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Chapter 619: A Century of Efforts, Gone in Flames!

Navigating the vast, boundless expanse of space proved exceedingly monotonous, with darkness enveloping all but the distant twinkles of stars—each point of light representing a star, and their current destination, a star system four light years away!

Fortunately, Lynn had already ascended to the rank of a mid-level deity, enhancing his control over space and dimensions. The speed of the spacecraft had also broken through to a new milestone, reaching twice the speed of light! Even so, it would still take two full years to reach their destination.

Thankfully, due to the time dilation inside and outside the ship, they would not have to wait that long; by Lynn's calculations, it would take about a month.

During this month, Grand Wizard Igna and the others did not waste their time idly; they diligently studied star maps. Perhaps luck was on their side, as their journey remained relatively calm, except for a large-scale vacuum meteor shower, sparing them from other cosmic calamities.

As they approached, the faintly twinkling star ahead grew increasingly larger, signaling their imminent arrival at the destination.

Inside the spacecraft, the group of wizards could barely contain their excitement, as they were about to reach a star domain soon to be theirs!

When only a hundred million kilometers remained, Lynn gradually began to decelerate, and the glowing star finally appeared before everyone.

Unlike the orange-yellow sun they were used to, this star was a brilliant azure, indicating a surface temperature exceeding ten thousand degrees Celsius!

The planet closest to the star, being too near, had turned into a surging sea of lava, rendering it completely inhospitable to life.

However, this star system offered more than just this hostile planet. The Geometric Civilization would not have dared to offer it as compensation otherwise. On the outer orbits of the system lay another planet, perfectly situated in the habitable zone. The Geometric Civilization had even modified it to be highly suitable for the survival and reproduction of carbon-based life forms.

The warship soon landed on this nascent life planet, where seven Geometric beings had been waiting for some time. As soon as they saw Lynn and his companions emerge from the chamber, they hurriedly approached.

"Respected Governor, I am Moni, the manager of the Planetary Ecology and Protection Office. You may address me as Moni," the leading Geometric being communicated respectfully through electromagnetic waves.

The command from their homeworld had been issued over a year ago, dictating that these visitors, possibly from a higher dimension, must be treated with the utmost respect. As long as their requests were not too outlandish, they were to be accommodated—this was a direct order from the supreme leader, and Moni dared not slacken.

After welcoming Lynn and the others inside, Moni had two orbs, the size of human heads, brought forward.

"Governor, these are the coordinates for two other star systems. Activating them will open the corresponding wormholes. The leaders had intended to dispatch a fleet to deliver these to you, but unfortunately, they couldn’t set out in time before you took action..."

Moni subtly implied that there was no intentional concealment during the previous negotiations, but due to the vast distance, delivery had not been timely.

Even though the Magic Empire had demonstrated the ability to accurately project over long distances without exact coordinates, the gesture of delivery was still necessary—it was a matter of principle.

"Since it was just a misunderstanding, then I am relieved," Lynn said with a smile, nodding his head. He realized that his previously aggressive demeanor and the inadvertent display of his ability to crack communications and teleport had successfully instilled wariness in the Geometric Civilization.

With these two coordinates, they no longer needed to travel by spacecraft to the other star systems.

The universe was vast; though traveling at twice the speed of light seemed fast, the distances involved were still measured in light-years. Moreover, upon leaving the spacecraft, Lynn discovered he could no longer use the intercepted communication coordinates to detect the Geometric Civilization’s communication stations established on various planets.

This indicated that the civilization had upgraded their communication systems, meaning he could no longer rely on those coordinates to open spatial gates.

It was timely that these items had been delivered. Lynn gestured, and the two orbs, as if drawn by a force, hovered in front of him, then were disintegrated into fundamental particles under the spell of *Material Deconstruction*.

He couldn’t risk using items freely given by the Geometric Civilization, even though the likelihood of them being tampered with was low—he still had to be cautious.

As Lynn and his companions had been traveling from the Reiven star over these two years, the Geometric Civilization had formulated many speculations based on previously gathered intelligence. Having witnessed the power of the Magic Empire, their leaders were even considering shifting their researchers to study energy ascension technologies.

This was a complete elevation of life forms; from the power of

 the high-dimensional warfare weapons of the Magic Empire, it was clear that transforming into an energy form granted immense control over the micro and spacetime, thus allowing one to achieve incredible feats without any instruments.

In essence, a person could become a powerful interstellar warship.

As complex thoughts flashed through his mind, Manager Moni did not neglect his duties, simultaneously briefing Lynn and his companions on the internal situation of the star system.

This was a nascent life planet, designated number 1700!

The term 'nascent' did not imply the planet had just formed, but rather that it had only recently undergone preliminary ecological transformation.

Before this, it had been a barren world devoid of life, until they, undeterred by hardship, had piloted their spacecraft to drag a suitably sized comet of ice from a light-year away, causing it to collide with the planet. They then dispersed a thin film material into the sky to form an atmosphere to prevent water loss and mitigate the effects of stellar winds.

Establishing the ecosystem was the final and most crucial step. Even with the technological level of the Geometric Civilization, it had taken nearly seventy years to roughly establish the entire planetary ecosystem...

And now, before they could even commence colonization, the planet had been thrown out as war compensation by the Disc leaders, leaving Manager Moni with a deep-seated resentment. After nearly a century of effort, they had to hand it over so readily.


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