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Chapter 614: A Fortune, Becoming a Galactic Civilization of Magic!

Under the severe conditions that Lynn proposed, which bordered on robbery, even the leaders of the Disc Council, who were inclined towards war reparations, found it unacceptable.

"War is the only way to cleanse this dishonor!" a pro-war leader of the Disc transmitted via the highest frequency of electromagnetic waves. Since the opposing side showed no sincerity in negotiations, the only option was to assemble more fleets and wage a full-scale war! Similar sentiments quickly dominated the entire Disc Council. However, the true leaders of the Geometric Civilization, the supreme leaders of the ring-shaped council, were not clouded by anger. Instead, they consulted through a quantum communication screen, looking at the governor who had just been released to mediate these negotiations.

"Tova, you have delved deep into their world; how much do you understand about them and how does their technological level compare to ours?"

"Extremely powerful, truly powerful. Their technological level is something we cannot compete with!" affirmed the governor named Tova. "I believe we should abandon the idea of war and continue negotiations, trying to lower the reparations to an acceptable level..."

"Isn't that a bit of an exaggeration?" a leader from the Disc challenged.

If the technological disparity was indeed so vast, they should have been powerless in the previous galactic wars.

Moreover, images sent from the battleships that reached this star system did not seem to depict a powerful civilization reigning over a star system, but rather a desolate and backward one.

Seeing the leaders of the Disc swayed by these superficial appearances, Tova hurriedly relayed all the information he had gathered about the Magic Empire while in prison.

Using a galaxy as bait, releasing information to provoke other civilizations to attack, and then countering the invasion under the guise of defending moral principles, was a sinister tactic that left many leaders of the Disc deeply shocked. No wonder they always felt that this civilization seemed so disjointed...

Compared to Tova, who believed deeply in the words of the Laitian people he had experienced firsthand, a portion of the Disc's leaders harbored deep doubts and were unwilling to believe that the disparity between them was insurmountable.

"Are you certain you’re not mistaken?" the supreme leader questioned solemnly.

"I have personally witnessed their control over fundamental particles. In just a fraction of an atomic second, they constructed a huge tribunal on the surface of a satellite, and their satellite prisons also corroborated this..." Tova spared no effort in portraying the strength of the Magic Empire, exaggerating deliberately to dissuade the Disc's leaders from waging war.

Under Tova's continuous assurances and embellishments, the initially excited leaders of the Disc had to calm down and weigh the pros and cons of war.

Launching a war with no chance of victory was foolish and would only plunge their entire civilization into an abyss!

"Perhaps only our ultimate weapon can make them apprehensive," Tova ventured hesitantly, the only bargaining chip they could present in negotiations, because it truly had repelled the high-dimensional biological weapons dispatched by the enemy to annihilate their fleets.

Moreover, intelligence sent by the fleeing flagship indicated that the black hole still existed in that void, unhandled, either because it was impossible or too costly to manage... But regardless, it was powerful enough to serve as a significant deterrent and bargaining chip.

Hearing Tova mention the ultimate weapon, the leaders of the Disc showed varied expressions. A man-made black hole was undoubtedly the Geometric Civilization's trump card, even considered a transcendent black technology beyond their civilization level. Because creating it required not only particle and dimensional technologies but also a vast amount of Element No. 7, which had previously been jokingly referred to as the "eternal century" due to the high difficulty of its development.

Now, although they had finally succeeded, the only experimental stockpile had been used up, and it would take at least another decade to create a second mini black hole. For a galactic civilization, a decade was neither long nor short; sometimes, an interstellar voyage could take several years. However, the opposing side might not be willing to give them another ten years. Traveling at 1.5 times the speed of light from the Eternal Star to the border of the Geometric Civilization would take only five years!

This did not even consider technologies like wormhole jumps that could cross great distances in a short time.

Seeing that the leaders of the Disc did not immediately respond, Tova already understood that they probably lacked the capacity to use the ultimate weapon a second time soon.

Fortunately, the enemy might not be aware of this, and they could possibly use intimidation to enhance their deterrence.

Uncertain yet burdened with responsibility, Tova soon led the leaders of the Disc back to negotiations, discussing the bottom line for reparations.

After nearly half a month of blustering threats and compromises, the unique and crucial negotiations that would determine the survival of two civilizations were finally settled. The originally

 planned five star systems were reduced to three, and one hundred active warships were cut down to twenty, with the amount of Element No. 7 reduced from ten thousand tons to five hundred.

Tova had initially wanted to replace Element No. 7 with other rare mineral resources, even maintaining the compensation of five star systems on this basis, given the critical importance of Element No. 7, which was not an exaggeration to call the foundation of Geometric Civilization.

Raphael, responsible for negotiations, had initially been willing to agree, as the proposed reparations were already far beyond their expectations. In the end, it was Lynn who insisted on demanding more, forcing the other party to concede.

Given their previously constructed identity, they needed to maintain a position of relative strength. The more the other side was willing to offer, the more casually they had to act; the less the other side wanted to give, the more they insisted on demanding.

It was in such conflicts that the worst moments almost reached the brink of war, with both Raphael and Tova scared, yet compelled to continue the negotiations.

Although no one hoped for war to truly erupt, they had to convince the other side that they were fully prepared to engage in a major conflict at any moment.

Thus, when Raphael returned from the negotiations, he was somewhat spiritless, yet his face was irrepressibly smiling because they had achieved a great victory without sacrificing a single soldier!

Having secured three entire star systems and twenty starships capable of long voyages, the Magic Kingdom... rather, the Magic Empire, from today onwards, was truly a galactic civilization!


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