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Chapter 617: Do Not Panic, We Are Just Passing Through!

In the vast universe, within an unknown galaxy, on the second arm, at the star of Reiven, inside the Star Interstellar Protection and Security Office.

Governor Nide, upon receiving a first-level alert from the home world, immediately passed down the command.

"Could it be those damned silicon-based monsters attacking us again?" asked a senior deputy, his shape resembling a triangle, with great concern.

"No, this time it's because of something else!" Governor Nide responded, vetoing the previous concern. "You should remember the special signal we received some time ago?"

"Lord Nide, do you mean the signal sent by the exploration fleet?" The senior deputy quickly recalled.

They were quite astonished when they had first received this message; had it not been for the memory of the optical brain, they would have forgotten it completely by now.

Hearing that the home world had already dispatched a fleet to investigate and calculating the time, they should have arrived by now.

Governor Nide sighed. "That signal was a trap... The fleet sent by the home world encountered an attack by a more advanced civilization and nearly faced annihilation, with only four main ships managing to escape."

To avoid panic, this information was currently only circulated among their ranks, with the lower-level civilians unaware of the war.

"The worst-case scenario would be a small-scale conflict breaking out on the border, but it should not reach us here..." Nide reassured, and his deputies finally relaxed.

However, just as he finished speaking, the ground beneath them suddenly began to shake violently, followed by a terrifying booming sound!

"What's happening?" Governor Nide rushed to the side, looking out through the protective window at the distance.

The giant energy generator towering over the land was collapsing at a rapid pace, and the terrible aftermath of the energy, like a tsunami, broke through the protective barriers, destroying everything around...

A piercing red light lit up around Nide, a display of extreme fear, because this energy generator stored a massive amount of antimatter. If it were all to erupt, the entire planet would be torn to shreds in an instant!

Fortunately, this scenario did not occur. The terrifying energy did not act directly on the planet but shot straight into the sky, tearing the azure sky apart!

Nide's red glow intensified, as he could see that someone was preparing to create a wormhole above this planet!

"War, this is war!" Nide roared angrily. "Immediately communicate with the home world, report this situation up there, and also, get all the orbital weapons ready... Attack immediately..."

His deputies quickly activated the quantum communications, thanks to the previous first-level combat readiness order, the entire planet's defense systems were already activated.

In fact, when the energy generator exploded, hundreds of orbital cannons had already targeted the torn-open sky, and upon receiving the orders, they immediately began to charge up.

The black light of destruction gathered at the mouths of the cannons, each blast powerful enough to bring destruction to a small planet!

At that moment, a square-shaped Geometric being suddenly burst into the Star Interstellar Protection and Security Office, urgently saying, "Lord Nide, we have just received a communication from an unknown direction! They... they say they need to pass through here, heading towards three star systems now belonging to the Magic Empire!"

Pass through?!

Governor Nide was clearly stunned for a moment. Upon hearing "Magic Empire," he immediately thought of something. On the other side, the deputies responsible for communication also hurriedly spoke up. "Lord Nide, the home world has responded, and the Supreme Leader has instructed us not to initiate an attack!"

As they spoke, a massive diamond-shaped battleship slowly emerged from the swirling temporal vortex above the torn sky, with the orbital weapons poised and ready.

Governor Nide immediately snatched the communicator and issued orders at top speed. "Stop the attack, everyone stop... Without my command, no one is allowed to attack!"


"Is this the world under the control of interstellar civilization?"

Inside the battleship that had just jumped out of the temporal gate, Grand Wizard Igna looked at the magnificent city projection displayed on the light screen and remarked in awe.

At that moment, they seemed to be traversing a vast jungle of steel, or more fittingly described, an ocean of numbers.

Various bizarre symbols and strange geometric shapes were presented in the form of buildings before them, layer upon layer, soaring into the clouds. The most eye-catching was a giant metallic ring-shaped building, suspended in the void with no support underneath, the energy required to maintain this state was no small amount.

It was evident that this civilization had reached a fanatical level in geometry.

However, the other crew members clearly had no mood to appreciate the peculiarity and magnificence of the alien civilization, as thousands of defensive ships had already surrounded them, and the sky was dotted with hundreds of orbital cannons, the terrifying destructive energy palpable

 even from tens of thousands of kilometers away.

Lynn, however, was not nervous, for the most dangerous moment was actually when they had just emerged from the wormhole. The other party might have launched an attack due to unclear information or overreaction.

So he had specifically sent a notification in advance to prevent this situation, and now that this difficult moment was past, there was even less reason for the other side to attack!

As Lynn had anticipated, although surrounded by numerous protective ships, not a single one dared to initiate an attack first.

Lynn's main ship was like a lion stepping into hyena territory on the grasslands, while the surrounding protective ships, fearing the lion's might, only dared to posture for an attack, observing from a distance.

This humiliation made every Geometric being watching the diamond-shaped battleship feel fear and anger. In the past millennium, the Geometric civilization had only initiated a first-level alert three times, all related to a silicon-based civilization from another galaxy.

And even during the most dangerous encounter, the opponent had not fully breached their defenses. A coalition of several carbon-based civilizations had resisted fiercely and successfully repelled those silicon-based monsters, defending the enemy beyond the star system.

But today, a battleship from another civilization had boldly appeared in front of them, right in the heart of their star system, and they were compelled by orders to not launch a counterattack, only able to watch helplessly as the opponent flaunted their power among the city clusters...


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