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Chapter 287: I'm Here to Find Someone

This is an underground shipyard, built beneath a prison.

A submarine is docked on the water surface, and on the shore, five individuals in black uniforms stand. Among them are the bear and the shark who previously injured Sanbica, along with three others who are unfamiliar faces.

"Intruders?" someone instinctively said.

"I'll check it out," the bear responded, heading straight for the freight elevator.

Klotho Prison is located in the middle of the island, having almost never experienced intruders or escape incidents.

Recently, a woman infiltrated the prison, a notably rare occurrence, but considering she was a member of that previous team, it was not surprising.

Now, with this new disturbance, it seems to be the handiwork of intruders again, right when the plan was about to be executed. Dove, willing to wait a few more hours for that woman, would otherwise have left the prison long ago, without caring for such trifles.

The bear strides into the freight elevator, presses the start button, and the elevator carries him up to the surface.

The shark touches his chin and also heads towards the freight elevator.


On the south side of the prison, an outdoor area, the sound of gunfire tears through the prison skies.

Facing the rare intruders falling from the sky, the prison guards do not wait for the smoke to clear before unleashing the most ruthless and indifferent attacks.

Flames burst forth, with bullets enveloped in high temperatures shooting into the smoke from all directions.

In the smoke, Luo stands upright, creating a field around him two meters wide, stopping many of the bullets in mid-air.

"It looks like I have to go into the prison to find her."

A chill passes through Luo's eyes, and after stopping enough bullets, he reflects them back.

In an instant, the bullets shoot out of the smoke with greater force and speed, heading towards the guards on the walls and in the towers.

In less than a second, all forty-five guards are hit and fall dead, the gunfire subsiding, some tumbling from the high walls, others lying where they fell.

"We should have done this earlier," Black Cat says coldly, looking at the blood-soaked walls.

Luo waves his hand, dispersing the surrounding smoke, and then says in a deep voice, "Help me find Sanbica's location."

"It's been about a week; she might already be dead," Black Cat says nonchalantly.

Luo's gaze suddenly turns cold, the possibility something he doesn't even want to consider. If they find Sanbica's body, he would make sure the prison pays.

He is not a member of the Hunter Association, nor is he Netero, and has no need to care about many things.

He comes from another world and has no need to abide by the laws of this world; destroying a prison, in his view, is nothing significant.

"Wow, that's a scary look," Black Cat says, pretending to tremble with fear, yet his gaze remains calm.

"Cut the crap, I want you to help me find Sanbica's location, got it?" Luo's aura bubbles like boiling water, unstable.

Black Cat floats in the air, shrugs humanly, then coldly says, "I can help you look, but... I need you to grant me permission."

"What permission?" Luo fixes his gaze on Black Cat.

"To kill, of course, limited to the enemies in this prison," Black Cat says earnestly.

"Granted." Luo's turbulent aura gradually stabilizes, aware that Black Cat is looking to take advantage of the situation, but he doesn't care.

Seeing that Luo has granted permission, Black Cat instantly gets excited, transforms into a black panther-like body, and lands on the ground.

After landing on all fours, he dashes into one of the buildings and disappears from Luo's sight in the blink of an eye.

Initially indifferent, after receiving permission, he becomes as wound up as a clockwork toy, more eager than anyone.

Luo watches Black Cat enter a building in the left area and then heads towards a building in the right area.

Meanwhile, an alarm rings throughout the prison, the piercing sound echoing across the entire facility.

Tap tap...

Guards from the other side rush over using the air bridges between buildings and the connecting walls.

Upon arriving, they immediately notice their fallen comrades and then turn their gaze towards Luo.


Accompanied by the uniform sound of guns being cocked, the dark muzzles all point towards Luo below.

Luo intended to release his aura to knock these ordinary people unconscious, but they act decisively. Recognizing the situation instantly, they open fire at him.

The outdoor area is filled with the deafening sound of gunfire, and a continuous barrage of bullets comes at Luo.

This attack, aimed at Luo, becomes their deadly scythe.

Stopping the bullets, then reflecting them back, the ground soon fills with more bodies.

Luo looks around to ensure everyone is down, then continues towards a building not far away, but he stops after only a few steps.

The prison's buildings, taller than the surrounding walls, are orderly arranged in the middle, connected by a series of aerial bridges.

Black Cat has darted into a building in the left area, and Luo has chosen the right, leaving the middle area's buildings to search later.

He suddenly stops because a fierce aura emanates from the building in the middle.

Luo looks toward the middle building, seeing a tall, burly figure emerge from the door, stepping outside, and staring at him coldly.

This is a bald man, over two meters tall, his head covered with scars that make him look ferocious, including his hands, which are also scarred.

The man wears a fitted black uniform, his bulging muscles seemingly about to burst through the fabric, emitting an aura like that of a wild beast.

Bear steps out of the building, immediately smelling the thick scent of blood in the air, then glancing around at the bodies lying by the high wall and on the ground.

Seeing that the guards stationed outside have fallen, Bear remains expressionless, his emotions showing no fluctuations.

"Crack crack."

He clenches his hands, looking coldly at Luo, seemingly not interested in asking about Luo's identity; perhaps in his view, whatever Luo's purpose, it would only end with him dead.

Energy surges, and the aura he emits grows increasingly formidable, ready to attack.

"I'm here to find someone," Luo starts, looking at the muscular man, but stops mid-sentence as the man, without saying a word, charges towards him.

Luo watches calmly as Bear, with fierce momentum, reaches him and raises his hand to snatch at Luo's head.

Luo slightly lifts his eyelids, steps back gracefully to dodge the grab, and then steps forward, turning his hand into a palm, slicing towards Bear's extended right arm.

Bear quickly withdraws his hand, but cannot evade Luo's following attack.


He is hit in the abdomen by Luo's punch, immediately spitting blood and being flung backward.

"Good reaction."

Luo, not giving Bear a chance to recover, chases after the flying figure.

That punch, although defended in time by Bear's use of Nen, was still faster, managing to injure him.

Bear flies back three to four meters, then rolls heavily to the ground.

Upon touching the ground, he quickly uses his hands to push off the ground and adjust his stance, watching as Luo continues his pursuit.

At that moment, a low whisper comes from the doorway of the middle building.

"White is trouble."

As soon as the words drop, a white arrow flies from the side, aiming at Luo's side.

Luo stops, turns his head to look at the arrow coming from the right, unfolds his field, instantly reducing the arrow's speed, and reaches out his middle and index fingers to catch it.


At the building's doorway, Shark laughs playfully, waiting for the arrow to transform into thorns, but the next second, her playful expression freezes.

Suddenly, the white arrow caught between Luo's fingers turns into specks of starlight and disappears into mid-air.


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