizzed through the air.

Based on the clear nen fluctuations, Luo could pinpoint the arrow's trajectory, but with his domain active, he didn’t need to halt his actions.

However, the arrow, indeed heading towards his position, was not aimed at him but at the bear lying on the ground.


The arrow was slightly faster than Luo’s hand, piercing the bear’s shoulder first, going through the side of his chest cavity, potentially hitting vital organs.

For a moment, Luo thought the attacker was willing to kill their own ally to prevent him from taking the heart, meaning they knew about his nen abilities? And knew what he wanted to do with the heart?

But this thought lasted less than a second, as a nen barrier burst forth from the bear, pushing Luo back several meters.

"A barrier?"

Luo’s brow furrowed, the nen forming this barrier didn’t belong to the man on the ground but to the black and white arrow.

Despite piercing the bear’s shoulder and organs, the arrow not only didn’t kill the bear on the spot but also formed a protective barrier around him.

"It’s that woman’s nen..."

Luo quickly glanced at the short-haired woman holding a metal longbow, suddenly changing his hand to a palm, gathering strong nen, and stabbing again towards the bear's back, still aiming to extract the heart.

However, upon contact with the barrier, Luo’s palm strike was instantly repelled by a surging force, flying back several meters.

Then, the barrier covering the bear shattered, and the arrow piercing his chest and shoulder also slowly vanished, leaving no wounds.

The bear knew it was Sha’s nen that had saved him, pushing himself up with both hands, shaking his slightly dizzy head.


He got up, looking at Sha standing at the building entrance. If not for Sha's arrow, he might have been done for.

Normally, the two often quarreled over differing views, but when facing a strong enemy, they would set aside their differences.

"This person is troublesome," Sha said, pulling her bowstring. There was no arrow, for she would conjure a functional arrow instantly, depending on the situation.

For instance, she initially intended to condense a white arrow to reduce Luo's mobility, but seeing the bear in danger, she decisively formed a protective black and white arrow, striking the bear and saving his life.

Her nen-powered arrows come in three types:

The first type, white arrows, can spread over an area, reducing the target’s mobility upon impact.

The second type, black arrows, cause intense pain to the target upon impact but do not inflict physical harm.

The third type, black and white arrows, do not harm the target upon impact but form a protective nen barrier around them.

It’s worth noting that the barrier formed by the third type of arrow offers absolute protection, but it only lasts for three seconds. Once those three seconds pass, the barrier automatically shatters and dissipates.

No matter which type of arrow she uses, she cannot use In to erase the traces of her arrows, and must act in a way that makes the enemy aware of her presence.

The bear simply nodded silently. After a few exchanges with Luo, he was thoroughly outclassed and certainly knew Luo was troublesome.


He exhaled a large breath, his nen surging around him.

"Scars Are a Man’s Pride"

Nen in the form of Ren burst from the bear’s body, and the scars on his head and hands began to move, spreading to his face and limbs exposed to the air.

In less than a second, the grotesque and terrifying scars covered his entire body, even his face, marring his appearance.

With his body covered in scars, the bear's nerves no longer registered pain.

This meant no matter what damage he endured, he wouldn't feel pain, whether his fingernails were peeled off, his fingers broken, or his bones crushed.

If this ability could resist any kind of pain, then Luo's plan to use God's Hand to extract the heart and torment him for information would fail. However, there were other targets.

Besides this ability’s effects, the bear’s defense and attack power doubled from their original levels.

His scars originated from others' torture; now, he had become the torturer.

Under the state of "Scars Are a Man’s Pride," the bear regained his footing and stomped the ground, suddenly charging towards Luo. Simultaneously, Sha murmured as she pulled her bowstring, "Black and white are eternal!"

As soon as the words fell, a black and white arrow burst through the air, embedding into the bear's back and forming a protective film on his skin.

Three seconds of absolute defense also became the strongest three seconds of attack!

Unfazed by enemy attacks and unconcerned about his own defense, all he thought about was how to inflict damage on the enemy within those three seconds!

With the protective film, the bear roared and pounced on Luo.


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