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Chapter 609 - Displaying Weakness and Dreadful Details

How to disguise a high-level civilization is a question worthy of deep reflection.

During the strategy meeting, the council members eagerly presented their suggestions. Some proposed constructing immense towers at the reception area for the Geometric Civilization—tall, bright, and grand as possible! Others thought it wise to showcase the council's most cutting-edge technologies, informing the visitors that these were their weakest, most trivial technologies, to intimidate them.

The noisy discussion filled the meeting room, with both outlandish and feasible proposals put forward. The most exaggerated of these came from Raphael, who suggested creating a negotiation site entirely from antimatter.

"Such energy consumption is excessive, and too deliberate!" Victorio shook his head. The opposing side also mastered antimatter technology, perhaps even to a higher degree; thus, this might not intimidate them and could instead reveal our weaknesses.

Harof nodded in agreement. "Our advantage lies in magic; we need to focus our efforts there!"

According to the information they had, Eternal Star was at the intersection of two different universes, where magic—a concept alien to other star domains—could be showcased as the core display of power, likely producing a good effect.

Aurora and Anthony also agreed with this view, but creating an oppressive negotiation site still baffled them.

Just as everyone was discussing, Lynn, who had been focusing on his avatar, suddenly opened his eyes and interrupted. "I've just received some not-so-good news."

The noisy conference room immediately quieted down, and Harof, with a grave expression, asked, "Could it be that the alien civilization hasn't given up and plans to continue attacking us?"

"No, it's not that bad," Lynn replied, shaking his head, then shared the intelligence his avatar had gathered from the minds of those Geometric beings.

Although their fleet was still light-years away, they were not entirely unfamiliar with this star domain. They could capture light reflected from the sun with a special instrument and decode the information it carried.

As they drew closer, the information they received became more comprehensive.

The Geometric Civilization now knew they hadn't colonized the rest of the planets in this star system and at one point considered them a planetary-level civilization without the capability to leave their home planet.

Of course, that wasn't entirely wrong; considering the empire and church's rule years ago and disregarding high-end combat forces, their civilization didn't even meet the criteria for a second-tier civilization under the opponents' evaluation system.

Fortunately, this war should impact the aliens' judgments; at least from the memories Lynn accessed, some of the Geometric beings began to suspect the coordinates received from Eternal Star might be a trap.

Victorio pondered for a long while before proposing a new perspective. "Since it's difficult to mimic a high-dimensional civilization's demeanor, and achieving perfection is not easy, why not do the opposite?"

"You mean, to deliberately show weakness?" Anthony immediately understood Victorio's idea, who nodded in agreement. Since the opponents thought they were a civilization fond of disguises, it might be beneficial to continue to solidify this perception.

Lynn also thought this was a good idea, but it needed something extra...

It would be best to show weakness, yet make the details thoroughly dreadful. "That warship will reach this star system in about a month; we don't have much time left!"


A month swiftly passed, and as the council was busy preparing, in the vast cosmos, an unknown star system within the second spiral arm, a disc-shaped warship over five kilometers in diameter was rapidly advancing towards the target star system.

The distance between them was now less than a billion kilometers. The information obtained from the captured light reflections became increasingly detailed, but no matter how they looked at it, this did not seem like a star system under the control of a higher civilization.

They couldn't see any photovoltaic conversion devices encircling the entire star, and four of the five planets remained in a primitive state, with no signs of civilization.

Could this be a star system just discovered and colonized by the opponent? Yet, it seemed unlikely that even basic infrastructure like photovoltaic conversion devices were absent.

The governor couldn't solve this puzzle, but this wasn't the only thing that baffled him recently. Although they were captives, they weren't under strict control; in fact, no one watched over them, and navigation was free.

Could these people not worry at all about them suddenly changing direction and escaping? Unless... the opponents believed they had no possibility of escape.

Out of this wariness, the governor let the spacecraft faithfully follow the prescribed route, but he still made some secret moves. After restoring the energy system, he secretly communicated with their home world, reporting their capture.

The disc-shaped leaders did not reprimand him but saw this as a rare opportunity to closely understand the target civilization and decide their next steps.

Worried about being discovered, this secret communication was interrupted after a few atomic parts

, and another significant reason was that the target star system was now 'in sight.'

The ship's onboard computer soon sent an alert: two ships, not inferior in size to the main vessel, were approaching at high speed, and significant spacetime fluctuations were detected around them.

"It's indeed a curvature engine..." The governor confirmed again, then hurriedly sent a message. "Quick, transform the appearance of this ship into encrypted information and send it back to our home world!"

He was well aware that the top scientific researchers in their home world were also studying curvature engine technology and were at a critical moment. This existing ship could undoubtedly serve as a good reference.

Just like before, the information was sent without any interference.

At this moment, in the disc-shaped conference, upon receiving the message, the leaders immediately gathered a group of top spacecraft designers, ready to start from the appearance and analyze the opposing civilization's technology level.

If they could find a way to replicate and decipher the secrets of the curvature engine, that would be perfect...


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