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Chapter 613: Without You, We'd Almost Be Deceived!

From the inexplicable receipt of a message from a millennium-old exploration fleet to the defeat and capture in the interstellar war, and finally being imprisoned in this satellite penitentiary, all the peculiarities they encountered were instantly explained.

Civilizations in the universe are numerous, and due to different environments for survival and evolution, any form of oddity is possible, including highly moral civilizations, which are not uncommon.

Some powerful civilizations possess advanced technologies, never worrying about precious energy resources nor relying on expansion to acquire rare elements. Their actions lean more towards dominating the order of a region rather than engaging in mass invasions and slaughters using their technological supremacy.

The civilization they faced this time likely met the technological standard, but morally, it was another oddity.

The Governor suspected that the Magic Empire's primary intelligent species, amidst abundant resources and long-term stability, preferred peace over war, but the upper echelons did not think so, resulting in a unique defensive counterattack strategy!

If the enemy were to strike first, the war and trial against these evil invaders would be justified, and this was the purpose of the bait!

The more the Governor thought about it, the colder he felt, but thankfully, not all was bad news. Without sufficient reason, the other party was unlikely to launch a massive invasion against their geometric civilization.

"So, you were lured here by this bait too?" the Governor, looking at his fellow prisoner from Layte, felt a sense of camaraderie borne of shared misfortune.

"No, actually, I am the head of an interstellar mercenary group. I was tasked to rescue some felons imprisoned here in this satellite penitentiary, and due to previous agreements, I cannot reveal much. As for the outcome... well, you see it now."

The Laytean sighed heavily. Although he did not divulge details, everything was implied.

The geometric beings felt immense sympathy; no wonder their counterpart had specifically warned them about the deceptive simplicity of this prison—it was based on firsthand experience.

After jointly denouncing the insidious acts of the Magic Empire, the relationship between the two sides immediately grew closer. However, despite their outward friendliness, both sides harbored intentions to extract more information from the other.

The Laytean spoke mostly about various 'settings' of the Magic Empire, occasionally mentioning his experience as an interstellar mercenary before his capture, and how renowned he was, though it was clear there was much exaggeration.

The geometric beings, on the other hand, did not conceal any basic information about the current star system, or perhaps in their view, such low-level information held no value. However, this was precisely what the council lacked most at the moment.

Towards the end of their discussion, the Laytean specifically reminded the geometric beings that after their defeat in this war, the opposing side might demand outrageously harsh terms, then deliberately show weakness to make them believe they had no chance of winning, thereby seizing control of the entire star region.

The Governor deeply agreed, now aware of the opponent's deceitful tactics, they were not to be fooled by appearances.


As they were discussing, within the capital city of the Magic Kingdom, the Eternal Star, senior council members and the speaker were observing the situation inside the satellite penitentiary through projection magic.

Seeing that the other party had been thoroughly deceived, Aurora commented with amusement, "These alien civilizations are rather gullible, aren't they?"

"It's just that they don't understand magic," Lynn Maxwell shook his head. The 'advanced technology' they displayed was indeed effective, especially when preceded by the war, producing such impressive results.

This attempt to extract information using prisoners was undoubtedly successful, explaining the 'backward' state of this star system while acquiring as much information as possible without arousing suspicion.

According to the geometric beings, there are fifteen civilizations in this galaxy capable of interstellar travel, three of which are level-six civilizations comparable in strength to theirs. Since the technological levels are fairly similar, the overall situation remains peaceful.

"It's too vast," Victorio pondered aloud. "Just the diameter of this galaxy is several hundred thousand light-years, meaning even at the speed of light, it would take hundreds of thousands of years to travel from one end to the other. Without wormhole technology, a civilization could be born and perish without ever crossing the galaxy."

"So, what should we demand as compensation?" Harof suggested. "Maybe we should ask for an entire star system."

The other council members were concerned whether the other side would agree, knowing that it meant an entire star system, including a star and several modified planets. They had never imagined before that these massive celestial bodies could also be used for trade!

"Just one star system should be no problem," Lynn Maxwell said casually. The star system controlled by the geometric civilization was vast. During their previous quantum entangled communication, the connected light points alone numbered over a hundred.

Lynn even felt they were asking too little.

 Since he had already told them he would demand a lot, it only made sense to ask for even more.

The 'broken window effect' seemed to work well with most intelligent species.

During his search through the memories of the geometric beings, something particularly piqued his interest—the so-called Element Seven.

It was this unusual element that had enabled the geometric civilization to make a technological leap, becoming one of the strongest in this galaxy.

After hours of discussion, the compensation terms were officially determined—five star systems, one hundred active warships, and ten thousand tons of Element Seven!

When this message was relayed back to their home world, the leaders of the geometric civilization were infuriated. The terms were seen as a humiliation, and Element Seven, the foundation of their strength, could not be easily given away.

In the eyes of many disk leaders, they hadn't really lost the previous star system war. Although they had lost over fifty of the most advanced galaxy-level warships, they had also eliminated the opposing high-dimensional biological weapons. From the look of things, calling it a draw was not an exaggeration...


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