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Chapter 618: The Fear of Geometric Civilization

After the initial anxiety, Grand Wizard Igna quickly adjusted his mentality. After all, the opposing force only seemed imposing, but in reality, dared not launch an attack. There was truly nothing to fear.

The space-time portal behind them slowly closed, and Lord Lynn began to accelerate.

Previously, to avoid the spaceship crashing into strange objects immediately after entering the portal, they had maintained the lowest speed. Now, those concerns were dismissed...

The surrounding space, originally slightly concave, became increasingly twisted. As Lynn Maxwell's divine domain expanded, it didn't only affect the spaceship but nearly enveloped the entire city!

The escort ships surrounding the diamond-shaped spaceship were also affected. The crew inside, in panic, discovered that their line of sight for interception and their perception of electromagnetic waves were severely disrupted. The whole world seemed to spin endlessly, losing all sense of direction and time at that moment...

Fortunately, this situation lasted only a few seconds before the spaceship transitioned from extremely slow to extremely fast, breaking free from the encirclement of thousands of protective ships.

The closest dozen escort ships were directly torn apart by the surging space-time vortex. As the spaceship truly entered superluminal speed, Lynn finally put his heart at ease.

Because the speed of light is the upper limit in low-dimensional space, most weapons currently displayed by the Geometric Civilization were rendered ineffective at such speeds. They were truly safe now!

Governor Nide clearly understood this point, yet he was powerless, only able to watch helplessly as they departed, dejectedly ordering his adjutant to send the images back to their mother world...

On the other side, the leaders of the Disc Civilization, receiving the three-dimensional images from Reiven, saw the collapsed energy towers and the dozen torn escort ships. They were both enraged and overwhelmed with fear.

"How dare they? This is clearly a declaration of war!" one of the Disc leaders roared angrily, his body flashing with bright red light, shining like a fiery orb.

The rest of the Disc leaders appeared disheartened. If the other side possessed such technology, why wouldn't they dare?

From the news transmitted from Reiven, aside from the ultra-long-distance spatial jump technology, the other party had even hacked their communication systems.

Before entering through the wormhole, they had 'kindly' notified them in advance, but even so, it had caused casualties of thousands of civilians.

"What is the speed of this spaceship? Has it been measured yet?" the Supreme Leader asked solemnly, deducing from the size and the equipped long-range spatial jump technology that this might be the most advanced flagship of the Magic Empire.

"It's 1.5 times the speed of light..." the communicator answered, pausing before continuing in shock. "No, the ship is still accelerating. It is now twice the speed of light!"

Twice the speed of light...

Hearing this, the assembled Geometricians fell into an unspeakable silence, their scalps tingling. Although they had witnessed a detector reaching 1.5 times the speed of light during previous interstellar wars, that was, after all, just a detector, which was typically much faster than warships used for combat.

But now, this common knowledge was overturned! Or rather, during the last interstellar war, the power displayed by the other side was just the tip of the iceberg, and they mistakenly believed that the Magic Empire had already given their all.

"Since they have the capability for long-range deployment, why don't they go directly to these three star systems instead of passing through here?" another Disc leader, resembling an ellipse, asked in confusion. Moreover, the energy tower was also destroyed, and he suspected there must be some restrictions to open such wormholes.

Most leaders didn't think so. They saw this as a warning, a strong rebuttal to their probing attitude, and a frightening reality—that distance is no obstacle for the Magic Empire; they can strike the heartland of Geometric Civilization whenever they wish!

Governor Tova also firmly believed this. No wonder the other side was so casual during negotiations, not even setting a specific time for delivery. Now, it seemed, they simply did not care nor worry about them reneging!

"Should the rest of the compensation be further delayed?" Tova asked cautiously.

The once colorful and bustling Disc Council chamber fell silent again. They all understood that neither star systems nor warships were merely incidental to the compensation; what could truly interest the other party was likely the Seventh Element.

"Let's send the first batch of materials over as soon as possible," the Supreme Leader sighed. Although the other party had abruptly charged into the heart of Geometric Civilization, causing limited damage and even issuing a communication beforehand, it was somewhat of a relief that they hadn't completely burned bridges.

"Have you made any new breakthroughs in your studies of those diamond-shaped spaceship designs?" the Supreme Leader inquired of the invited group of top researchers.

"Nothing substantial yet

..." the designer, resembling a triangle, communicated awkwardly. The warships of the Magic Empire were too peculiar. After analyzing with a photon brain, aside from discovering that the curvature engine used a U-shaped spatial structure, no substantive gains were made.

Information about the spaceship's weapon system was even scarcer.

The perplexed group of top researchers didn't know that to avoid detection and analysis, the council had not installed any weapons on the spaceship. If they encountered a meteor shower or disaster, they would have to rely on Lynn, a godly combatant, to cope. If a photon brain could figure that out, that would indeed be a miracle!


On the other side, a diamond-shaped battleship, now at twice the speed of light, had successfully flown out of Reiven.

The star system under Geometric Civilization seemed very prosperous, unlike their own star systems, which were quite desolate. Ships numbering in the hundreds of thousands shuttled between various planets, likely used for trade or transporting materials. The brilliant star was enveloped by a massive energy extractor, continuously drawing in fusion energy and storing it.

"I wonder when such a scene will appear on Eternal Star..." Grand Wizard Igna said wistfully.

"Believe it, it won't be long now!" Lynn affirmed confidently.


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