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Chapter 616: How Boastful We Must Be!

In the vast cosmos, within an unknown galaxy, the second spiral arm, leaders of the Geometric Civilization gathered in the Disc Council Chamber through holographic projections, awaiting a response from the Magic Empire.

The details of the war reparations had been settled long ago, but the timeline for the delivery had not been specified in the contract, presenting an opportunity for minor manipulations.

As the negotiator who had witnessed the technological level of the Magic Empire, Tova strongly opposed such provocation, deeply concerned that such actions might invite retaliation. Regrettably, his concerns were evidently ignored.

After all, the reparations were no small sum for a galactic civilization!

Three star systems were manageable, equivalent to a mere fraction of their territory. Even if ceded, it would not be a great loss of face, but the other two conditions were quite troublesome—delivering twenty active warships would essentially mean exposing most of their advanced technology.

Even if the technology did not impress the other side, it could still be used to analyze the warships’ data and vulnerabilities, significantly disadvantaging them in any future interstellar warfare.

The Element No. 7 was especially problematic—it was the last thing they wanted to give up!

So, even though they were in a weaker position, many leaders of the Disc were not ready to hand over these assets, planning to probe the Magic Empire's real intentions and buy some time.

The final delivery date for Element No. 7 was set ten years later, precisely because replicating another miniature black hole would take that long!

Although this probing plan was approved by most of the Disc leaders, allowing some leeway, with a civilization potentially far advanced than theirs, no one could fully relax until an exact response was received.

About one atomic hour later, Tova finally reconnected with their homeworld.

“How did it go, any objections from them?” one of the Disc leaders quickly transmitted.

“There were none…” Tova shook his head, then hesitated before adding, “But they said they would send someone to take over the three star systems tomorrow, and advised us not to be too surprised!”

The leaders looked at each other, startled by the comment.

Could the Magic Empire actually perform long-distance teleportation without coordinates?

Even though a flagship had been captured, its coordinates had already been used in the war, meaning the Magic Empire should not have their precise location.

And yet, they were talking about crossing seventy light-years in a day!

They had already understood what a 'day' meant in their system—a complete rotation of a planet in their star system, roughly twenty atomic hours.

Achieving such a feat of ultra-long-distance teleportation in such a short time was beyond their understanding, only conceivable with a technology still in the theoretical stage.

As the speed of light is the limit in three-dimensional space, achieving this in lower-dimensional space is impossible. It could only be done by projecting coordinates directly from a higher dimension.

For instance, the probability cloud of a free electron, which can appear anywhere in an instant, might allow a civilization that can control such probabilities and has built a model of the entire galaxy in higher dimensions to send large amounts of electrons back, providing enough energy to establish a spacetime channel through quantum entanglement of particles.

Yet, this technology remained theoretical, with no scientist daring to guarantee its existence.

Some Disc leaders even wondered if the other side was merely bluffing, but normally, no one would tell a lie that could be exposed so quickly unless they were very confident!

The supreme leader felt an unsettling premonition; perhaps the Magic Empire's intentions were not as straightforward as merely taking over those three star systems; hence the caution not to be too surprised…

“How long until their defined 'day'?” the supreme leader suddenly inquired.

“About seven atomic hours left!” Tova quickly responded, as the Magic Empire had informed them in the evening; if their 'tomorrow' was punctual, their preparation time was running short!

“Immediately pass down the order to enter the highest alert defense state and have the selected three star systems ready for handover!” the supreme leader commanded solemnly.

Meanwhile, on the Moon, a massive rhombus-shaped battleship hovered over a flat area.

One thousand crew members, meticulously selected, were prepared for the voyage. Raphael was among them, curious about the method Lynn had mentioned. Unable to lower his pride to ask directly, he decided to observe instead.

Lynn, with no intention of concealing, glanced at the time nearing midnight, then extended his right hand—a phantom bottle floated in his palm, a red light flickering within it.

“Isn’t this the communication device we intercepted before?” Raphael suddenly recalled, understanding everything.

Lynn nodded with a smile. He had long discovered that this device was also a stable coordinate, allowing messages to be continuously transmitted to the Geometric Civilization tens of light-years away for thousands of years.

The only issue was establishing a stable channel required both sides to have

 substantial energy sources to warp spacetime. The energy contained in the coordinate was limited; the Geometric Civilization could locate it but not open a portal directly. However, they could solve this problem with magic!

As for the energy sources for entangled particles on the other side, no need to worry—they had likely been placed in many star systems within their territory to meet the energy needs of starships returning through spacetime transmission, connected to the receiving devices.

Lynn could feel the vast energy through the entangled state of particles; they could indeed use this to their advantage!

After hearing Lynn’s explanation, Raphael marveled, then hesitated a bit before speaking. “But… isn’t this a bit too risky?”

Invading their territory directly could lead to being surrounded and attacked, no joke, especially since gods’ powers would be diminished outside their divine realm, risking their downfall.

“Don’t worry too much; the more audacious we are, the less they dare to attack us!” Lynn confidently asserted, since they had already notified them earlier, the chances of being attacked were not high.

This time he must go himself, since now Aila was gone, and the god-powered spacecraft was equivalent to being out of energy, unable to perform faster-than-light travel unless by his divine intervention!


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