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Chapter 620: A Bold Move, the Planetary Ranch Project!

Despite harboring grievances, Manager Moni dared not express his dissatisfaction in the presence of the emissaries from the high-dimensional civilizations, and wholeheartedly led the visitors on a tour of the headquarters, built just ten years ago.

The headquarters was not vast, covering an area of about 100,000 square kilometers, situated on a plain and still featuring the distinctive geometric architectural style.

Every time Lynn Maxwell saw these buildings filled with squares, triangles, circles, and various symbols, he couldn't help but critique them internally. Clearly, the technological level of the Geometric Civilization didn’t concern itself with energy loss or spatial utilization; they did as they pleased!

Moni led the group to the main hall, where the walls projected dazzling light screens showing scenes from across the planet.

Grand Wizard Igna’s eyes scanned the myriad of screens, his powerful computational abilities and excellent vision capturing every scene in detail.

In a dense jungle, a ferocious beast suddenly burst out and pounced on a deer-like herbivore, locking its jaws around its neck and killing it on the spot. However, before it could enjoy this feast, it was intercepted by a group of smaller forest creatures. After a fierce battle, the predator fled in disarray…

Atop a snowy mountain, a giant bird of prey swooped down and caught its fleeing prey in its talons…

The scenes of survival of the fittest and natural selection were displayed on every light screen, all under the remote control of the Geometric Civilization!

Moni proudly stated that the planet was dotted with over half a million micro-detectors, capable of real-time monitoring of any area.

Grand Wizard Igna was amazed by the capabilities of the Geometric Civilization. In a way, Moni and his team were the creators of this world’s creatures, having transformed a barren planet into one teeming with life in just over seventy years, a feat unimaginable.

Lynn was also deeply interested in this technology. Establishing an entire planetary ecosystem was no easy task.

In his previous life, although the Federation had also developed planetary ecosystems, the technology was far from perfected. Managing stable interspecies relationships was a particularly troublesome issue.

Creating an ecosystem involved more than just introducing wolves and deer; it entailed integrating millions of species, with the hardest part being the establishment of microbial communities.

Forests, mountains, grasslands, wetlands, freshwater, and marine ecosystems each had their unique challenges. Even pre-modeling with quantum computers could hardly achieve perfection due to the many variables.

A single oversight could lead to a domino effect, resulting in massive die-offs of the biological community, not to mention the difficulty of ecological remodeling in other star systems.

Yet, the technology of the Geometric Civilization was evidently mature. Colonizing a star system required only thirty ships and two thousand people…

Lynn guessed that the other two star systems were probably in a similar state. Although the Geometric Civilization had promised each of their star systems a ‘Life Star,’ it seemed that these were planets that had just completed their ecological circles and were yet to be colonized.

However, this was not entirely a bad thing. If they were indeed ceding significant territories, allowing them to govern a multitude of highly civilized Geometric people, that would be a real headache.

Reality was not a game. Governing a group of aliens with entirely different cultures, languages, ethnic groups, and even forms was exponentially more difficult than merely occupying territory. They were just shells; any mismanagement could lead to disaster.

The Geometric Civilization’s display of ecosystem-building technology also gave Lynn some new ideas, possibly allowing for a rapid increase in power to address their significant lack of magic.

Lynn was considering this when Moni led them into the main control room, explaining various commands and how to operate the surveillance monitors.

Originally, the leaders of the Disc Civilization intended to dismantle all the planet’s technological facilities and throw them into the sun to prevent technology leaks, leaving behind just a Life Star to fulfill the agreement.

However, two years ago, because of their slight probing, the Magic Empire directly opened a portal in Reiven Star, causing the deaths and injuries of thousands of Geometric people. This clear warning made the Disc leaders wary, and they decided to leave the facilities intact, comforting themselves that the other party probably wouldn't care for such low-end technology and it wasn’t worth the effort.

After completing the handover, Moni was about to lead the group away, but Lynn stopped him.

“Next, I plan to establish a planetary ranch here to test the empire’s latest energy bio-modification technology… Since this planet’s ecosystem was built by you, it might be better to stay and research it together…”

The Planetary Ranch Project, though a spur-of-the-moment idea from Lynn, was critically important.

Despite the council’s success in stabilizing the powerful Geometric Civilization and using their power to repel the invasion of the gods from the main world, thereby averting extinction, their own strength was

 still significantly inferior to these adversaries.

With three more star systems now under the Magic Empire’s rule, what they lacked most was magic, the most crucial component for constructing divine realms!

Over the years, Lynn had developed some understanding of magic. Matter and energy could be converted into each other, and although magic came from another universe, it followed the same principles.

The medium was the soul!

Lynn did not intend to harvest the souls of intelligent beings through faith like the gods of the main world did. Instead, the ecological circle created by the Geometric Civilization inspired him anew.

If they needed souls, they could use the Geometric Civilization’s advanced genetic modification technology combined with magic to selectively breed a batch of rapidly growing, quickly iterating powerful magical beasts in a natural state of survival of the fittest.

Every deceased creature would be absorbed into the divine realm and converted into magic. This method was not only efficient but also likely to result in the emergence of powerful individuals. This was the essence of the Planetary Ranch Project!

Lynn’s sudden invitation surprised the Geometric people present, yet it also intrigued them, especially given their interest in the energy bio-modification technology.

Because the researchers of their home world were secretly studying the "Energy Ascension" technology, staying might provide access to some crucial technical intelligence.


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