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Chapter 286: From the Sky


From that day, Dove assessed that Sanbica's self-preservation state could last about five more days.

His judgment was not wrong; indeed, Sanbica's Nen energy consumption, akin to hibernation, could only sustain about five days at that time.

Today, Dove arrived outside the cell. The dark green area that had filled the entire cell had shrunk to a radius of nearly five meters around Sanbica, signaling that Sanbica's Nen energy was nearly depleted.

The dangerous, dark green, unidentifiable substance was induced by Nen. Naturally, it would disappear without the support of Nen.

Outside the cell, Dove quietly observed Sanbica inside, who was curled up with her knees to her chest, and muttered to himself, "You are mine now."

Judging from the situation, in about two more hours, the restricted area around Sanbica would vanish, and then, by removing Sanbica's frontal lobe, this very dangerous Nen ability could be utilized for his own purposes.

"Don't worry, you will always remain an independent individual," Dove's eyes sparkled as he spoke. He had no intention of integrating Sanbica with a magical beast; rather, he planned to fully exploit Sanbica's abilities.

Moreover, he didn't need to expend extra effort to decipher Sanbica's Nen abilities; just planting the zombie mushroom made uncovering secrets quite straightforward.

"Tap tap..."

Footsteps echoed down the corridor, belonging to Shasha, who carried a long metal bow.

"Ready to go at any moment."

She first glanced at Sanbica inside the glass cell and then at Dove.

"Wait a bit longer," Dove responded without turning his head.

"Because of this woman?" Shasha asked.

"Yes, her Nen abilities are very useful," Dove said, letting out a low chuckle, barely able to hide his excitement.

Shasha knew Dove never did anything without meaning. Since he thought this woman's abilities were worth waiting for, then she indeed possessed that value.

"How much longer?" Shasha pondered before asking.

"I'm not sure, maybe two hours, maybe three," Dove's gaze remained fixed on Sanbica, and a careful observer could notice the dark green area shrinking.

"Alright, we'll wait for you by the submarine," Shasha said.

Half an hour earlier, all the artificial beings in the prison had been loaded into the submarine, which was parked directly beneath the prison, connected to a lake, and from there, the underwater passage led to the sea.

The people at Devil Island Prison primarily used submarines as their main mode of transportation, avoiding crossing the small island to circumvent unnecessary dangers.

Shasha turned and left, leaving Dove with Sanbica in the cell.

Their organization, which had a grudge against Netero, seemed to have made significant preparations for some plan, infiltrating the prison and hiding within, until today they were finally ready to act.

At that moment, the prison continued its regular operations, and the perimeter guards were still thoroughly in place, unaware that their warden was about to leave.


In the distance, a black line appeared in the sky, moving toward Devil Island.

Dark clouds churned and thunder snakes writhed within, confronting the raging waves below, as a storm brewed.

Suddenly, a figure burst from the dark clouds, passing through streaks of lightning that fell toward the sea, heading toward the distant island's outline.

That figure was the Zoldyck family's dragon, and standing on the back of the dragon's neck was Luo.

They had originally been flying above the clouds, following the navigation, thinking they were almost at their destination, when they descended through the clouds, only to find themselves amidst the brewing storm below.

However, having already sighted the outline of Devil Island, it was not long before they would arrive, so there was no need to fly back up through the clouds.

The magical beast dragon flew swiftly, leaving the storm behind in about ten minutes.

Luo, standing on the dragon's neck, glanced back at the dark sky and sea, then turned his gaze solemnly toward the distant island.

The area of Devil Island was vast, but fortunately, Sanbica had sent a message detailing the location.


A black cat emerged from the back of Luo's hand, sitting on his shoulder.

At that time, the defensive force within the walls of Klotho Prison remained strong, with armed personnel in towers and various areas.

These guards seemed completely unaware of Dove's plan, each of them stern-faced, diligently fulfilling their duties.

"A storm, huh..."

In the southern area, a guard noticed the black line on the horizon.

Once one person noticed, a second and third did as well.

But soon, they also spotted a small black dot.

"A bird?" someone murmured under their breath


The black dot in the distant sky was still a long way from the prison, but to these guards, it slowly appeared to be growing larger.

About twenty minutes later, the guard who first noticed the black dot could barely make it out; it seemed to be a dragon-type magical beast.

"It's a magical beast, not yet certain if its path will pass over the prison, but if it does, shoot as soon as it comes into range," one guard said coldly.

In the distance, Luo, standing atop the dragon, could already see the guards on the walls and towers, all aiming their guns at him, displaying a hostile demeanor.

Luo intended to forcefully break into the prison, but he hadn't expected that they were still a distance away from the prison, yet the guards were already planning to attack them.

The soldiers assigned to Klotho Prison were veterans who had been through many wars, each playing the same role in warfare.

Ruthless warfare did not need prisoners; once prisoners were captured, a routine purge was conducted.

The army would always bring a hundred prisoners to a barbed wire fence, where a specific group of soldiers would shoot the prisoners dead, one batch after another, but the shooters were always the same group of soldiers.

The prison guards at Klotho Prison were these war-weary veterans, long accustomed to plundering lives, with no reverence for life. In their eyes, killing an unrelated person was as simple as stepping on an ant.

Yes, these were people who could not integrate into society, only able to spend their remaining days in places like the Devil Island Klotho Prison.


"Tap tap...!"

As the flying magical beast dragon entered the range, the guards on the side walls and towers all pulled their triggers.

Before opening fire, a guard in the tower saw Luo through a sniper scope, but this did not affect their plan to attack the magical beast dragon; rather, it reinforced the reason to attack.

The sniper bullets, traveling faster, tore through the sky, aiming directly at Luo on the dragon's neck, while the shorter-range submachine guns opened fire about ten seconds later, weaving a barrage of bullets toward the magical beast dragon.

These bullets, filled with lethal intent, were all stopped mid-air by Luo, but not reflected back.

"Take me over the prison, don't worry, I won't let the bullets hit you," Luo said as he threw all the bullets to the ground, then patted the magical beast dragon.

"Roar..." the magical beast dragon responded in a low voice.

The black cat added, "He says no problem."

Luo glanced at the black cat, then stared intently at the guards who continued to fire bullets at them.

The opponents attacked first, giving Luo ample reason to kill them, but there was no rush; firearms posed no threat to him, and he would act accordingly once at the prison.

The guards unleashed a volley of bullets at the magical beast dragon, only to find that the dragon was unharmed, leaving them puzzled.

The magical beast dragon was not slow; it quickly crossed the bullet rain and, under the watchful eyes of many guards, arrived above the prison.


Luo thanked the magical beast dragon and then jumped down toward the prison below.

The magical beast dragon roared upwards and headed toward a distant mountain, to return for Luo once he was finished.

Luo, along with the black cat, fell directly from a hundred meters in the air onto the prison grounds, landing with a deafening roar as dust scattered everywhere.

The guards on the walls and in the towers coldly raised their guns, immediately aimed at the dust, and decisively opened fire.

Bullets were the cheapest things here, not worth conserving, and... intruders, kill! Escapees, kill!

At the same time, in the room where the submarine was docked below the prison, Shasha and her group not only felt the vibrations but also heard the loud noise.

Their mark was 'Death Flower,' which had once also been the mark of the Hunter Association's Qinglin team.


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