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Chapter 610: Governor of the Pan-Magical Empire's Galaxy, Lynn!

Under the powerful analytical capabilities of the quantum brain, the transmitted image information quickly formed a three-dimensional projection hovering in the circular conference room.

Interstellar spaceships are always a benchmark for a civilization's technology, revealing the depths of their technological prowess through aspects like power systems, aesthetic design, and materials used.

The exteriors of the two spaceships sent for negotiations resembled immense, rhomboid fortresses, with their hulls meticulously etched with elaborate patterns arranged according to some logical design—clearly more than mere decoration.

However, the functionality remained a mystery to the team of scientists, who, even after several atomic hours, could not discern it, including the material used for the spaceship hulls...

Because these two ships had been specially retrofitted over the past month for this negotiation, their hulls were coated with a 30-centimeter-thick special layer made of magical gold mined from foreign realms.

This magical material was fascinating in its own right. While not as hard, radiation-resistant, or pressure-tolerant as the original hull metal, it was hundreds of times tougher than ordinary steel. Most importantly, it had high magical conductivity, working perfectly with the magical arrays developed by Victorio to completely block any form of ray-based surveillance.

Faced with repeated setbacks in materials and alchemy, the designers of the geometric civilization felt a profound sense of frustration, with the only clear aspect being the design of the exteriors.

"I speculate that they might have placed a curvature generator at both the front and rear ends, creating a 'compressed front and expanded rear' U-shaped curvature space, propelling the ship forward..." said a designer, whose appearance resembled a torus. He quickly made this guess based on the ship's design and the detected spatial fluctuations, though he was thoroughly puzzled by the construction of these two ships.

According to the analysis by the quantum brain, a conical shape, smaller at the front and larger at the back, was the most energy-efficient and logical form for a curvature spaceship. Their newly envisioned warships would adopt a similar structure.

However, a civilization from a higher dimension would clearly not make such primitive mistakes. Choosing a rhomboid hull undoubtedly held a deeper significance.

Given their setbacks in materials and alchemy, not a single designer dared to make the laughable claim that the opposing spacecraft had any significant flaws.

They couldn't understand it, suggesting only one possibility—that there was already a significant technological disparity between the two parties...

As the spaceship designers engaged in heated discussions, a spectrum of colors flickered throughout the circular conference hall, with various imaginative concepts being proposed.

For instance, one designer believed that the opponents had intentionally chosen a rhomboidal structure to possibly accommodate a special weapon or to install a long-range orbital accelerator.

Some from the geometric civilization proposed a new idea: perhaps the curvature spaceship was rhomboid simply because this higher civilization preferred this shape, just as they liked circles...

Compared to the designers who were tirelessly pondering the spaceship's structure, the captured beings from the geometric civilization felt even greater pressure as they were escorted under the 'guard' of the two curvature ships to their destination—the Moon!

This was a very desolate satellite, with no large cities or visible defenses, just barren soil as far as the eye could see.

"Is this the satellite prison you constructed?" the governor emitted a soft white glow, unable to resist speaking out. In many civilizations, prisons are built at the core of moons, utilizing their massive hulls as natural protective layers, typically used to detain dangerous galaxy-level criminals.

But looking at the desolate landscape, the governor felt it hardly resembled any of the satellite prisons he knew, which were invariably fortified with extensive defenses, including orbital weapons and planetary-level energy shields, at the very least.

Otherwise, without these protections, how would they even retaliate against an enemy fleet's attack...

Faced with the governor's query, Raphael offered no reply, simply giving a meaningful smile at just the right moment.

The hundreds of captured beings from the geometric civilization were baffled, analyzing the meaning behind his expression, completely unaware that Raphael simply didn't know how to respond.

According to the council's previously discussed strategy, if one didn't know how to respond, a smile was sufficient.

This was undoubtedly a very simple yet effective method. While it didn't solve the problem, it was enough to plunge the other party into doubt and confusion, exactly the effect they aimed to achieve.

"Alright, we have arrived. This is it!" Raphael led the group of geometric beings to a flat area, and with a clap of his hands, the entire ground began to shake.

Under the watchful eyes of hundreds, a grand assembly hall with a blend of magical alchemy and federal design aesthetics rose from the ground. Hundreds of rune-etched pillars encompassed everyone, and the desert floor beneath their feet quickly hardened, becoming as smooth and sturdy as gold.

In just a few seconds, a lavishly transformed conference hall was established

, and soon, thousands of radiant figures emerged on either side of the hall.

These were some sort of unknown energy beings... The governor quickly confirmed this through electromagnetic waves.

The geometric beings were terrified, only then realizing that this planet was not as empty and unprotected as they had assumed; they simply hadn't seen it.

The energy beings appearing in the hall were divine servants created by Lynn in the style of the deities of the main world, possessing quasi-legendary powers. As for the suddenly emerged conference hall... The entire Moon was now under the divine domain's coverage. Not just creating a building, but even conjuring a city out of thin air was effortless.

Orchestrating everything from the shadows, Lynn did not allow these alien beings too much time to think, appearing at the conference table's head via a nearby wormhole, and spoke directly.

"Greetings, visitors from afar. I am the Governor of the Pan-Magical Empire's Galaxy... You may call me... Lynn!"

The Pan-Magical Empire... Galaxy Governor... The governor etched these terms deeply into his mind, realizing that instead of being directly imprisoned, this must be some sort of process akin to judging crimes.


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