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Chapter 615: Lynn: What I am about to do, don't be surprised!

When Raphael returned and announced the results of the negotiations to the Wizard Council, a wave of immense joy swept through the assembly.

They had successfully extorted a powerful interstellar civilization, and the compensation they received far exceeded everyone's expectations. It was like a hardworking wage earner suddenly receiving a massive inheritance; the excitement was indescribable.

The happiest among them were undoubtedly the legendary speakers of the council, for in a sense, a planet represented a divine position.

Now, there were fifteen legendary wizards in the council. Although the most powerful among them, Victorio, had only recently broken through the ninth ring, and there was still some distance to go before the deification ceremony could be held, that day would inevitably come with the current abundance of resources.

However, the star system they inhabited had only five planets, clearly not enough to share. Some of the speakers even worried whether Lynn, who might ascend to godhood first, could monopolize the entire star system's resources.

Now, there was no need to worry. With a bit of persuasion, they had gained control over three star systems. The universe was vast and its resources nearly limitless.

As the speakers prepared to celebrate grandly, Lynn asked a very important question. "When are they planning to deliver these compensations?"

"This was not explicitly stated..." Raphael hesitated, realizing he might have made a significant oversight. The concept of time for interstellar civilizations might differ from theirs.

From previous negotiations and eavesdropped information in the satellite prison, they had understood the basic time units of the Geometric Civilization: atomic seconds, atomic minutes, and atomic hours, calculated based on the natural vibrational frequency of atoms, similar to their atomic clocks, differing only in the elements used. In this case, it was hydrogen, the lightest and first element on the periodic table.

Additionally, the Geometric Civilization also had the concept of a year, roughly equivalent to ten months on their planet, based on one full orbit of their home planet around their sun.

This was probably the simplest and most applicable timekeeping method for a fledgling civilization, retained even after they ventured into space.

Just as Lynn suspected, although the terms of compensation were settled, the other party had no intention of paying immediately but instead offered various delaying excuses.

For instance, the seventh element was in limited supply, and the Geometric Civilization didn't have much in stock. Mining and separation of the ores would take time, so the 500 tons of the seventh element would be delivered in several batches, expected over the next ten years.

As for the ceded star systems, they were only given a star map marking their locations, with no specific coordinates provided, and twenty system-level warships were stationed within these systems.

Raphael was stunned, for from the star map, these star systems were roughly estimated to be at least seventy light-years away. Even with their former divine-powered spaceships, it would take fifty years to reach!

"Are they planning to go back on their word?" Aurora frowned deeply as she looked at the star map.

"No, this is probably just a test," Lynn said thoughtfully.

The Geometric Civilization's territory was vast, and their choice not to pick star systems hundreds or even thousands of light-years away indicated they weren't deliberately making things difficult or looking for faults.

The only issue was the lack of direct coordinates. This test was whether they had the capability to deploy rapidly to unknown regions in a short time. Their previous bluffs hadn't completely convinced the other party.

Raphael was somewhat annoyed. In the negotiations, he had focused on discussing gains and losses, arguing over the scope of compensation and increasing their bargaining chips, but he neglected the equally important issue of timing, giving the other party an opportunity to manipulate the situation.

Of course, the main reason was the immense pressure to maintain their disguise. Inattentiveness could reignite a war, leaving him no time to worry about these minor details.

"You can't be blamed, Speaker Raphael. After a minor war defeat, wanting the other side to bleed heavily, no one would be willing... Even without this, they would have found another excuse," Lynn shook his head. Such minor tests would likely not be infrequent in the future.

The Geometric Civilization would probably continue to observe their subsequent actions. Whether they accepted these star systems or managed these new territories incorporated into their empire would be used by the other party to gauge their strength.

If they found that their actions differed from those of higher-dimensional civilizations or didn't demonstrate sufficient deterrence, trouble would surely ensue again!

"Do we need to make them hand over the coordinates?" Raphael asked, frowning.

"That would be tantamount to admitting that we cannot perform long-distance spacetime deployments without coordinates," Lynn objected.

This technology was obviously very important. If they lacked this capability, even if they could win in direct warfare, it would take thousands of years to completely eliminate the Geometric Civilization since the territorial

 scope of a system-level civilization was vast.

Lynn's words caused the assembled speakers to frown. Without coordinates, they surely couldn't realistically pilot a spaceship for fifty years.

"But luckily, we already have the coordinates!" Lynn suddenly revealed a smile.

Victorio and the others paused, looking at Lynn in surprise. Harof, as if suddenly realizing something, lit up. "Could it be that?"

"Yes!" Lynn nodded. "Although the nearest coordinates are four light-years away, making direct travel impossible, this might be more advantageous for us!"

Raphael listened, confused. When did they get the coordinates for these star systems?

He was utterly puzzled but saw the other speakers suddenly understanding, and he couldn't bring himself to lose face by asking.

"Notify those Geometric people immediately. We will send someone to take over these three star systems in a day. Don't let them be too surprised!" Lynn said decisively.


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